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You are so lucky to have a wife who is very supportive.

And a huge well done on telling her what you do have.

Although you could have told her that you have £60 and treat her to something nice as well...!

Just a thought!


Posted : 25th September 2011 6:40 pm
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I like your sentiment there GT but it would be a lie and lies, for me, are all too consuming and would take over my life. Don't ask me why but I just keep everything straight down the line and it works for me. Thanks for dropping by on my diary I do hope you are in a good space right now. Take care

Maybe I'll do it in the future once my recovery is stronger

Posted : 25th September 2011 7:08 pm
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Woke this morning with flu like symptoms. Off from one job today but other job increasing hours. Just glad I can work to get my debt down. It's not as big as some I read on here but it is enough for me. Feeling tired but the autumn sunshine puts me in good spirits to ward off the gambling demons for one day. Might even find time for a haircut. Only trouble is I gert mistaken for Tom Cruise afterwards (not really). Have a good one if you a re reading this and keep reading and posting! Take care

Posted : 26th September 2011 7:40 am
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Posted : 26th September 2011 2:52 pm
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Hi Robert

MAny thanks for dropping by. The session was very good. I lost contact with a few minutes to go and could not get back. £20 wont hurt soon turns into £200 and in trouble. Take care

PS flu like symptoms still here with sore throat etc but I'll soldier on!!

Posted : 26th September 2011 6:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hi smiler,

Just dropping in to thank you for your post.I could do with all the help i can at the moment.I wish i knew what it was that is wrong.You may be right about the friend part though.Thanks alot for the post and i wish you all the best in your battle also.

All the best


Posted : 26th September 2011 6:36 pm
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Not too good healthwise today but at work and hanging in. No gambling thoughts although urges are lurking everywhere so I'm not complacent. Off to college tonight so need to be in good spirits. Thanks for listening

TAke care

Posted : 27th September 2011 11:12 am
Posts: 270

Hello smiler,glad to see you are staying strong,I just read through your diary,wota a great diary it is! A lot of your posts made sense to me,I too ave tryed numerous times to give up,questioned if I am actually a compulsive gambler,but answered that question hundreds of times! I'm gona take on board the philosphy of living side by side with this illness,I don't think I wil ever beat it but can learn to live with it,without it destroying my life. Thanks again for the food for thought,hope your bk to full health soon. Rob

Posted : 27th September 2011 3:15 pm
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No gambling urges to report which is a nice feeling just saying that. Still got cold/flu and working like a lunatic. Need to slow down a little I keep saying that and I don't. I can see the trap being laid ahead. Need to take it easy. Got tickets for Rangers at weekend so will enjoy that. Hope everyone old and new are in the right frame of mind to have a good day tomorrow. Take care

Posted : 28th September 2011 8:28 pm
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Same old thought kicked in today and I dismissed it. Then the second phase came about but I handled it. I can usually dismiss the first one and it subsides but second phase was different. I got it under control within seconds but it was a different attack of the demons. Got through it and can look back and learn. It really did shake me up a little as I wasn't expecting it and thought I was in control. It was over so quick though so I didn't dwell in the situation. Can only get stronger from the experience.

It was telling me how I'd done all the hard work and I can beat this any time I like so a little go would be acceptable. Somewhere along them lines. I was safe but shocked! Take care

Posted : 29th September 2011 9:01 pm
Posts: 0

Yes, you will get stronger each time you successfully dismiss those horrible thoughts.

Well done, onwards and upwards!


Posted : 30th September 2011 5:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Smiler,

Thank you for your kind advice a few weeks ago..it made a lot of sense to me. Forgive me for not reading your diary as yet....I'm not up to much at the mo lol...but I hope you are well.

Best Wishes Del xo

Posted : 1st October 2011 7:16 pm
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Hi Guys

Been a few days since I posted last. This is a good thing as I am geting better. However I am not deserting the site. I just had a visitor with me for the weekend. Took my cousin to football and never even thought about a gamble. Enjoyed myself but very tired now. Normal living is not that bad. Take care

Posted : 2nd October 2011 7:42 pm
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No gambling thoughts but my life is rocky at the moment. Not really bad just up and down. This would have led me to gamble in the past but not now. Ill ride the storm and when it's over I'll be stronger. Hope everyone is OK. Take care

Posted : 5th October 2011 7:39 am
Posts: 0
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Very tired and working hard. I need to take it easy and should do so. I can't gamble so it's not too bad. Just got to keep going. Hope everyone is strong. Take care

Posted : 5th October 2011 5:50 pm
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