B*****k's to Gambling! JP.x

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Hehe... Well back from a short visit and I myself am gonna take it easy! Few beers in the fridge, takeaway later and loads of silly things to do!

Great this feeling without having to think about gambling, believe me its there at the back my head but I just know I am gonns have a fun day without that!

Now, time to start working on getting myself a woman again! lol

Ok, so I am debating whch leatherjacket to buy, Thought I would treat myself, it is around £375.00 but I feel I deserve it. Not bought much for a while big money wise. So I went to this website and located an amazing one, they take your measurements and make it in italy, 100% Nappa leather, but the problem is which one to choooosee!!! They are all amazing styles. They do replica movie ones too. So I'm gonna chill over a beer and decide.

The only problem is, putting all these blocks in place means i cannot pay for it with my card online! Darnit! Hehe Oh well, I will draw the money out, put it in dad's account and order with his debit card.

Always a way.

Well, I will catch up with everybody a little later, gotta decide which jacket I am gonna have! The Fight Club replica is looking number 1 at the moment....

Dotty, love that South Park quote from Cartman.

"You get your big f** a** back in the Kithen B**** and make me some Jellied eels and mash and Liquor Pie!"


Posted : 15th October 2012 1:54 pm
Posts: 0


A leather jacket eh... All you need now is your olivia newton john and your sorted .

Enjoy your day, you sound like your in a really good place at the moment, great to see you sign up for flaggs next challange its something to keep us all focused over xmas.

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 15th October 2012 3:53 pm
Posts: 0

lol love that south park meself. good for you with getting yourself something ya really want. jacket sounds like a good gift to yourself and so does that beer. happy shopping

Posted : 15th October 2012 4:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hey JP...

The fight club swag sounds cool...could get pair of aviators and vintage flying jacket and get all retro Top Gun...lol

keep posting...hope you get sorted with a lady friend.

R and D xx

Posted : 15th October 2012 4:19 pm
Posts: 1423


Thought I would just offer u some more support makes me so happy seeing people doin so well in their recovery and also notice u support others to , its people like u that make this site work as good as what it does

Keep goin ur doin great


Posted : 15th October 2012 7:28 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella, I hope you gamble free enjoyed the rest of your day my friend.

Can see your gamble free swagger in that jacket!!! Love it !!

I used to fashion a leather coat, today a gortex is more my style lol!! Do love a flat cap, well a baker boy to be precise, goes with that whippet of mine lol

Keep making that choice just for today.

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 15th October 2012 9:30 pm
Posts: 521

Hi JP,

Thanks for posting on my diary, it was much appreciated. Just been reading through your diary and you are in a good place at the moment.

How did the leather jacket selection go? Great to see you treating yourself and that you still have those blocks in place.

Lets march on now together until xmas, each step of the journey is one to saviour.


Posted : 16th October 2012 12:15 pm
Posts: 0
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Hey all,

Thanks for all yor support, my head hurt's sooo much this morning, hate hangover's...

Well, proud of my purchase but have to wait three weeks or so until delivery, they are currently making it riht now, yippeeee.... was tough choice, here is the one i ordered.

I do like another one so will but myself this one also if I reach Flaggs goal...

also have to go out and buy myself a new keybord due to vodka spillage my a and some numbers now do not work (exclamation mark here) thats not working too (exclamation mark here). had to copy and paste a each time. lol

onwrds till xmas, time to cure a nasty hangover (exclamation mark here)...


BetFree since : July 22nd 2012

Day 88

First Target - 01/01/2013 -76 days

Posted : 16th October 2012 1:04 pm
Posts: 0

hmm very nice. !! And the jacket is not bad either lol.

Its great when we start to use money to enable us to do or get the things we want, I think you should feel a real sense of achievement in saving for something and making your money work for you.

Wear it with pride JP.


Posted : 16th October 2012 8:18 pm
Posts: 0


Ummmmmm 'twas thinking the same myself blondie .

Right now Pete, I am seeing you a very different light .

Go get ummmmmmm tiger !!!!!!!!

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 16th October 2012 10:48 pm
Posts: 0

good choice there pete....retro biker

you gonna wear the hoodie too as in the pic?

r and d xx

Posted : 17th October 2012 7:47 am
Posts: 4422


"nice threads"

Enough said.

And why my friend,because Today you made a choice,just for today.


Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 17th October 2012 2:38 pm
Posts: 0

sweet jacket. ahhh, maybe loaner out to me bud. lol yeah, what size ya wearing now days?

Posted : 17th October 2012 4:31 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning all,

Not much time due to work at the moment, getting extra hours in due to short staff so all go.

Cheers all, Duncs I now have a mental image of you with that cap! Hehe. The jacket is a replica from a movie game called Prototype if any of you remember that or know of it...

Assiam anytime bud, you can borrow! hehe

Dotty. Not sure about the Hoodie! lol However I am sure one of my 70's retro Flower power shirts with huge collars should suffice! Haha

Well off to work, another day gamble free for me! Have a great day all cya later!

BetFree since : July 22nd 2012

Day 90

First Target - 01/01/2013 -74 days

Posted : 18th October 2012 5:22 am
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary,

Work, work work... Looking forward to weekend off so I have abit of time to catch up on reading a few diary's, helps me a lot...

Still all good, feeling very positive, it's very strange when I finally put my mind to something that I am actually getting some results for a change, my interests, and attention span is abysmal so I generally last one or two day's at everything I set out to do so must admit am proud to be nearing 100 days clean as a whistle!!! I guess that probably comes down to me having depression most of the time (that was the bad thing I inherited through my dads side, grr)...

I feel, if I keep busy and keep with the blocks, I should be ok so onwards and upwards...

Peace for today all!


BetFree since : July 22nd 2012

Day 91

First Target - 01/01/2013 -73 days

Posted : 19th October 2012 5:50 am
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