Mr Steg Leg,
Hope you are cool and froody.... and just having a 48 hour break from this site.... if it turns into 72 hours I am sending Granny Weatherwax in the shape of a pidgeon to poo on your car.
Played golf today and have the blisters to prove it..... horsefly bite.. Pffftt.
Possibly you are laid up due to thinking you were Steven Gerrard the other day.... or maybe on a 3 day fyshyng marathon...
If you are looking for your next TP to read... pls read Mort... It's the first "DEATH" book... Death always talks in capital letters and as you read him... you can't help having a Christopher Lee voice in your head... its compulsory.
Hope to hear from you soon.
eeeee rrrrrrrrrrrr steeee... Whats going on an dat bro ?
Hope you havent been eaten by a Horsefly and all is good in da hood. !
Peace bro. !
Blondie chizzle me dizzle.. x
Evening ,
Something is missing in life ,
Something that put a smile on my face day in day out
Something that I need to return , quickly
Something that without it my whole well being could go down the pan
Steg Lucan WHERE ARE YOU ????
Hi Steve
109 and counting, keep racking up the numbers, hope all is well?
Hello steve hope alls well
Mork calling orson..? Come in orson......
Nanoooo nanoooo.!!
Keeping your diary very high up page one my friend! Hope all is well!
Hell of a journey Steven! Hope all is well with u, as u havent logged on in while. Just reading through ur diary for the first time and its one hell of read ! well done on abtaining for so long!
Hi all, everything ok, been in tent, fishing, since Saturday, came home to get shower and fresh dog biscuits, lovely weather, going back there for one more night. Speak again tomorrow. No idea what day I'm on but not even thought about gambling or murdering anyone in ages, the moon must be waxing. Hope you're all well and enjoying the hot weather, bout time, gotta go, catchin big fish, Maisie tomorrow x
yayy Return of the steg, return of the steg.
Enjoy the fishing.
Blondie x
Good Morning Steve,
Glad you are having such a great time in the weather just chilling at the lake, or is it that you STILL cannot catch anything worthwhile so are now in a state of frenzied panic before you can leave lol lol
Only joking , i'm sure you will let us know with your tales of that big catch when you get back and we can all then say 'what a fisherman that Steve is!' lol lol
Hope your day with your daughter is as great as always as long as you don't play footie and get her injured again!
Keep Strong Steve, your doing just great!
Smiling Lucy
You sound to be in a great place steve location wise and mentally happy days!
Glad your back today but its a selfish programme you see and i was starting to miss your banter on the form haha.
Seriously though great to hear how well you are!
Hi Steve,
I'm glad u r ok, I was missing ur posts!
I hope uv had a brilliant time fishing 🙂
Have a gr8 day with Maisie 🙂
Stay strong 🙂
Hi all, sun still out, so am I, no gambling at all, I'm well, hope you are all too cos you're all fab. Can't talk much at the mo, dead busy sunbathing and daydreaming. When it rains I'll catch up. Life is good, choose life, choose sunshine, choose happiness, choose laughter. Take care all Steve Sunbeam xxxxx
Totally wish I had your pure energy right now.... keep it up brought a smile to my face and i guess load's of others... pity it's raining here or would love to be outside!
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