Welcome back babe
Thought we'd lost you there for a minute.
I was at the chat in question.
Although it was one of the most horrific ones I've attended
The next 2 day's were probably the best ones I have been to.
Martin I think you just need to get your a*s through the door at the steps meeting.
Step out of your comfort zone
If anyone can embrace it
That person is you.
I'm 100 percent sure. Yourself and the meeting will benefit from your presence.
There's a benefit to you from your exs lying. More quality time with the lad.
Enjoy your week you big hunk you
Happy Christmas Martin, have a lovely time with your son, he's lucky to have a dad like you.
Merry Xmas Martin - have a great time with your loved ones (you have them all around you already)
Just for today - keep that smile on вє
S x
I've not had a bet today or since my last post.
Thank you Sandra for the kind words. I've just been reading back on my diary from this time last year day 92 it was in Christmas Eve and you was there then with some encouraging words and here I am now on day 456 and here you are again popping by with yet more support.
It's invaluable for me to have this diary to be able to look back on how far I have come. I must have been a nightmare to around last year wallowing in self pity. I know some will be reading this and not be in the best place but stick with it it does get better.
It said to Alan the other day that last Christmas was bearable but this year I'm going make it memorable. All the presents had been sorted a while ago but I've nipped out today to buy a few more bits for my lad just because I could.
I won't be seeing him today so might go and put the merry in Christmas later. I'm off round to the old house Christmas Day morning to make pancakes, a bit of a tradition that we missed out on last year then I'll spending the day with my family and then my son will be joining me after he has had his Christmas dinner with his Mum.
id just like to thank all those that have walked alongside me it's been a pleasure I'm not going to thank you all individual I'd take over the forum.
Im no longer ashamed and proud of who I am today.
Just avoid that first bet and it's always better to ramble than gamble.
Ohhh..i didn't realised that :-0 ..maybe a hint for me to get a life lol
Jokes aside....so so happy to read this year round you're in a lot better place to be! Keep on trucking Martin - you're on the right track вє
Best wishes & magic may come your way
S x
Mr ambrose will be turning in his grave.
I've not had a bet today or since my last post.
Well I've had a great Christmas spent with my son and family. Christmas Day at my brothers a lovely meal and some beers and fun games, could sense my sister law getting a bit drunk and made our excuse at about 11, past experience tells me that was a smart move.
Boxing Day a day of sport tackled head on enjoyed it all and not a thought off having a bet in sight. Even went out to watch a band at the night which was great.
The day after went to a house party full of my GA family everyone turned up and was great to meet some partners I'd not met before i certainly let my hair down it's so nice to get together outside of the rooms we should do it more.
New Year's Eve today a full calendar year complete which I'm delighted with. Today's another family day off to the pub in an hour my Dad and Brothers birthday always meet up in the day then go our own way at the night. I've got Jacob tonight so that should be fun.
I remember last nye day 99 and I nearly succumbed to an urge it was my first real one thinking I could win my night out after finding out I wasn't getting the money I was expecting. I came on here while the flashing lights of the fruity where calling me in, thankfully with the support of I Wished I won the fight and went home with the money instead of donating it to the fruity. I returned the favour last night to one of the guys from GA who was about to get into a taxi to the casino, support is out there guys you just have to ask and someone will step up for you.
Have a great new year everyone and make 2017 your year.
Happy new year Oldham.....have a good one.
Morning Martin,
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, i completely failed to pick myself up yesterday and bathed in self pitty big style!
Today is another day and with sanity still intact i shall try again.
I got stressed out yesterday and in the 7hr hour talking to 12th person about the same issue kind of got to me and tears escaped my eyes.
I know that money is not a lot to do with this however every penny is very important to me now i am heading this path of a change..i guess the unexpected expenses just freaked me out yesterday 🙁
Just wanted to say that in the process i wanted to punish myself more with addictions (why i still want to punish myself is beyond me) but i know too clearly where that would of ended up.
I also think i am getting upset for not being greatful for what i have and that just rages me up towards myself even more.
To be honest gambling rearing it's ugly head more often now and am not sure why. Maybe cause i have more time on my hands.
I hope to be moblie soon and at least get out and about a lil. GA or AA is on my list to visit in upcoming week.
I do hope you have had good meeting yesterday. Sounded a little concerned and worried. Hope all went well & you were pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
Keep safe and thank you again for your post.
S x
Yo mart !
Your defo right on that shout. ...I so would have been...followed by the mad rush around about 5 pm
Just to keep my addiction covered ......sounds crazy now...but that's how it was....
Got caught in pjs just now.....New family moved into village.....thought they'd come and say hello after there 4 removal men spent from 6 till 1 here on Friday night ....drinking....eating and attempting karaoke. ...anyway bless em...they went back and told them that the landlady was a legend ! lol
Sooooo I had to explain that occasionally after a busy few days I treated myself to a slob day.....hence the pjs lol
As for the coffee and true movies....tis a girl thing : )
Hope your ok my love did I imagine it ...or have you got your own place now.....I'm probs having a senior moment lol....
Hey hun
That's was h.u.n. in case it was blocked lol
Maybe it wasn't a senior moment...it was a premonition .....
You deserve it and I'm sure youll
Be inviting us all to a flat warming soon. ..
I'll bring the plonk..
Alan can bring the chips..
Deano and balv can be the entertainment....
The ladies can be twinks backing singers ......
: )
I've not had a bet today or since my last post.
It's been a couple of weeks since my last post but everything is going well so that's probably why.
A bit late but happy New year!! I had a good one spent with my family in the day then seeing in the new year with my son which was great.
Like I said I've not posted for a while but I have been around a lot more and reading lots. I suppose that in part is due to doing the 2017 challenge with Deano which seems to have reconnected me to the forum, so thanks to Deano for giving me a nudge. It's going well some great numbers joining and it's given me some extra respect for Gary who did it on his own last year it's not just a quick copy and paste lol.
Had my first official GA meeting since the 21st Dec last night, we did have a social gathering in between Christmas and New Year which was great to meet lots of the guys partners, I had a great time in fact I loved it so much I was last man standing. Then just Tuesday we had a full meeting at a members house as our venue was still closed another great turnout and a great show of unity.
So last night our normal room was open and while I enjoy every meeting every now and then you get a meeting that you feel blessed to have attend. We had a new girl attend and it took me back to my first meeting. The courage it took her to walk through the door was massive, she looked destroyed but 2 hours later the relief on her face was unbelievable. I'm not going into details as what happens in the rooms stays there. Selfishly I took so much from her and in fairness every therapy I heard was first class last night lots of vulnerability and honesty I'm sure it will keep me away from a bet this week. I don't know the statistics but o know lots never come back after the first meeting but I've never rooted for anyone more than this girl last night with the support of GA she can reclaim her life back.
Finally after GA last night I went to be with my son at the old house it was all a bit of a rush but dropped all my stuff off before going to GA. This morning I go to ready for work and I've only gone and left my work trousers at home, going to get them would make me an hour late and I've not got my keys so didn't fancy knocking my mum and dad up at half 6 so non uniform day it is, I'm sure my big boss is out of the office today so I should get away with it, if not she is the sort of person to send me home. Time will tell.
Start a new trend mart. .
Go in your kecks ! : )
Everything crossed for the young lady xxx
Oh my....that was only 3 kisses.
What is going on lol
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