Festina Lente

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Hi Steve

A massive big thank u to u for all the support u gave me in my testing times , it's so good to see ur still goin strong and still makin people laugh that's so important

Thanks again


Posted : 7th July 2012 4:34 pm
Posts: 298

Posted : 7th July 2012 8:19 pm
Posts: 0
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Just dreamt I drove to Wigan in a tiny 1972, red Triumph Spitfire, rusty as Hell. There was a funeral taking place and a lake there which was all polluted and filled with rubbish. All the fish were dead. The brakes on the car were failing too. Some nice architecture in Wigan do that was good, liked it there. People I talked to were friendly. I was betting though, couldn't stop yet it never felt good or enjoyable. It felt dirty and not right. I even dreamt of this place and what I would write to explain my actions. Really glad when I woke up to realise it was just anxiety creeping to the surface in the form of a dream. Want to go back asleep now, back there, dreams are great, like 'Up The Faraway Tree,' never know what to expect. Want to go back to Wigan to hit a couple of pie and cake shops, eat as much as you like in dreams and you don't put on weight, not an ounce. Once dreamt I was eating a giant marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow was gone. Goodnight all, take care im off for another spin in that spitfire, doesn't half corner well, Day 94 and it's going well zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted : 8th July 2012 3:00 am
Posts: 0


Love jons picture, I want to be able to do that.

Love your last post to Jon .

Was thinking imagine if you got a job as a supply teacher in his school.

How long do you think it would take either of you to work out , you were the Jon and Steg off this site .

What a double act you would be, the kids and teachers would not know what um .....

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 8th July 2012 4:08 am
Posts: 0
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Best nights sleep ever, conked out for 11 hours and had deep sleep, full of dreams, which always make me feel happy. My legs are working perfectly too, I can dance again, no pain, miracle.

All is well on Planet Steg, full of energy and rich with contentment. Next week I'll probably be down in the dumps , c'est la vie, so I'm going to enjoy the moment. No regrets only the future, I cudda been a contender, I cudda married a doctor, but I ate an apple everyday, it came between us. Off shopping, no inkling of gambling because I'm committed to the cause and believe in the consequences. Day 94, think Les Dawson died in '94, seems like only yesterday, today

I'll gurn whilst shopping in his memory. Keep strong

Steg Dawson


Posted : 8th July 2012 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Enjoy your day steg you really are commited to the cause. Enjoy the shopping I will be looking out for someone doing a orangutan impression. Blondie x

Posted : 8th July 2012 11:52 am
Posts: 0

Hi Steve

Just realised that you started your journey on the 6th of April 2012, if I had'nt checked would have sworn that you had been going for at least a year or two, shows how much progress you have made in such a short time, congratulations and keep it going, the century is almost up, well done,


Posted : 8th July 2012 7:11 pm
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Sitting under a tree a bit cold and wet, been out all night fishing, very good. Lovely morning, enjoy your day everyone. Steg the fishing gnome.

Posted : 9th July 2012 4:43 am
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Just got back from fishing. It was brilliant. Caught 7 carp, 3 tench, 4 bream, 2 roach an enormous eel but not a partridge in a pear tree. The only down side was I snapped the end of my favourite rid and at about 3:30am I caught my dinkle in my zip. This has never happened before and although it may seem hilarious in films in reality it's not. I'll admit I was scared unsure of what to do. The zip was stuck fast. I thought that I'd have to go to A&E but I wouldn't be able to pack away all my fishing stuff because movement was painfully restrictive. In the end I went for the quick rip 'like a plaster' approach. Too harsh, very painful, luckily I carry first aid in my fishin box. Looks like he's been in the ring with Mike Tyson but I think he'll live.

So today, day 95, I'm opting not to gamble. There isn't an impulse in the world today which would tempt me away from today's resolution. 95 days is good but 96 days is even better. Going to catch a few hours sleep now, hope it's sunny when I wake up. Steve

Posted : 9th July 2012 6:43 am
Posts: 298

Good Morning Steg, and goodnight.

There's lots of sites dedicated to quotes... I trawl them and pick out some of my favourites... can't be bothered typing them.. although I may have to soon.

Sorry to hear about Mr Dinkle... my first impulse was to search out an image , then I thought better of it and decided some solemn sympathy would be more appropriate. I have had a few close shaves there, but never a short back and sides.

The Ton approaches for you, and I do think a celebration should be on the cards... maybe a special cake.

Anyway got to get ready for work.

Have a good day... walk carefully and zip up well.


Posted : 9th July 2012 7:23 am
Posts: 0


I sit here cringing for you.

Best not go cammardo( sorry could not find the spelling ) , when you fish next time .

But hay is that you biggest catch yet ???

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 9th July 2012 9:38 am
Posts: 0

Ouch!!! Ouch!!! Ouch!!!, I hope the little man gets better soon, Im sorry i did laugh...lol...

Laser quest was ace, I was the dark destroyer you get to pick your name... Such good fun and although i laughed i was taking it very serious...

Enjoy your day steg, now youve passed 90 days you can use the penknife ;).

Blondie x

Posted : 9th July 2012 11:12 am
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Nightmares all night kept seeing Betty Bobbit laughing 'we got a bleeder, we got a bleeder.' (Something about Mary). Everything alright though, just a tiny sharp pain, feels like a little P***k.

Anyway, enough of this carry on, it's going nowhere apart from damaging my manly reputation. Day 96 I think, it's rained for 95 of them or at least it feels like.

I'm never going to gamble today, that's the last thought on my mind. I don't know why I don't want to gamble, I think it's because I regularly post here. If I left, I'd probably be sorely tempted. This site has helped me enormously. Thank you.

No pains or aches, full mobility again which is a blessing. Looking forward to next term/year, as long as I'm like this then I can do a job again. No more tablets, no more pain, walking normally, not like I've spent the night on Michael Barrymore's couch. Haven't worn a suit in a year either, grew to hate them, now I wouldn't mind popping one on again. Oh, better buff them brogues up again.

Hope you are all ok, life isn't perfect, it's full of ups and downs. Don't take either too seriously, they come, they go, part of life, seasonal, changeable. Take care, Steg

Posted : 10th July 2012 10:09 am
Posts: 0

Hi Steve,

U have a habit of making me smile with ur posts, I look 4ward 2 reading them so thanks 🙂

I'm glad that u r not in pain, and that u r looking 4ward 2 next year. U r doing brilliant!

Ur determination shines thru in ur posts and u make a lot of people laugh and smile. So again a huge thank u.

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 10th July 2012 10:16 am
Posts: 0

hahahaha Ste Im glad you need this site to keep you focused because we would sure miss your posts.

Its really great to hear that you seem to be pain free at the moment (apart from the little tinky accident, it could be a really good chat up line if ever you needed it... so I trapped it blah blah... and now it needs rubbing better lol. )

Get that marks and spencer pinstripe out and start practicing, obviously not in the 6 inch stilletoes, try it with the brogues first :).

I havent killed my boss yet but i just keep making the voodoo doll that i made of him, do a backward flip followed by the splits. that will teach him... 🙂

Enjoy your day.... Keep smilein... keep shining... knowing you can always count on me...... for sure............... Come on everyone ... sing along....

Blondie x

Posted : 10th July 2012 10:36 am
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