fresh start

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I have been a gambler for the last 15 years but the last 5 have been really bad. I have got myself into 15 grand worth of debt threw it. The last 2 months have been really bad with me losing about 8 grand which has left me penny less and feeling sick and depressed. I am addicted to playing the machines in betting shops especially roulette. When i go on i wont come out until i have won, or lost everything. I have come to the point were i have to change. Yesterday i went round all my local betting shops and self excluded myself and phoned neca to get councelling. Feeling slightly better but still cant get over what i have lost threw it. MONEY,GIRLFRIEND AND DAUGHTER. Gambling had taken over my life. But no more i must fight back

Posted : 5th July 2012 1:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Boro,

Welcome to the forum! Big words, high expectations, and positive action that's what your post shows! Self excusing will be the single best thing you do in recovery! Machines are your problem then self exclusion keeps you away! Great start there! It shows you want to stop and are prepared to do whatever it takes!

Read diaries, take peoples advice, and keep your own dairy up to date where possible! The people who succeed are those who have barriers in place and who are committed to their recovery! Make sure you are a member of that group of people!

I wish you every success in recovery!


Posted : 5th July 2012 2:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Boro,

Very powerful first post from you. Sounds like you are very commited to your recovery. Brilliant that you have self excluded.

From now on your life will begin to get better!

Looking forward to reading your diary.

Sue x

Posted : 5th July 2012 4:54 pm
Posts: 974
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cheers for the words of support. At the moment i cant gamble got no money. The trouble might start in 3 weeks when i get paid. But i very much doubt it. Finally seen what i have been doing. Before i came on this site i thought i was alone in that my addiction causes me to do crazy things. But reading threw dairies im not alone. Which is comforting that other people no what your going threw

Posted : 5th July 2012 5:57 pm
Posts: 0

Boro, I totally understand where you are coming from mate. I too have lost my HOME, WIFE, CHILDREN, MONEY and also TIME! Spent years and years of my life as a compulsive gambler.

Mate you have done the right thing admitted that gambling has you licked and your life has become unmanageable.

Now you just have to put BARRIERS in place and keep them in place.

Firstly DO NOT carry any more money than you need on a daily basis (food money, ciggs etc).

Secondly find someone that can take control of your finances that way the ammunition is removed.

I would also suggest if you gamble online get GAMBLOCK as this removes all the internet gambling sites.

TRY to get yourself to a GA(Gamblers Anonymous) meeting they have given me a life I have never had!!!



Posted : 5th July 2012 6:31 pm
Posts: 974
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Me brother taken control of me fiances which is embarrasing but it had to be done. Just to take the temptation away because i no me brother will only give me money what i need for everyday life. Never gambled online like. But your right turk no gambling is going to lead to a better life. With gambling lifes s**t Cheers for that advice turk.

Posted : 5th July 2012 6:49 pm
Posts: 0

No problem at all boro, as compulsive gamblers we have to go back to being treated like children again, some of the things we have to do are embarrasing but if it means it prevents us from gambling I can deal with that!

Since stopping gambling I have achieved all the things that I wanted when I was gambling, most importantly people trust me now, people actually like me now, I actually like me now! My bond with my children is immense now better then it ever was because gambling came first!!!!

As I said before, well done mate and good luck. If you ever need any advice or help just message me. I'll do my best to help.


Posted : 5th July 2012 7:50 pm
Posts: 974
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The worst part about it turk is i was gaining the trust back with the x girlfriend but then i went a blue it again. So as well as feeling sick about me gambling addiction i feel like i have lost me girlfriend and daughter all over again. But at the moment i must consentrate on my gambling and soughting that out first.

Posted : 5th July 2012 8:21 pm
Posts: 974
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A week ago today was when i realised i had to change. I had lost 3 grand bye now and feeling very sick and down. Today im feeling a bit better with all the stuff i have put in place to stop me gambling. They only 1 way i can go now and thats up because last friday id hit rock bottom with a massive bang

Posted : 6th July 2012 12:35 pm
Posts: 974
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Still feeling a bit sick, when i look back at what i have lost. But trying to take each day as it comes. At the moment the urge is not they because i aint got any money so cant. I dont think i would anyway

Posted : 7th July 2012 10:05 am
Posts: 0

I wish you all the best m8, just reading ur stuff....and its that feeling we got to remember, just keep it close for a while.....thats how i am gettin by at the moment. That feelin is like a train hitting you so hard and it winds you! keep strong! you'll get through it 🙂

Posted : 7th July 2012 10:19 am
Posts: 974
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cheers for post daviduk1 i no its the feeling of what have i done. Its hard to forgive yourself never mind any1 else forgiving you. But going to stay strong this time and never gamble on anything ever again. Not even the bandits in pubs its all got to stop. This morning to be honest dont no how i feel. All i no is i wont gamble again!. Got to do it for myself nobody else. Yes i love my daughter to bits but she never go short her mam will make sure of that

Posted : 8th July 2012 9:47 am
Posts: 0

Hi Boro,

Well done getting this far......Yep do it for your self......but also for your little gal, I know you say her mam will not let her go without but how good will it feel when you can get her extra treats?

May I suggest reading through some diarys on here.....Couple I can suggest to start you off with .... Castle(read his today!) and Mark 117 a true hero!

Good luck Boro

Sue x

Posted : 8th July 2012 1:18 pm
Posts: 974
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Just read mark117 it brought a tear to my eyes. He was just getting his life soughted out and then he dies. It makes you realise lifes to short to be wasting it gambling

Posted : 8th July 2012 3:27 pm
Posts: 974
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well day 10 with no gambling. Feeling a lot more positive. In them 10 days i have realised what gambling has done to me. Its turned me into a person i no longer want to be. All blocks in place, got no money at the moment like so i have not really been tested. The only way is up

Posted : 9th July 2012 8:59 am
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