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Hi smiler. I think (or hope) after a while not gambling the thoughts we have about gambling will be less frequent. The problem as you said is we get an idea that coming on here just makes us think to much about our gambling and all of a sudden we stop coming on here all together and unfortunatly most of us cant make it on our own. I know you know this but just thought id mention it more as a remember and to any other readers who might be starting to think ive cracked it. I know myself and have read on a countless diaries the cost of thinking im cured and/or neglecting your diary.

Anyway gotta go, looking forward to another gamble free day ahead.

Posted : 1st February 2011 11:36 am
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Big test this weekend. I'm off to London for weekend. Need to stay on my guard and watch to see I don't set myself up!!

Easy does it!

Posted : 4th February 2011 9:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya just checking in. Hope all is well. Stay strong.

Posted : 14th February 2011 8:00 pm
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It is madness that I have not posted in such a time. I have been living my life without gambling thoughts until a week ago. Not sure where they come from. What I do know is that when they come I spend a few weeks on here spouting about how to beat the demons and then I go and gamble. I am now fully aware of this pattern and will not follow it this time. Maybe this site leads me back into gambling I just don't know. I'm not trying to put a downer on this site as I went for counselling through it and it was an exceptional service provided. I'll keep in touch but try and restrain from jumping into everyone's problems whilst neglecting my own.

Posted : 31st July 2011 2:26 pm
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Just posting tonight for me. No thoughts of gambling today but I know when they come I have little control. I have to pre-empt the feeling and get round it. I am in a much better head space than I have been for some time so I'm just gonna enjoy it. I feel free from the shackles that a gambling episode springs on me.

Posted : 1st August 2011 8:08 pm
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Gambling is the farthest thing from my mind but I know I've been there many times before. I am just enjoying the good times and living a good life even with the problems. One day at a time is all we have so make sure it is a good one!

Posted : 2nd August 2011 7:51 pm
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Crazy thoughts today! I had (stil got) a £50 note and wanted to get rid of it because I don't like them. The idea was to go and double my money on an even money shot. I then thought of what one of my colleugues would do and the answer was nothing like that. I just soldiered on through the day and will place it in the bank tomorrow. Funny how I get myself in these gambling opportunities but now I realise what I'm doing.


Posted : 4th August 2011 7:53 pm
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Had a lovely day so far. Wife asks me what my plans were this morning and I said I'm working till 11. Then after that I get a run down of what needs doing. Roof cleaning, grass cutting, get washing in off line I could go on!!

However, the morale of the story is, is that I do not need gambling in my life to live my life. I do ordinary things on saturdays and feel better for it. A far cry from the lonely world of making up lies to cover lies. And what's more I paid a little off of my debts today as well as paid for tyre for car and put petrol in wifes car. All things I would not have done if I were gambling.

Thanks for listening!!

Posted : 6th August 2011 4:35 pm
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Another day passes unscathed. I'm not adding this to the length of abstinance from gambling as it doesn't matter. I have not been well for few days but I can cope with it with a steady mind. I don't have to think on my feet anymore, I just take things as they come. Yes I have debts but they are part of who I am today. I live with who I am. I am not wanting to get to a stage in my life where I can say I have recovered. I am, and always will be, recovering. It isn't a problem. There are people in the world who have bigger burdens in their lives than mine. Onwards and upwards as we go!!

Posted : 7th August 2011 5:20 pm
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I have a few things on m y mind tonight and the rioting is agitating me too as I don't like confrontation. However my biggest moan is people moaning about Gamcare or what GAmcare stand for. If you don't like it go elsewhere. However, to be honest, I have been mad a GC in the past but did not air my views. By the way who am I to tell people what they should and should not post. Just in one of those moods and trying to get things off my mind. I am in control of what I do and I have choices today. Things will resolve themselves one way or another but if I gambled I know things would be out of control. My gambling mind is lurking in the background but I am aware that you are there and will keep you at bay. Sorry for ranting on. If you are new to this site stick with it as it does work.

Posted : 8th August 2011 8:41 pm
Posts: 0

Rant away, Smiler, we are all here to listen (or read!).

Yes, I too had my views about Gamcare, but what is really important is that it remains to be a place for me to air my views and rants and to offer support for others.

Our gambling minds and thoughts will always be there but as long we make all the right choices when they come, we'll be OK.


Posted : 9th August 2011 3:14 pm
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It's good to get things off my chest. Even if it means nothing to anyone else! Thanks again. Another day and I'm feling strong and no thoughts of having a sneaky bet!

Posted : 10th August 2011 7:33 am
Posts: 0

Good to hear you are doing so well smiler!

Keep it up buddy and this is what your diary is for-said what's needed to be said to help you ensure that today is a gamble free day!

Posted : 10th August 2011 8:56 am
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Just popped in to remind myself that I am a non gambler. It has not crossed my mind for a while so I could get complacent. Try not to let my thoughts get too carried away as I am a recovering addict and need to arrest someof the way out things that myhead can conjur up!

Posted : 11th August 2011 10:09 pm
Posts: 0

Nice one, Smiler.

Us CGs CAN become non-gamblers.

As long as we keep making the right choices!

And I have had to make a very important one today which I am determined to last the whole day.

GT (another non-gambler!)

Posted : 12th August 2011 11:10 am
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