Hey Ryan, it sounds like you’re doing amazing!! I’ve done my first week and there were difficult days but keeping busy has been my life saver.
I think if you can plan things, give you stuff to look forwards to like a long walk or out with friends it stops your mind thinking about it for that period of time.
you’re smashing it, stay strong! With each day it gets easier x
@ryann Hi
Thank you for you getting some thing from your reading.
Yes it is often done switch one addiction t another addiction or some thing obsessive.
It is just another way of escaping in our fears.
It is often mentioned over the 50 years I have been in the recovery program getting the buzz, adrenaline rush which is often fear based.
In recovery we face each fear one at a time and also reveal the pains that cause rage out of of some.
If you have a healthy balance in your life an Xbox can be fun and exciting.
For me any thing that takes over our balance is a form of escaping.
Some often think that big events are a time of healthy social interactions.
For me I might have been with lots of people yet there was no close intimacy due to my issues.
Bit like Christmas use to be a time when family would buy material things to please me, and they may have thought it was a way of them showing love towards me.
Sadly as a child I needed far deeper than that.
Often people will be so consumed that when their teams wins they feel successful in them self.
When their teams loses they feel failure in them self.
Is that in any way healthy.
That my pride and success is based on how many goals another person gets.
For me today my success is based up on my productive actions and my healthy words and expressions.
For me today my success is based up on planning needs wants and my gaols.
It was also being connected to healthy people going to bowling.
I will definitely start to plan more things on my days off, especially at the weekends.
I will keep strong if you keep strong and healthy.
Love and peace to every one.
Dave L
AKA Dave Of Beckenham UK
@gadaveuk This was another interesting read. Thanks for sharing your story with me.
I can definitely relate in terms of seeing that me being sat on my own playing my Xbox for hours on end was escaping reality and putting myself in a bubble to block other things out. I can see this alot more clearly now that I’m looking back at it.
I still play my Xbox but not anywhere near as much as I did growing up.
I still need to work on making sure I have things planned for my days off. I am working until Friday this week so I will make sure I have plans in place by then.
@haystack0915 Hey, you’ve done really well, you should be proud of yourself!
I also agree that keeping busy is the best thing to keep your mind from being distracted by unhealthy things.
I think my difficult time was Saturday when I had the day of but I hadn’t planned to do anything so I tried to keep myself busy by playing darts which is one of my hobbies. Played a little bit of Xbox and had an early night.
I will definitely have things planned for when I’m next off at the end of the week.
Keep it up!
8th day on here, thanks to everyone who has read my story and taken their time to post on my thread. Stay strong!
9th day, still going strong.
My 10th day on here today. It’s really helping me by posting on here daily. Stay strong everyone!
Hi you're doing really well. You're posting every day and that's really good,try it you can to add some more content. You will have good days, bad days and very bad days in your recovery,especially in the early days. Don't be afraid to share bad days bad feelings , getting it out helps and I found early on that writing negative feelings down took the power out of that feeling. And it's amazing when others post for you , give you advice on how to deal with how you're feeling. Keep it going one day at a time
@charlieboy Thanks for the reply, yeah I should at more to my messages, I do find it a little hard to post about bad things.
For example it was 2 days ago I was delivering at work and one of the customers was playing slots on his phone as I delivered to him. This did give me a weird feeling inside but I managed to brush it off fairly well.
Stay strong all.
I know today will be a bit harder than week days with a lot of sports being on. I am in a good state of mind at the minute though, feeling positive and keeping busy. I’ll be playing darts for some of the day which is one of my hobbies. Also we’ve got some friends coming over later on to watch a film with us.
Stay strong all!
Back at work again today, I’ve stayed busy on my 2 days off. Had a really good night last night watching a film with friends. Went on a nice trip out with my partner yesterday afternoon to get some fresh air. All in all I had a really good day yesterday. Here’s to this upcoming week!
Stay strong all!
It was healthy for me to stay busy.
Good for you having a healthy week end.
Mixing with healthy people helped me come out of myself.
Those good healthy days add up quickly.
Yes stay focused and strong strong for your self.
Love and peace to every one.
Thank you
Dave L
AKA Dave Of Beckenham UK
@gadaveuk Thanks Dave, the days feel like they’re getting easier to get through without temptation. I just need to keep up with what I’m doing and not getting complacent. Working again today so will be staying busy.
Stay strong all!
Day 16, not really too much to say apart from I’m still going strong, I’ve not had any bad thoughts or temptations in the last couple of days. I’ve been waking up, making a brew and keeping myself busy for a few hours by either playing darts or playing Xbox and then going to work.
I do plan to start exercising more, either by using the couch 2 5k app or to start swimming a few times a week.
Stay strong all!
So yesterday and today I’ve been off work. These days usually are the hard ones but I’ve made sure I’ve stayed busy on them. Yesterday I went out for lunch with my Dad and then went to get my hair cut. After that I went on a night out with some mates.
Today I’ve been a little hungover but I’ve been for a McDonald’s with my girlfriend and had a chilled day with her.
Heres to the upcoming week!
Stay strong all!
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