Festina Lente

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Hello Again,

What prize can I give? I always knew you would get there first! Actually my fave character is Andre Linoge from Storm of the Century pretty good film that one! I should have been Linoge!

Anyway, your mood seems extremely bright today I guess that is achieved by being 91 days gamble free! Quickly realising you are a top bloke and I hope I forever remain 3 days behind you in recovery!


Or just Martin

Posted : 5th July 2012 1:56 pm
Posts: 298

Good Day Mr Stegorian,

and congratulations on your 3 monthness. I have decided to try and make some headway with the powerpoint this evening, aided by, but not abetted, some SC. I have better ideas, think more freely, couldn't give a toss... when in the SC Zone. The delete button can be used in the morning, separating the wheat from the chaff. Children all off to secondary school tomorrow, so the red eyes won't scare them.... may take a self portrait though and just stick it in their faces when they are getting on my nerves.

Hope the gardening went well and that you are more in line with Capability Brown rather than "Bloody Stupid Johnson"... another Terry Pratchett creation who pops up from time to time.

Just wondering whether you thought of taking your daughter on holiday... maybe ...The Bronx... or what about somewhere in the middle east? Just a thought.

Hope you are well and bathing in the ninetyoneday ethereal light which must, at this moment in time, be warming the very cockles of your heart. And yet I know, that to you it is just another day, a good one, but just one more. You know you are only as good as your last ten minutes and you will never rest on your laurels; far too painful and the rash is not open for discussion on such a polite forum.

Stay Strong and happy mate... and bathe a little.


Posted : 5th July 2012 6:33 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Day 92, personally not a great number for me, got knocked over as a child running for the 92 bus. Remember doing a backward somersault through the air (would've win me gold but my landing was lousy.) lost my slip on shoes in all the kerfuffle. Yet I was very, very lucky. Only a motorbike hit me, albeit very fast. In hospital I admitted it was my fault, not looking and apologised to the police officer. My Dad looked anguished before mumbling 'you bloody fool we could've been rich!'

If I was injured now, seriously and say I was in a coma I've often thought that it would be pretty pointless playing Adele to me or bringing in famous footballers but if you played the 4:20 at Doncaster then that would probably bring me back to consciousness. I'd wake up asking for ice cream, the paper and my lucky pebble. So all in all 92, not so good in the past but the past is the past. This 92 I choose to be good because you know what, today I'm not going to gamble, I'm going to swim to the baths then go for a swim.

Last night I came fourth again but I loved every second of it. Would've loved it even more if I'd won of course.

Over and out everybody SHOUT c'mon now shout.

Posted : 6th July 2012 10:23 am
Posts: 0

Hi Steve

Congrats on your continued march towards the century, got the bubbly on ice waiting to be popped open. Hope you have a great weekend and thank you for setting me on my own journey,



Posted : 6th July 2012 10:25 am
Posts: 0

HI Steg,

As always thank you for your post. Your post yesterday made me laugh, It sounds like you have an amazing relationship with Maisie and as she gets older her friends will look at you and wish they had a dad like that, my friends always said it. My dad used to do a *** walk and funnily enough my BF does the campest walk you have ever seen normally when we are in the trafford centre me and my little girly do laugh so much at him and peoples faces as he walls past, most times we hide and pretend we arnt with him.

I remember once being out shopping with my dad and there was a man (well i assume it was a man) dressed up as a big beaver it was some kind of promotion and he was handing flyers out, My dad went up to him and knocked on his head and said "Hiya Jimmy hows it going, dont worry I wont tell the lads in the pub this is your saturday job". I thought he did know him and in fact it was Jimmy, i worked out then that actually he didnt have a clue who he was.... My stories are endless and remind me what an amazing dad and man he was.... Maisie will have that to... Money could never buy it..

Enjoy your weekend to ste, 4th place is good.. onwards and upwards.

Blondie x

Posted : 6th July 2012 12:25 pm
Posts: 0


Well I have to disagree with the blonde one here.

4 th place is rubbish what we a new rod and all. Come on man , try playing Adele to those fishes maybe they are in a coma?lol

Thank you for you post this morning, yes you are right I will get there one day ...........

As for you I may disagree with blonde over the fishing but I have to agree with her over the relationship

you and Maisie have, can almost feel the laughter you share coming through your posts .

Oh well day 92 will be over soon, hope 93 will be a better number for you, but I suppose that will be a story for another day.

Shiny xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 6th July 2012 3:12 pm
Posts: 0
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o*g the weather is starting to break my spirit. I've had frizzy hair since may and my tan has been washed away. What next 'rickets?' come on sunshine, show your face. Mind you in about two weeks I'll be writing 'ooooh it's too hot, you can't move for the heat, my flip flops have melted.' Steve looking like one of the Jackson 5.

Posted : 6th July 2012 3:27 pm
Posts: 0

Who I am to argue with your doctor lol

so please accepted my deepest apologies , don't want to start another Jeremy Kyle

But you may need to consider taking that rod back to the boot sale.

Lol lol lol

Shiny , ( nearly typed Dusty there)

Posted : 6th July 2012 3:42 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Tip more like, the rods rubbish. Couldn't fall out with you Shiny, couldn't fall out with anyone. Take care one and all. Stevo

Posted : 6th July 2012 4:03 pm
Posts: 298

Frizzy hair... you're lucky. At this moment in time, I am cultivating nasal and ear hair ready for the inevitable comb over.

In '92 I was just down the road from you, at Chester College, in my second year I think, love Chester.

Going to watch tennis now. How are you getting on with the witches abroad?

Stay strong and focused (this is not so you don't gamble, this is so you can maybe get a second or a first in the next comp.)


Posted : 6th July 2012 4:36 pm
Posts: 298

Hi Steg,

Thanks for your post... given me something to think about. I am not sure whether forgetting or remembering is best for me, just want some control when either of them happen... but want/need to stay here at the moment. Your approach does give me food for thought and also suggests a certain ammount of forgiving yourself; maybe that's what I need to do.

Douglas Adams aswell... yep read the Hitchhikers Trilogy and loved them. Like the Agrajag part and the Whale as it approaches the planet.... "Wonder if it will be my friend?" Also read "Last Chance to See".. thought that was excellent too.

Have you ever read the "Red Dwarf" books... much better than the series... full of belly laughs.

It's great to hear about your walk, although goosestepping in the countryside could get you arrested.... or at least a hefty vets bill.

Camping sounds like a great idea, but make sure you are well away from any flood plains.. not sure that the weather is going to be your friend.

Thanks again.


Posted : 7th July 2012 12:25 am
Posts: 0

Day 93 steve hope it holds better memories 4 u than 92.

Your really doing this and i pick up a lot of good habits from your diary

Posted : 7th July 2012 12:41 am
Posts: 0

Morning Steve,

Thanks for your posts on mine!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry if you thought you had offended me but rest assured you didn't , took me a while to get over it though lol

93 days today for you , that's fantastic, i hope today is better than yesterday too.

Keep Strong , your doing just great 😉

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 7th July 2012 8:50 am
Posts: 0

Hi Steve, thank u 4 ur post on my diary, it made me laugh 🙂

U r doing brilliant!

Have a gr8 wknd and I hope the rain as stopped lol don't want u floating away 🙂

Stay strong 🙂

Posted : 7th July 2012 10:23 am
Posts: 1423

Hi Steve

A massive big thank u to u for all the support u gave me in my testing times , it's so good to see ur still goin strong and still makin people laugh that's so important

Thanks again


Posted : 7th July 2012 4:34 pm
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