Fallen Mans Recovery Diary

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Journal Day Two.

I have missed day one out of this journal as, well, it was just a very very messy painful day. I guess you could call it an epiphany of the sort all of us on here must have had at some point to be where we are today.

Here is a URL link to my first post, which covers how I feel and what I have done in some more detail. (sorry didn’t realize you cant post links to the forum) you can look me up in the new members section - but I ended up retyping most of my story below anyway.

The condensed version is that I have gambled since I was 18 or 19, Im 40 now. For the vast majority of years this was habitual but not problematic. By which I mean I was “that guy that stands in the corner at the fruitie” when I was out with friends, but largely I never did any financial damage or caused anyone else pain as a result. You could also look at it that I lost out on a lot of experiences and fun because whilst the other people in my group got on with the business of a night out, I would be slaving away at the one armed bandit whilst the hubbub of noise and lights of the club or pub faded away behind me. Im digressing. A year ago this all changed. I moved quickly through FBOTs at service stations (I travel for work) as I noticed these suddenly popping up around me, and the new nature of these increased payouts and multiple game machines drew me in just like the old less dangerous (comparatively) flashing lights always had… next came stopping in at bookies ( I have never ever placed a bet in my life, I didn’t actually know how to collect my winnings the first time I played the FBOTs at a bookies so this was new territory for me) to play the FBOTs there, these offered more options, greater stakes and bigger potential wins. Unfortunately as well as moving quickly through the slots as described above I also moved nearly as quickly from winning most of the time and being able to walk away up (in many cases significant sums too, 500 up, 1000 up etc) to losing, and desperately, grimly … chasing my loses.

My final stop was online casinos, again exclusively slots. I began that last September so Ive been at it over a year (even that surprises me) on and off. I had periods of abstinence, but recently I went back to several accounts and things escalated quickly. Ive been through the all too familiar cycle of self excluding (after some big wins, and some fairly minimal loses in the grand scheme of things, but ones that were big enough to make me realize this was getting out of hand) only to be lured back in by one of the 200% welcome bonuses I saw advertised somewhere else a couple of months later (my theory was that if I put in the maximum deposit I could use the bonus to allow high limit bets and then Id finally hit one of those big wins you see on the youtube clips and that would be me done. Idiot. All it did was renew the cycle, the bonus soon went and I followed it with yet more real money I couldn’t afford. I hit several surprisingly large wins - 1500 off a 3 per spin stake (there is no pride in me saying this Im stating it to emphasise the next point….) or such like but I would find that a) id then try to boost that up further by trying different slots, in the instance I describe I ended up somehow getting down to 600 or so from the 1500 won, and then I felt terribly stupid, and attempting to chase the losses was stressful, it wasn’t a pleasurable experience at all, then b) the final insult is Im back gambling again to “try to win more” the very next day……what *was* I thinking ?????.

This Tuesday night just gone a session took me well beyond … everything. I lost 4K in one night. I had been drinking which whilst I don’t consider myself to have a problem with, I think I had allowed myself to get into a destructive cycle with - maybe it drove the gambling, maybe the gambling drove it I don’t know. I remember desperately depositing more and more and more 500 at a time, trying to get one big win to tip the balance back in my favour - I had done similar before but always for much lesser sums. I remember through the drunken haze I was betting 40 a spin at one point, and a couple of spins at 100 per spin. That is ABSOLUTELY ludicrous. I feel physically sick typing this but I feel I need to, to expunge it at the same time.

I have always covered my losses. It has been close to the wire at times, but I have a good job and am well paid. I have always been in work (I contract) but this year due to the recession finally affecting the market I work in I think, I had a couple of months out of work. This is f***** utterly ridiculous but I chose that time to try and cover the money I was losing by being out of with the genius master plan of “winning at the casinos”. What a total ****** I am eh ?. I suspect it was an excuse on my part, a twisted reason to “allow me to gamble” … im doing it for XYZ. It worked for a bit too, but I think we all know how that story ends. Anyway, I have had to agree terms with HMRC on my corp tax (I am covering this and make my final payment next month this is fine) and I am sure I have some more tax debt coming up as my accounting hasn’t been great and Im paying the price now - some of that was down to gambling, and borrowing money I had set aside for taxes, some of it was genuinely down to accounting errors which I paid dearly for (Ive changed my accountant as a result) in any case I exacerbated an already bad situation. I have always passed off any financial issues to my wife as being related to the business and taxes as described - there is some truth in this lie, I have of course left out a very serious and damaging portion of the truth though and I hate myself for this, but I cannot and will not risk my home life, my marriage and all that goes with that for anything. I suspect my wife is not the sort that would be supportive, or that if she was I would live in the shadow of this for the rest of my life. I am doing this alone, I got myself into this, I have to get myself out. I know some will not agree with this, but without getting into more complex and unrelated stuff this is the way it has to be.

(Im actually retyping everything now aren’t I - I said at the start of this I wouldn’t). The despair I felt when I realized yesterday morning (which seems a long time ago already) that I could no longer cover the losses hit me very very hard. It made it all *real*. Almost like a chain reaction this then in turn made me think about what a terrible thing this is that I am doing to my wife and child, I am literally denying them fun, happiness, trips out (In honesty I have managed quite well to keep a veneer of normality on this, so they have not suffered hugely - but what I *could* have been doing for them…) all in the pursuit of me feeding this dirty little secret. I feel tarnished.

I was a mess yesterday. I could barely hold it together at work. I have never cried so much as I did last night, and I still well up now when typing this. It seems to be making me very emotional and I am having trouble dealing with this, but I am trying to keep a lid on it.

I estimate I have lost around 10K in total over the last year and 4K of that was last night. I realize now in being here and reading all of your journal entries that 1) am not alone and 2) by the measure of things I may have actually had a lucky escape (I mean in NO WAY to take pleasure from the fact that other people have “got it worse than me” that isn’t my point, and if I could pay everyones debt off on here I would in a heartbeat - but it was a sobering thought to realize how bad this could have gotten if I had allowed it to continue). My overdraft was at its limit yesterday with 2.5K still left remaining to pay off of the debt from the previous night (which had not yet gone through and hit my bank balance) I began to try to find assets to liquidize - I had actually thought that a pending withdrawal would cover most of the losses… it wasn’t until last night when I realized that (ive always found the casino payouts to be confusing) I had gotten this wrong, and there was 2.5K I couldn’t account for. I went through all avenues but there simply was no more money to transfer, no more CC to transfer, no more.

It hit me all over again. I was a bit of a mess for some time, but then I made a decision. I called my father. Bear in mind I am currently working abroad and I don’t feel like I have been very close to my parents lately - mostly I think because I have been dealing with *this* and I have been grumpy and moody with other people in general as a result. Also I have not asked for my parents help with anything let alone financial matters for around twenty years, I try to fight my own battles. You can imagine I expect how I felt sending that text and making that phone call. I broke down immediately I heard his voice. I still though could not bring myself to tell him the whole truth, I revealed the tax debts and I kept spluttering stuff like “ive brought this on myself”, “ive been so stupid dad”, “ive done some stupid things”. I suspect he would have still been happy to help even if I had told the whole truth but I could not bear to disappoint the guy who has been … just the best to me throughout my life. He broke it down and cutting to the chase he just wanted to help. He transferred money into my account there and then. He kept asking exactly how much I owed but I could only bring myself to ask for enough to cover my immediate debt. I will drag myself the rest of the way out of this hole.

My Father has been amazing. This was not without its down sides of course. I feel absolutely terrible for taking money he worked hard for, despite him saying he doesn’t need it anymore and that hes only too happy to help - the guilt I feel for doing this as a 40 year old man, for being on the phone in wracking sobs and bringing my problems to their door is crushing. The fact that I have done this without actually coming clean about the details just worsens the feeling. But again, this is how it must be I guess. I deserve to feel pain, I deserve to feel broken.

I also feel guilt towards every single one of you on this board who have read this and who replied to me in my hour of need last night, I know many don’t have the option of someone stepping in to help so quickly. That makes me feel a fraud.

Im thinking about things now. I wonder whether I really am a compulsive gambler, or whether this was just a phase of stupidity. I hope it’s the latter as it gives me hope that I can walk away from this situation and NEVER EVER go back to it. Relapsing petrifies me. Then I think, “but that’s probably what every compulsive gambler thinks Jase, you idiot”. I know I have a problem, I admit that, and Ive come here to begin recovery but I hope that perhaps this is like an illness I have caught a minor dose of rather than acutely… such that maybe it’s a cycle of behavior I have a chance of breaking cleanly.

I cant relapse, I cant afford it financially or emotionally. I absolutely cannot let my father down more than I already have. I hate myself for this, and I will bear that, I can bear that.

OK enough with the feeling sorry for myself, I don’t deserve anyones sympathy least of all my own.

Things I have put in place already:

1) Joined here, and although I will struggle geographically and within the remit of my situation to attend physical meetings I will definitely be looking at the online options. I used the chat room last night and ill try to keep this journal updated.

2) I received some advice from a forum member to speak to a counselor. I think I will do this. Just to formalize what I am doing and in some ways to remind myself of the seriousness of my situation, this isn’t something I can take lightly.

3) I have self excluded from the three casino accounts I still held including the one that I had the horrific loss on on Tuesday night. The relief I felt when I got the self exclusion confirmations back from each of these was only overshadowed by the horrible guilt and “returning to the scene of the crime” feelings I experienced when I had to go online and get the account details from each site in order to close them.

4) Im looking at both Gamblock and Betfilter. I have made enquiries with both companies as to their licensing (I need multi user license) and discreetness (I don’t need pop up messages alerting users to what I have had to install because of my own stupidity. I will DEFINITELY be installing one or the other of these products across all my client PCs as soon as I have worked out which one to go for.

5) In addition to the above, it looks like IOS devices don’t really support blocking software and this is only something that android devices can run. I have always been an apple Iphone man, but im going to ditch this and get an android device if that is the only way that I can guarantee a barrier on a mobile device. I travel a lot and I get bored when I travel, one of my biggest problems was always the incredible accessibility to slots. The casino was in my pocket wherever I went, in cars, at work, on the toilet (!), in planes. Everywhere, if I was weak enough to gamble the accessibility was there. I will take whatever steps I can to remove this accessibility.

6) I am consolidating some debt onto a 0% balance transferred CC, ill then continue to make the same payments I have been making despite the interest not being there in order to knock the amounts down.

7) Im selling everything I can liquidate to raise funds, these should go towards paying back my debts and paying my father back.

8) In addition to the above, I have a sports car. It was my present to myself when I was about 30 and represented me having “made it” in my career. It was always my pride and joy, but Its been SORNED for the past year, partly because it wasn’t a priority to get it back on the road, and partly because thanks to business debts and my gambling I couldn’t have afforded to do so. Im going to sell it. I don’t deserve to keep it, and Ill use the money to shore up against further business debts, and to pay back my father.

9) I am not drinking. I have always liked a drink but have never really drunk what I would consider to be a “problem amount” my intake has always seemed around the same as many friends. However there is definitely a link between gambling and being on the beer for a night. I am petrified of relapsing, so Im going to stop drinking at all for some time. I don’t think its practical or honest to say ill be tee total, but at least until I have my head a bit straighter I am not going to drink as I think it allows me to make stupid decisions.

10) Im making my first journal post now, and work and home life allowing I will periodically keep this updated.

Sorry this turned into such a long post. Thanks again to all of you who have commented on my first post on the board - this is the only place I can share my problems and I know the support of people here will give me the strength I need. My resolve is as high as it can get at the moment, I realize that is only to be expected at day one, but I genuinely do not have any desire to gamble and I don’t think it will return either - this has been such a shock that I cant ever regard it as “not really a problem” or just “have a little flutter” again I realize that isn’t possible for me, and I need to take appropriate steps.

My thoughts are with everyone else on this journey (that sounds like such clichd S***e but I mean it) and if I can help be there for anyone else at the same time as I am recovering, I will be.


Posted : 29th August 2014 10:38 am
Posts: 0
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Journal Day Three

I typed the last post yesterday, but have only been able to post it today as stupidly i included a URL link to my own first "new member" post which saw my account temporarily suspended ! doh!.

So actually its now day three. I have ABSOLUTELY NO compulsion or desire to gamble, the thought repulses me. In honesty I think this is because I am still in the "what the hell have I done" phase.

Im am still deciding on which software to use for blocking (thanks Gav123 for the message about K9 on the Iphone, ill take a look at this so i may not need to change to an android device), but this is something ill sort quickly.

I have another window open on my PC now going through a 0% balance transfer CC application. Ill put in place a DD to keep paying this despite the 0% period of 33 months.

Im still putting things on ******* and will raise around 1.5K from this I think. Ill put that straight into the overdraft, then ill think about what to set to pay my father back per month.

In addition to the blocking software I have made amendments to my email account such that any message containing "casino", "slots", "vegas" etc etc is immediately deleted and is not even placed in my deleted items folder. I commented on this on Helens recovery diary, as I said there, I have done this to avoid any temptation of spurious "200% welcome bonus" or even any reminder that online casinos exist. Small steps and all that.

I have not had any alcohol since Tuesday night. I will remain alcohol free tonight despite it being "the start of the weekend". I honestly dont think this is about alcohol but as described I think its related, and also i feel very fragile still at the moment. I am not an overly emotional person at all (the last time I shed a tear before this was about 5 years ago) and yet yesterday a guy at work told me a story about his daughter being in hospital and I had to go and hide in the lav as I was welling up again.

Im devasted at what ive done, but at the same time I feel I have the strength to beat this.

Thanks in advance to anyone who posts on my diary. I know this will help me.


Posted : 29th August 2014 11:06 am
Posts: 0

Fallenman, your post has many parallels to how I descended into my current debt through gambling. I hate to say it but your question are you a compulsive gambler or was it just a short spell of madness? I'd say both. The steady progression to bigger stakes, the chasing losses, the not walking away when just had big win all point to a CG. Good to see you have put blocks in place etc but beware in a few weeks temptation will rise again. As you were a high stake player the on line casinos will find a way to contact you, offering cashbacks, bonuses etc and by then your mind will start playing tricks. It will remember the big wins and convince you with care and caution you can avoid the catastrophic losses - we all know it never works out that way! Also there is no quick fix, selling assets stopping drinking etc is good if you really need money up front buy key is getting back to leading your normal life without gambling. If too busy to think of having a gamble you wont. If you do nothing but scrutinise spreadsheets of debt etc you will only feel even worse, then thinking there's no other way out, end up back at the slots hoping for that big win to cure it all. Things do get better with time.

Posted : 29th August 2014 11:31 am
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thanks Mile end. I have begun reading your diary now.

Your post scares me a bit. I am petrified of relapsing. I have to make a clean break. I was hoping that this might be like giving up smoking i.e. the cravings disappear with time until you dont feel "at risk" any more. But i have read a few posts as you suggest that seem to indicate that after the intial pain has died down and you have recollected your thoughts the idea of a gamble returns. This worries me.

I will do what I can to avoid this returning as you say. I am hoping its not so easy for the online casinos to get in touch. I have put in place filters on my email and also before I closed my accounts and self excluded I went online one last time and randomised the data (put in false names and credit card numbers, and addresses) I realise they keep history but hopefully anything automated will go to the data they have stored currently first.

I will try to get on with my life, and as you say not obsess about the debt as well as the gambling itself, at the moment its too raw not to, but I will try.

I completely hear you on the no quick fix, and I think I have a certain naiivety about me as a first time recoveree - but I think i have to try and stay positive and think that a relapse wont happen. I really hope my resolve isnt all naiivety and has some solid grounding. I cant continue down the path I started on.

Thanks for commenting it really helps me to know others are going through this with me, and I really appreciate all the advice from everyone who has more history and insight into what I am going through.

I hope you can stick with it also, I think by the sounds of things you have definitely suffered enough (ive only read your first couple of posts so far).


Posted : 29th August 2014 11:43 am
Posts: 176

Hi FALLENMAN!! your post brought years to my eyes. I won't say much now other than read the last post in my diary (is in fact in response to your post on my diary!) Please read it......let me know what you think? I truly hope you can resolve your immediate issues....chin up, take care. Helen. X

Posted : 29th August 2014 11:52 am
Posts: 0


My diary is no inspiration to anyone, it's a log of one persons continuing stupidity! Ive learnt the hard way,I write this knowing I no longer have any want whatsoever to gamble again but also know that when under the various other stresses life throws at you I will be tempted some day. As long as you keep the resolve and remember how bad you currently feel now, you will be fine. Also by the sounds of things you have put all the necessary blocks in place. Get through this first week then you will be able to look forward positively.

Posted : 29th August 2014 12:17 pm
Posts: 487

Alright mate, well done on starting a diary, use it to get any thoughts or strains out of your head and into the open.

From past experiences blocks definately help so get that k9 software installed.

Hope you have a good week end. Im looking forward to spending some time with my kids and helping my Dad shift some rubbish tomorrow pm.

Not going to have a drink tonight, though the thoughts and urges have crept into my head!

Speak soon.

Posted : 29th August 2014 1:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jason,

You have tackled your gambling problem & put all the safety measures in place.

Now it is time to forgive yourself for the past and to look to the future.

You have started a new chapter in your life where there is zero gambling.

If you choose never to gamble (even the lotto ) again you will find it easier than trying to "control" your gambling (both money & time ).

You will not relapse.... You have already relapsed over & over. Now is the first time you are ready to give it up completely.

It's the weekend. Enjoy your family time. Don 't look back. For everything you did wrong, you have done many things right.

Have your first gamble -free weekend and enjoy it.


Posted : 29th August 2014 4:36 pm
Posts: 0


Welcome aboard this roller coaster journey

and well done for realising that you have an addiction for gambling and want to stop

That is two positives straightaway

There is a triangle that is used in this forum




Take one of these away and it's impossible to play

I know as a CG I want everything like yesterday (lol)

But taking one day at a time is the best way to go forwards because slowly but surely we do move forwards and upwards

I wish you all the best on your recovery and well done for starting a diary it does help

Best wishes

Suzanne x

Posted : 30th August 2014 12:42 am
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Journal Day Four

Thanks again to everyone that posts on my journal I really appreciate it. I'm doing as you suggested Suzy, I'm off out for the day with my boy today. Usually I'd be tired and feeling guilty from staying up till the small hours gambling on my iPhone and more than likely it would be the first thing I would do when I got up again as well. Not today, I got a good nights sleep and got up relatively early looking forwards to a day out.

yesterday passed without any urge to gamble at all. I thought about gambling, as in the nature of gambling and what I had done, the feelings of guilt and shame are hard to shake, but I didn't feel any "want" to gamble at all. Early days I guess. I also kept my promise to myself and didnt drink any alcohol last night either (I actually didnt miss it which was odd) -I suspect some of the alcohol abstinence is down to the fact that I feel very washed out and tired most nights since my revelation on Tuesday night, a little as if I'm recovering from a car crash (not a bad analogy given the train wreck my life was becoming) so I don't really feel like enjoying a couple of glasses of wine.

Anyway just checking in. Completely understand the "triangle" analogy, that makes sense ill keep that at the forefront of my mind.

Have a good gamble free weekend everyone, thanks again for your support it means SO much.


Posted : 30th August 2014 8:09 am
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Journal Day Five

yesterday passed without incident. I enjoyed a day out with my wife and son, then watched a movie in the evening. I also stuck to my plan and didnt drink any alcohol (that's the first Saturday I haven't had a glass of wine with dinner in .... Actually I can't remember the last time).

I'm feeling good that I haven't gambled or had the urge to gamble, but also a bit flat at the same time. I keep thinking about gambling (as in the nature of gambling and trying to work out why I did what I did). I've always been a thinker / a worrier and I lament things terribly is often find that given time to think I'd just beat myself up about past decisions in life or things I feel I could have done better and I have to really put effort into moving my mind onto more positive things and distracting myself, I suppose gambling will be no different.

Is this normal ? Lots of you guys have commented that it takes time to move on with your life and that you need to forgive yourself ... Does it get easier to do that over time ?

I'm gamble free and that's the main thing. Hopefully in time ill be able to relax a bit more and start to enjoy life again without this shadow hanging over me too.

Stay well everyone and thanks again for the comments on this diary, appreciated.


Posted : 31st August 2014 9:45 am
Posts: 3240

honestly no its doesn't always get easier

some people lose everything and more

some die from this addiction

what helps me is seeing how people like duncs have turned their lives around through changing lots of things around and staying vigilant

so it can get easier when people change


Posted : 31st August 2014 12:47 pm
Posts: 487

We'll done lad ! I wish I'd followed u with not having any wine but I did and relapsed ! Keep positive mate it will get better over time I know when I stopped for 4 months or so I was in far better form I had money to do things nice treat the family go to dinner etc etc and I was far more relaxed ! I need to go off the booze , didn't touch a drop today , off this week but not going to drink , can't really afford to anyway ! Take it easy mate and stay positive !

Posted : 31st August 2014 8:10 pm
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Journal Day Six

Another day passed. No urge to gamble and have again not had any alcohol. Still lots of thoughts about gambling and also some of the other areas in my life I'm not happy with, so I've been a bit sorry for myself I guess that's a down side of doing this without the support of your spouse it's a lot to carry alone, but like I said before there would be no support for me here, the events of the weekend just confirmed that to me really. Still being here is helping, this is where the support is and this is where ill stay.

Looking forwards to the working week starting today it will be good to have some purpose to get stuck into.

@gav yup just posted on your diary mate gutted ! -gt back up and dust yourself off mate. thanks for your kind words here - I really hope it does get better a few months in as I'm ok currently, it's just still very prevalent in my mind, and I'd like it to be history .. An afterthought if you will - I guess that's the gambler mind talking though isn't it we want it all now without working towards it !. Stay strong fella.

@triangle that's a stark warning and one i won't take lightly. I'm committe to kicking this, I know I have to do this for myself but as much as that if not more I cannot let my father down, he's dug me out of a hole and if I relapse ill have made a mockery of that, I won't allow it. I agree with you about Duncs diary, it makes me sad to read when any one of our number has relapsed but by the same token diaries like Duncs give me hope that once all the bits have clicked into place (however long that might actually take I don't know) then we can all cure ourselves of this gambling mindset. Thanks again for commenting, appreciated.

Thanks again everyone it means so much to me to read everyone's words on this diary and on your own diaries.

Best Regards,


Posted : 1st September 2014 8:58 am
Posts: 0


Well done on 6 days

I think the first couple of weeks are hard because we are slowly coming to terms with the reality of the damage that gambling has done to our lives

Your moods and feelings will be all over the place as you slowly adjust to a life where you need/have to abstain

It's easier to just take one day at a time with everything

Keep going and stay strong and positive

Take care

Suzanne x

Posted : 1st September 2014 9:13 am
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