Diary 1st entry, Repeatedly letting down everyone who has supported me.....one day ill lose everything

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Day 10

No gambling today

Still knackered from yesterday, cant be bothered to even think about gambling

Posted : 25th November 2011 6:50 pm
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Being busy is good. Just remember to chill once in a while!


Posted : 25th November 2011 6:57 pm
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Feet currently up whilst flicking through film trailers on you tube

Well chilled 🙂

Posted : 25th November 2011 7:36 pm
Posts: 899

Congratulations on hitting double figures. Just keep the days ticking along one-by-one and you'll be fine. Every day you don't gamble is a day of money saved. I am thinking less and less about gambling as the days and weeks pass, but I know it will raise its ugly head at some point so I am keeping my guard and not letting myself became complacent. Make sure you have a gamble-free weekend!

Posted : 25th November 2011 11:32 pm
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Yo Pelle!

I have to say theres been less thoughts of gambling in this run than the last one, mainly down to that videa you posted on your site

It was a great docuemntary and it really opened my eyes

You have a good gamble free weekend as well


Posted : 26th November 2011 10:06 am
Posts: 0

Don't ever become that bloke on that documentary again. I know I won't.

Enjoy your day.


Posted : 26th November 2011 12:06 pm
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Day 11

No Gambling today

Had to do some work in the morning, then i hit the gym

Then i watched the football and my b*m didnt leave the sofa from about 2.30 until bedtime......not productive but bloody enjoyable!!

Onto day 12

Golf, football, dinner with the gf and bed.....thats the plans!

Ive had money to gamble all of the 11 days that have passed....but i havent gambled it.



Posted : 27th November 2011 10:29 am
Posts: 0

Very well done mate. Keep with it. You can beat it. IanB.

Posted : 27th November 2011 12:33 pm
Posts: 0

Just checking in mate, hope you are ok, had a weird weekend, feeling a bit negative at the moment but i suppose that is to be expected after giving my 25 days up. stay strong.


Posted : 27th November 2011 7:45 pm
Posts: 355


Just catching up with your diary after 3 weeks away. I see there's been some 'activity'...

Sorry you had a blip but, honestly, it could be a positive thing. Did you enjoy dipping your toe back in the water? You had the perfect experience. You lost it...won it all back (how good did that feel?)...then lost it again...then realised what you'd done. Was it all worth it? Or do you wish you'd not even started again?

Not that I'm any type of expert. Actually, I'm angry with myself because you basically described what happened to me recently. It sucks that it happens (and I lost thousands in my recent relapse), but at least we can learn from it. We've finished! Finito~! gambling is no more!

congrats on 10 days


Posted : 27th November 2011 11:01 pm
Posts: 899

Good luck for the week ahead. Smash your way through the two-week barrier and into the month of December. Once you get the days rolling, you'll not want to go back to Day 1 again. Enjoy your week!

Posted : 28th November 2011 12:04 am
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Pelle and Milky (Love my shortened versions) thanks for your comments as always, great to hear from you both!

Milkman it definately did not feel good to dip my toe back in. To be honest after about £30 i wasnt even enjoying it, i just as per usual got carried away and £30 became 60, 60 became 100, 100 become 160

Then of course i won it back as was like 'sure im were i started, theres NO WAY i could possibly lose this all again'

Famous last words!!

Anyway harsh lesson learnt, that was 12 days ago now so its in the past, ive dealt with it and accepted it. 🙂

How was your break away? Have you continued gamble free? Give me an update!

Pelle thanks for the encouragement, i hope you have a positive week too mate, temptation is just round the corner as always so lets tell it where to go!!

good luck 🙂

Posted : 28th November 2011 12:22 am
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I had posted this on Tryharders diary earlier and i wanted to repost it here because i really am interested in everyones feedback on what i have written below........

My vices are slot machines and in the past online poker. I am a horrible chasing gambler who doesnt know when to stop.

When im up im king of the world, when im down im a desperate loser.

Anyway....outside of those two id consider myself a 'normal gambler'.

When i say that i mean that i have been to the horse racing before. Personally it bores me to death and i went on a weekend trip with boys who love it but arent big gamblers. I spent about £40 the whole weekend making £5 bets

I didnt enjoy losing that £40, i didnt even enjoy the races, but i had NO desire to win it back. I just didnt really find it interesting

Now i don't do the lottery but if i buy a lucky dip does that mean i have gambled?

I don't do form betting but the odd time i like to put 1 or 2 pounds on Rory to win a golf major.....does that count as me breaking as a gambler?

See what is th middle ground? I know what im addicted to, but i also know what im not addicted to.

If i do the lottery in 2 weeks time do i have to say i have not gambled? Or a £1 on Rory to witn the Race to Dubai?

To be honest ill prob not do either of those.....but what is your interpretation?

What is everyones interpretation?

Posted : 28th November 2011 12:31 am
Posts: 0

Interesting question.

Im a online slots girl never been in a bookies never put on a football bet,went to the dogs once only put on 50p bets never went back get me on online slots and im a demon,everyone has there poison but how soon before you win and the gambler kicks in.There are very few people who can control their gambling and its the greatest question can we ever control our bets to the odd one every now and then.Lottery i except as being able to do as the odds [even for the most extreme gambler] are abit high .

The way i see it if you are a c/g all gambling should be avoided.

To be a cg means you think a certain way how long before the odd bet becomes once a month,once a week,once a day etc etc.

Everyone will have a differant interpretation this is just mine but if your making bets your gambling simple.

Keep up the good work.

Stay Strong.x

ps theres a diary on here sorry i cant remember who but he hadnt gambled for 10yrs put a £4 bet on the grand national and that was it years of more and more food for thought.x

Posted : 28th November 2011 12:44 am
Posts: 0

Used to a be slots/fruit machine guy as a kid, as that's what was available to me. Went to the bookies occasionally, but never got any real addiction to it, I found them depressing if anything. But then online casinos came around and Blackjack was my game. Got absolutely mangled by it, lost countless thousands.

Every one is different. For me, the lottery isn't gambling as I know I have virtually no chance of winning - I get zero buzz from it at all, it's just a tax on stupidity/a dream if anything. For some though, it reminds them of being in the 'action' as it were, so it's a dangerous stepping stone. I've heard of a CG that gave up gambling for years and then did the lottery for a while....before he knew it, he was spending hundreds every week.

No-one can tell you what to do. But be very careful, this 'thing' we have will beat us if we let it. Wish you my best, whatever you decide.


Posted : 28th November 2011 12:56 am
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