Changing for the better

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Day 41 nearly done.

Good night last night. Maybe slightly too good for a school night, but sometimes the job calls for a bit of customer entertainment!

A couple of challenges over the next four weeks which will really test my resolve. Think I've got the one next week covered, but a customer function at a casino in 4 weeks time might be a toughie! Not going is not an option, but think I have a good solution to prevent any damage. Not going to worry about that yet though. Just going to enjoy the gamble free time, one day at a time, whilst not letting complacency slip in.

Have a good evening all


Posted : 11th November 2014 5:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi M

Good to read you have 41 days under your belt, only 9 til that big milestone of 50.

Keep enjoying your gamble free time, and keep starving that horrible addiction, well done


Posted : 11th November 2014 5:07 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for your post

Have a great gambling free evening

Suzanne xx

Posted : 11th November 2014 6:10 pm
Posts: 243
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By the close of play this evening that will be 6 weeks gamble free.

I have changed a lot in that time. I'm happier at home, I no longer feel the need to waste time, effort and cash chasing the impossible dream. The beginning of this week I restructured the finances which will mean surplus cash at the start of the month instead of juggling PD loans and cards. For the first time in many months I will not have to fret on payday, taking more PD loans out as soon as they have been paid just to cover the mortgage.

The relief is unmeasurable. This would not have happened had I still been in the grip of gambling. I will not become complacent with the surplus however. I will take some out as soon as it is available and let the other half have some for Christmas for the kids. This money is already promised and committed and so past the point of no return. Also will buy a load of savings stamps at the local Morrisons, also to be used at Christmas. I will treat myself to some material item as well just as a little reward.

No going back, why ruin this moment.

Have a good day all


Posted : 12th November 2014 11:00 am
Posts: 243
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6 weeks ticked off then. I guess I have saved somewhere in the region of £2-3K in that time. Well when I say saved, I mean not lost which is much the same thing.

Although still one day at a time, next target will be the half century, which by my reckoning is Friday next week.

Bring it on!


Posted : 13th November 2014 10:05 am
Posts: 243
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Gamcare - What has happened to paragraphs??

Posted : 13th November 2014 10:06 am
Posts: 243
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Err, not a lot to say today that's any different.

Have posted on a few newcomers diaries, most a lot younger than I. Hope they find the resolve to abstain at their age. I'm just pleased FOBTs and online nonsense weren't about when I was that age.

So onwards I will plod, one day at a time. Looking forward to this time next week. Couple of things will be out of the way and I'll be on day 50.


Posted : 14th November 2014 11:43 am
Posts: 0

Hi mrt,

Onwards plodding one day at a time is a good way to be, well done on your days.

Stay strong And positive,

Suzanne xx

Posted : 14th November 2014 1:02 pm
Posts: 243
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Listening to lots of stuff on Radio 1 about problem gambling today.

They've just had a representative from some Bookmakers Association explaining how all their staff are trained to spot problem gamblers and that the majority of their customers don't have a problem.

First point, not once in the 7 years that I was going into those shitholes did any of their staff ever ask if I was ok or maybe even suggest that I had perhaps spent enough. I was asked, often, if I would like a tea or a coffee. Obviously to keep me in there. I don't blame the people who work in the bookies for two reasons, one I made the choice to go in there and secondly they face enough abuse from some punters for a meager wage and not enough training.

Second point, whilst I don't deny that the majority of their customers are unlikely to have a problem I would suggest that the majority of their all important profit comes from problem gamblers. Are they really interested in the punters that come in and spend a couple of quid on the dogs or maybe the one that puts a tenner in a machine? If that is all they are interested in then why open shops of the same brand with a few hundred yards of each other just so they can put as many machines in them as the law allows. Also, why stay open till 10 at night??

Unfortunately the vile individual who was being interviewed was using statistics to prove this that and the other. Statistics can be used to prove or disprove anything. He was also keen to labour the point about the £6M they have donated to gambling charities.

Perhaps this t**t ought to visit a few shops, or read this forum, to see what good they do!

Right, rant over.


Posted : 14th November 2014 1:10 pm
Posts: 243
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Another weekend and another great family day.

Got to watch the rugby earlier, took on board Guinness (seems to be a prerequisite when watching rugby!), now having to endure X factor!

Perhaps more of the black stuff may numb the pain!

No thoughts of gambling at all, life is good.


Posted : 15th November 2014 8:59 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Mrt,

I appreciate your recent help and support.

Good to read that your doing well and that life is good and your enjoying a bit of the black stuff.

Regards... S.A

Posted : 16th November 2014 8:56 am
Posts: 243
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Chilling out before a tough few days. Gamble and Guinness free today, need to have a clear and focussed mind. All work stuff, but still challenging sometimes.

Roll on Wednesday when a sense of normality can return.


Posted : 16th November 2014 9:18 pm
Posts: 243
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Busy few days away with work.

Managed to stay safe despite a bit of pressure to join a group of colleagues at a casino.

Very tired now, just pleased to be on day 48.

Take care all


Posted : 19th November 2014 2:18 pm
Posts: 243
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Morning diary.

First milestone today, half a century and not out!

Nine days to go until one complete pay cycle has been completed, gamble free.

All's good!!


Posted : 21st November 2014 7:32 am
Posts: 0

Hi m

A big congrats to you on your first milestone, 50 days you should be very proud.

Have a great day

Suzanne xx

Posted : 21st November 2014 7:36 am
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