Festina Lente

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Hi Flagg, thanks for the post, glad to hear you're still going strong and happy as well. A joy to hear in fact.

I'm only ever joking when I write to the ladies, I'm more comfortable playing fish than women. Especially when in recovery. My banter will get me hung one day but at least it breaks up the monotony of ticking off the days. Anyway, statistically if you're smiling you've less chance of falling off the wagon. All the best, take care, keep strong, Steve.

Posted : 3rd July 2012 12:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Steve, thank u 4 ur kind words and support on my diary 🙂

U r doing brilliant, ur posts still make me laugh and smile so thanks. Hope uv had a gr8 day 🙂

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 3rd July 2012 9:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Steg,

I had a giggle this morning so just wanted to say thanks, its nice to lighten the load sometimes.. Day 72 for me id lost count but flagg was counting for me :).

Your a great support to lots of people on here steg and you always do it with such humility and kindness and a splash of that sense of humour of yours.

Your doing a brilliant job.

Blondie x

Posted : 3rd July 2012 9:36 pm
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Ironside clocking in for the night shift, all quiet on the streets, too quiet, suspicious like, not even a fox. Thanks for the post Blondie you're a gem, the same applies to you. Hope you enjoyed your Chinese, and with that new hairdo you'll have a spring in your step tomorrow.

Been fishing, just got back, lovely, peaceful night, really enjoyed it. Have I missed anything? How's Jon, Dusty and Rach? All well I hope. 90 days today, that's near enough 3 months, I've been in shorter marriages so my commitment on this has been first class. How long will it continue, as long as I want it to, the ball is in my court. I can choose to gamble anytime I want in the same way I can choose to put hot pins in my eyes. Now why would I want to do that and ruin a perfectly good day. Besides there's no pins in the house, I'm a bachelor, got nails and screws and stuff but only an idiot would put a hammer close to his eyes, anyway I lent the hammer to 'g***y Johnny' next door and I'm not waking up him and his army of ginger kids this time of night. Where's this heading, good lord I'm waffling, tired, better say nite nite. Got Madam tomorrow, better get some sleep. Ironside clocking off, keep strong, keep out the disabled parking or I'll nick you and keep your barriers watertight.

Posted : 4th July 2012 2:34 am
Posts: 0

The BIG 90 Steg.

Massive well done, your now responsible enough to chair a G.A meeting and "run with scissors" on the nest milestone you might be allowed to use them.

Brilliant result, Im proud to be an avid supporter of yours and follow your journey.

Blondie 🙂 x

Posted : 4th July 2012 1:37 pm
Posts: 0

Well done my friend , I honestly regard you as my friend ( words ate cheap I know) , You have brought me so much laughter you would not believe. I wish you all the best, but selfish cow that I am , want you to succeed, stay on this site , and make me laugh again again and again.

The banner the other night was in my option just what we need , humour and a decent spell check adds the sugar to the bitterness of the recovery journey.

You started this journey as the stegordon, now my friend you are just the STEG , you have won over so many of us , who look forward to your posts , just to see what on earth you will come up with next.

You mix this with your compassion and the support you give others you are an inspiration to many on this site myself included , said like a true BB..

Seriously, well done mate, you have never really said that the last 90 days have been hard, but I know they have been , I hope with all my heart that the next are easier but more importantly you win that dam fishing competition cause there is only so much fairy dust to go around!

Dusty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 4th July 2012 2:55 pm
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Dusty, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, I'm truly moved or as close to being moved as a lumbering, unemotional, semi autistic fella can be. I'm sending you a virtual bunch of flowers and a box of choccies, enjoy. Many thanks, Steg.

Posted : 4th July 2012 3:09 pm
Posts: 0

Mr Steg,

Forget the flowers , and forget the choc. Dusty refusing choc is she ill?

Nope just read what you wrote on Flaggs diary,

Get a new counciler and if his dead get a new councillor anyway . Laughted so much my falsies fell out.

Keep um coming my friend, keep um coming ......

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 4th July 2012 3:23 pm
Posts: 298

Just a quickie to say congratulations on 90.. Joe?..Steg 90... sounds better.

Hope you are well


Posted : 4th July 2012 5:01 pm
Posts: 0

Fair play 2 u steg 90 days and if anyone deserves it you do theres a lot of strings to your bow but most of all you sound like a genuine decent bloke and thank you 4 support on my diary

Posted : 4th July 2012 10:21 pm
Posts: 0


On the first page of your diary you stated that you wanted to abstain from gambling for 30 days and here you are 90 days gamble free. Faboulous accomplishment and I look forward to congratulating you on day 100.


Posted : 5th July 2012 7:24 am
Posts: 0

Hiya buddy,

Just to echo what Tomso was saying your first post mentioned having a 30 day target, you smashed through that and then bulldozed 60 days! Now you are past 90 days it's a wonderful achievement and one I hope to reach myself on Saturday! Anytime you want a bit of inspiration re read your very first post it will just reaffirm how far you have come in those 90 days!


Big fan of horror films well the good ones anyway! That's why I'm Flagg!

Posted : 5th July 2012 10:46 am
Posts: 0

Hi Steve,

Just popping in 2 say I hope u have a gr8 day 🙂

Stay strong 🙂

Posted : 5th July 2012 11:05 am
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13 weeks today or 91 days. Happy as a squirrel. Just off to cut grass for my sisters, like being a hairdresser to the world so for the rest of the day I'll be acting camp and chatting to the flowers about holidays and whatnot. Fishing match later so my sister can mind Maisie whilst I top up my tan and catch nothing. Bought a 11metre pole to give me an edge, I'm the only one who floats fishes, tried it out the other night. It was like putting together a giant Hoover, one hour later and ten minutes in the water I snapped the middle section. Some kid laughed and giggled 'you didn't want to do that.' which somehow didn't make me feel any better.

Dreamt about gambling last night, dream or nightmare, can be interpreted either way I suppose. Backed two horses, cheered them on at huge odds, both won but when I went to collect the bet I'd written down different horses. Maybe this means that I understand on a subconscious level that even when you win you don't really win. Anyway, dreamt I was on a double decker bus after that which was great. Haven't been upstairs on one for years so it was nice to do that even if it was in a dream. Or was it reality and this is the dream? I'll leave that up to you Descartians to decide.

Went cycling with Maisie last evening which was lovely. Some drunk came over to her and said 'Little girl, what are you doing?' I went over to him to make sure everything was sweet. He was incoherent, covered in scratches, bruises and blood oozing from the top of his head. Think he had a broken left hand too because every finger was pointing in a different direction. He told me he was 'mouthing off in the boozer' I told him to go home and sleep it off. Maisie was quite amazed she asked if he was on drugs. We were in the same park were a gang of youths killed a poor black lad a few years back just because of his colour. Came out the same boozer too. I take Maisie to all the nice places. It is a nice park though in fairness.

I'm not going to gamble today, no way Hose, going to just plod on, managing planet Earth being at one with nature and the cosmos. Hope you are too, take care. Steggy Nettles

Posted : 5th July 2012 12:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Steg,

91 days and acting camp and chatting to flowers lol... o*g i think im going to nick your diary and turn it into a book, its hilarious and also insightful,thoughtfull,honest, couragous amongst other things. Excuse the terrible spelling lol.

Your dream was just that, I used to dream whilst i was awake when i gambled, that i would get the big win, turned out it was all a load of old ballony....It was a living nightmare....

Today no way hose Im not gambling either, Extra good luck at the fishing later, I think your gona do really well, maybe catch a fridge freezer as well as a massive fish.

Enjoy your day

Blondie x

Posted : 5th July 2012 1:01 pm
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