Well.....I waited for a drunken response covered in kebab sauce with a bit of Barry on the side !
Then I saw you had wee man with you ....so quite understand 🙂
We sure do have some giggles..but then....it's our new lives were living....and boy. ..ain't it great. ....yep...this get together has got to happen...have a good week love....will probs catch you on the other side with some usual nonsense ! x
Congratulations on your 500 days GF, Oldham!
And hope you're alright. You were a little, erm, lively in the webchat last night! But we are all entitled to an off-day every now and then. So long as it's a GF off day, of course!
All the best mate.
Had to travel all way to page 5 to find your diary!
How's everything going pal
Thanks Oldham 🙂
Yo Martin...
Just checking my diary from last year this time...saw the spud peeling post....anyhow..made me think of you so thought id take a trip over and say hellooooooo....
I’ve not had a bet today or since my last post.
That last post was 2 months to the day ago, how times have changed I used to post daily when I first joined here, I still read on here a few times a week and obviously I’m doing the 2017 challenge which I suppose keeps me checking in, if I wasn’t doing the challenge would I have drifted away completely, I don’t know maybe. I very seldom go on the chat anymore, again I was on their everyday I suppose you can only say the same things so many times and I’ve no new gambling war tales to tell. I’ve tried to get back into the forum but I’m way to far behind what’s going on, I clicked on one diary today and had over 100 posts to read to get up to date. I just can’t give here the time I used to but that’s down to this place gifting me that opportunity of getting my life back on track. This sounds like its turning into a farewell post its not lol, I still read a few posts and if I see fit I’ll offer my opinion.
So what’s change for me the last 2 months, I’m enjoying life maybe a little too much at times. I could do with saving a bit more than I am to be able to get a place of my own in the future but I’m coping ok where I am, to be honest I’m hardly at my mum and dad’s, I’m either out or staying at the old house looking after my son. The ex is working 4 nights a week so I have time with him then and Sunday has been agreed as the day she goes and stays with her new fella, that’s not worrying me I happy for her to move on and for me to be single at the minute, its suiting me fine. Its means I see my son at least 5 times a week if not more and when I do see him the time I spend with is quality time. When this all come out 18 months ago I was worried how it would affect him but I needn’t have he’s doing great, he always been a level headed lad and that is showing and he’s always been academic and it was a concern that the break up might affect his education but he’s only getting stronger, in the last 2 months he’s been selected to represent the school on both Science and Maths. It’s his Birthday in a few weeks presents already got noting outstanding but stuff he’ll be happy with.
I’m still attending GA weekly with the odd extra meeting throw-in for good measure. I’ve found myself giving a lot of time to some struggling members from my group and it’s been good to see them grow. Being in contact with someone in real life is defiantly helping me and I know the support I’m giving people is helping them, to see people beginning to blossom again after being down trodden is beautiful to see. We had an open meeting last week and I had the privilege of chairing the meeting, quiet intense seating in front of 60 odd people but I really enjoyed it, giving recognition to those who have hit a milestone a couple of one a two years gamble free and a six and nine years, it’s no fluke they have got to the length of time, still putting the effort in a attending regular meetings. I was told very early on in my recovery GA doesn’t fail you, you fail GA by not giving it your commitment.
I’ve had very few gambling thoughts, Cheltenham was a lot easier that last year but was still there but I focused a lot of my time on a GA member who has always struggled with it and we both got through it in the end and thought what was all the fuss about. With the switch of the racing over to ITV I have noticed a lot of GN adverts but that will come and go again before I know it, it was never a big betting race for me, would I like to have £1e.w on Saturday yeah, but 15 mines of fun aint worth it. One thing that has kept jumping into my mind is the lottery, I was never a regular player but used to occasionally have an odd go at the weekend, what’s been getting to me I will never have that dream of being able to land lucky and buy the big house, car luxury holidays retire early lo I know it’s all just a dream but it was nice to think that that might be a possibility one day, on reflection would it be a good thing would all that money make me happy, short term maybe but I’m enjoying life at the minute why spoil it you can’t miss what you don’t have.
I’ll try not to leave it as long next time.
Great post Martin...You must be so proud of your lad!
You posted in my diary a couple of days ago when I confessed to my relapse and I thank you hugely for that, I've been trying to get around to everyone who gave me much needed support but the robot thingy has been doing head in so it's a slow process lol...
I'm in a much much better place now mentally than I've felt for a very very long time, perhaps I needed the relapse to reiterate that gambling offers me nothing.
Thank you again Martin, the support given by yourself & many others here truly makes a difference.
Take care
Mari xx
I've not had a bet today or since my last post.
Thanks Mari I'm massively proud of the young man he is turning into.
Not a huge amount been going on had a week off work which was needed, felt like things where starting to annoy me the break has done me good. Just chilled out really a couple of trips out thick was nice.
The mood changed a bit yesterday with my Dad taking a funny turn, insisted on him going to the hospital as I wasn't liking what I was seeing, turns out I was right looks like he had a mini stroke, seems ok now but was hard to watch. He might be in his late 70's but he's always been healthy and seemed invincible to me, I've never seen him so worried. See what the test bring in the next week or so just happy that I'm here to help him and support my mum rather than being stuck in that gambling bubble.
Time to go and meet me lad and take him to spend some of his birthday money from last week.
Hey mart..sorry to hear about your dad...hope he makes a full and swift recovery....and I'm sure there both so glad to have you at home with them to look after them...see...just were your meant to be at this time hun...
A week chilling...just what we all need sometime ..and I hope that lovely lad of yours enjoyed his shopping trip...
Don't forget to look after you...mum and dad need a prop up now...big hugs xx
Hello you old so,d :))
How you doing old buddy ? Was just posting to someone else and saw your Kentucky fried chicken logo pop up :)) .
Loxxie said your behaving yourself these day's which is always good to hear :)) , I'm sorry to read about your dad Martin ,I hope he's feeling a little better ? , I know how first hand how T I A 's and strokes can be as it all happened to my mum so my best wishes go out to you and your's old friend xx.
On a brighter note I believe young Deano will be released from HMP Gamcare anyday soon now so I might see his post's about sooner , rather than the timewarp that he's in at the moment :)) , Perhap's we should club together and by him a shovel ? .
You can't believe how bored I am at the moment , 3 weeks off so far and about another 8 to go ! Sound's great but there's only so many box set's you can watch FFs :(( . I can't even walk the dog's in the sunshine in a pair of shorts because I'd get laughed at with my Deep vein Thrombosus stockings I have to wear for 6 weeks , perhaps I should take a holiday in Germany I'd fit right in then , must remember to pack my Sandals :)).
Take care brother and talk to you soon xx
Hello Martin,
I've been intending to pop along.
I missed your post when you mentioned your pops. Sounds like we've got the same one, same ages and inivincible. A pair of tough boots. But like you said your not stuck in some gambling haze and your stepping up. Admirable, infact without being soft, admirable is becoming quite an admirable trait of yours .... 😉
A random to finish this post -
It's better to ramble than gamble as gamcare is the place to binge rather than a gambling whinge
600 not out , top work from a top bloke have a good one bro x
Nice one Martin
Nice one Martin...
Mwahhhh x
Dean0 wrote:
600 not out , top work from a top bloke have a good one bro x
Congrats oldham. recovering not recovered as my sponsor keeps telling me. well done tri
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