Changing for the better

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Well, something new to focus on! Anyone else discovered their posts aren't in order?? Although by the time someone else reads this, that may have changed and make me look a total a**e!!

That aside, a good day all in all. Now chilling with a Pepsi Max. Living the dream......


Posted : 28th October 2014 9:11 pm
Posts: 243
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Morning all!

Getting used to the new layout now. It seems to work a lot better on a laptop than on a phone, but some good additional features though.

Went to the driving range on the way home last night instead of diverting to other places. Worked on straightening the driver out. If only that could be carried onto the course I would be a happy chap! Thought about playing this afternoon but as it's now lashing down I think I will give that a miss and stay in the dryer conditions of the office. Shame really as yesterday was a lovely day but didn't have time.

Still, no thoughts of returning to the FOBTs today. the further away I get the stronger I feel, but have been there many times before. Whenever I get the urge after work now, I will be going to the driving range!

Have a good gamble free day all.


Posted : 29th October 2014 10:33 am
Posts: 243
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A gamble free day yesterday, with the somewhat delayed homemade curry from Monday!

No thoughts of gambling today, just a day currently filled with unnecessary grief and aggravation that stops at my door! Would be really good if sometimes people could actually think for themselves and take some bloody responsibilty for what I pay them for!!!! Grrrrrrrrr.......................

I guess it keeps me otherwise occupied, which at present is no bad thing.

Have a good gamble free day all.


Posted : 30th October 2014 11:11 am
Posts: 243
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Day 29 begins....

Payday, not that it concerns me, as it is pretty much all gone! I have always paid all the monthly outgoings whilst the better half deals with the weekly stuff. So one side of the gambling triangle, money, is removed.

My goal now is to try and go one complete pay cycle without a trip to the FOBTs. I haven't managed that for a long time and am looking forward to the fight!

Good luck to all with your recoveries.


Posted : 31st October 2014 8:55 am
Posts: 0

Morning mrt,

Well done on 29 days,

Stay strong positive and focused and keep moving forwards, one day at a time, and those debts will slowly but surely come down and that is very positive for you.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 31st October 2014 9:12 am
Posts: 243
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Morning all

Thanks for the post Suzanne.

Long day yesterday, 15 hours or so at work and back in at 7 this morning. Looking forward to chilling this afternoon, unless a list of chores presents themself when I get home in a couple of hours!

No thoughts of gambling today, focussing on the month ahead.

Have a good day all!


Posted : 1st November 2014 11:18 am
Posts: 243
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Morning world!

What a bleak, typical November Sunday! Off out to get some makings for lunch. A sense of normality has returned to my life. Not at all mundane, but nice, everyday family stuff. Would've seemed quite dull a few weeks ago, but I'm savouring every minute of it.

Looking forward to this afternoons Grand Prix. Shame a couple of teams won't be there because of financial issues. Hopefully the rumoured boycott by other teams doesn't happen.

Have a good Sunday all.


Posted : 2nd November 2014 10:32 am
Posts: 243
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Thought I would post from the laptop today, at least it might allow me to use paragraphs which my phone doesn't seem to like on this new site!

Good day yesterday despite the foul weather. Finished off nicely with a great win for Hamilton in the US. Well done son!

Back at work today, having enjoyed my 38 hours off at the weekend(!), and ready for whatever challenges the week ahead will bring. Might try and leave the office at a reasonable time this evening and have a knock at the driving range. Doubt I will get a chance to get near a golf course in the next three weeks so need to keep some rythm and fitness going somewhere along the line.

No thoughts of anything else today, just content with my lot at the moment.

Have a good day in your recoveries all.


Posted : 3rd November 2014 1:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi mrt,

How positive is that, just content with my lot, well done, keep going and stay positive and determined.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 3rd November 2014 2:50 pm
Posts: 243
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Back to posting from the phone today, so apologies for the lack of paragraphs! Day 34 begins then, bit of running around to do. At least the weather has bucked up a bit so I shouldn't get soaked! Although I will be out, have kept cash to a minimum, enough for the car park and maybe a bit of lunch! Can't go without lunch so no intention of wasting it elsewhere. Have a good gamble free day all. M

Posted : 4th November 2014 8:23 am
Posts: 243
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Day 35 nearly drawing to a close. Hectic day at work, still here and probably will be for a while yet.

I am struggling to understand how I made the time to spend many hours a week on FOBTs. I can only assume I must have neglected many important things and people.

A big target, for me anyway, is to have a "clean" pay cycle. 23 days and counting then! Though still only going to really focus on one day at a time.

Each day is one small victory for me and another defeat for the greedy corporate b@st@rds that run the betting companies!

Have a good bonfire night all.


Posted : 5th November 2014 5:38 pm
Posts: 243
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Did post earlier but it seems to have disappeared into the ether!

36 days done, very pleased.


Posted : 6th November 2014 7:15 pm
Posts: 243
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Bad day at work! Thumping headache and still loads to do tomorrow. Be good if others had a bit of self motivation and enthusiasm sometimes. Think back 20 odd years to the time I used to put in, seems the younger ones want everything immediately without the graft. Anyway, rant over on that front! No detours on the way home like I would've done previously to unwind, don't know why I used to do that as would have only ended up more wound up! Chilling now, maybe a Guinness or three to follow.


Posted : 7th November 2014 7:06 pm
Posts: 243
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Work finished until Monday. Bit of shopping, bit of rugby, bit of F1, few fireworks (depending on weather!), then much Guinness!!

Have a nice weekend all.


Posted : 8th November 2014 12:50 pm
Posts: 243
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Today is day 40!

Most of yesterday spent chilling after "much Guinness"! No thoughts of gambling, nice place to be at the moment.


Posted : 10th November 2014 9:48 am
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