fed up with myself

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Hi Sunshine,

You have to let go of the losses you wont win them back because you wont stop. You like me have been there so many times before and the spin cycle of gambling just begins all over again.

I know its difficult to do especially when its so near to christmas but let them go sunshine, its the addictive part of your brain talking not the logical part.

Logically you know you will lose and christmas will be ten times worse than it ever would be now if you stop, and you will feel 10 times lower.

Be strong sunshine, dont batter yourself thats when your at your weakest and its vunerable to go back to gambling.

You can do this, I know you can, we are all behind you.

Take care

Blondie xxx

Posted : 21st November 2012 6:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine,

It was good 2 catch up with u in chat last nite 🙂

Please be kind 2 urself, u have done gr8 and one slip does not take all that hard work away!

U can do this Sunshine!

We r all here 4 u 🙂

Stay strong xxxxxxx

Posted : 21st November 2012 8:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine

I know you won't be feeling great right now but think of it this way...it could of been so much worse. You have done the right thing coming back on here which proves you want to fight this. I did the same thing as you honey, it's like our brains forget all about the misery, sadness, guilt and despair that gambling brings and that somehow we can control it..it just doesn't make any sense. But what i did learn is that i can't ever have 'just £20' to gamble because it would never stop there!

Anyway Sunshine, perhaps when when the dusts settles, try and make a positive plan if you can...something to focus on, something that makes you happy because that helped me on this road to having a life without gambling.

Keep strong

Forwards not back

Jewels x

Posted : 22nd November 2012 12:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine

Dont reflect on the lose I know easier said than done but chasing just gets us in more trouble as you are well aware

Stay strong and focused and you get out of this mess and have your live back maybe not this Christmas but if you stick to the plan next year will be different

Take care and stay strong and just for today I will not gamble


Posted : 22nd November 2012 9:52 am
Posts: 1172

Hi sunshine your back on here your showing yourself that you don't want to gamble. Stay busy - maybe meet up with someone. Any distraction will help.

Have you got any self exclusions in place? If you haven't then I would strongly recommend them. They will help you in knowing that your "locals" are now out of bounds. Or if its online get a blocker. Anything that could help is worth a shot right?

Be strong sunshine, you've already proven in the past you can do this. We're all here for you and we all believe in you.

Posted : 22nd November 2012 10:19 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

hey everyone thanx so much for all your supportive posts ! i must also say big thankyou to the guys in chat last nite .i don't need to say names as they know who they are ! i went into chat feeling very low and beaten and i left chat feeling so much more positive and with a real feeling of fight in me knowing i can pick myself up from this and get back to where i was in my recovery so again thanx all of you : ) well diary i made it through day 1 so onto day 2 and im taking my boy out and gonna meet with friends .just gonna stay busy and focused to just get throughanother day .anyways have a great day everyone X

Posted : 22nd November 2012 11:02 am
Posts: 0


Amazing what a smile can do isn't it! Hope you have had a really good day despite the weather being awful.

Really pleased you are back and posting again. Stay friends with that Charl and you might even get a lift to the big party next year 🙂


Posted : 22nd November 2012 6:50 pm
Posts: 0

hey sunshine

good to catch up in chat, when i first started here i used to talk to you in chat, and glad you have returned

i know that you will be fighting this addiction hard and making that great life for you and the boy

my name is carl and today i have not gambled

and that makes 2 of us, cos you right there besides.

you cant change the past but you can dictate the future


Posted : 22nd November 2012 10:08 pm
Posts: 0

HI Sunshine,

Great to see your still hear and had a good day, hold that thought and hold that smile, Stick with it you are a fighter and I know you wont give up on yourself.

Take care

Blondie xxx

Posted : 22nd November 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine

Well done girl and great to see that smile again you doing great so keep up the good work it soon be a week then a month and then the new year I know you can do it you done it before and your stronger this time around have a great gamble free weekend

Take care and stay strong and just for today I will not gamble

Hugh x

Posted : 23rd November 2012 11:35 am
Posts: 1172

Glad your feeling more positive. No point getting down over things. Keep strong, stay happy and keep going. Take care sunshine.

Posted : 23rd November 2012 8:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sunshine

I hope you had a good time taking your little one out! Great to read your being positive and you found chat helpful. It never ceases to amaze me how supportive people are on here despite their own personal battles. Thanks also sunshine for posting to me when you weren't feeling great...it meant alot.

Keep strong, you can do this

Take care

Forwards not back

Jewels x

Posted : 23rd November 2012 9:50 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

just lost another 140 pounds ! when is this ever gonna end ? what the bloody hell is wrong with me ? feeling so s**t right now not sure i can do this anymore : (

Posted : 24th November 2012 2:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hello my little ray of brightness!

Listen hun, I have slipped too. Why don't you join me in starting over hey....Together hand in hand we can do this?

Small, baby steps....We can do it!!

Sue xxx

Posted : 24th November 2012 3:27 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

hey Sue thanx for your post : )

i really do wanna start over again but right now im in a bad mixed up place and its gonna take time to find my positive feelings cause right now i just feel totally s**t ! anyway im gonna try hard not to gamble anymore today and just take one step at a time !

Posted : 24th November 2012 6:15 pm
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