Gambling- the sure way of getting nothing from something! 11th May 2014

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Cheers bear,sometimes you just need reminding of the misery gambling has brought us.

Day 60,woke up in a positive mood,I gota a a little urge to bet on the cricket,I'm goin through the thought proccess of if I win or lose. Would winning 200 be as satisfying as keep gamble free?

I don't think so! Would hate to start bk to day 1. Things are gradually getting easier,I know too well if I can start the year 78 days gamble free I would have a great chance of a gamble free 2014 and a gamble free life.

Posted : 12th December 2013 7:10 am
Posts: 1226

Smiled when I read that you do the super 6 robby. Given I am from an angle where I think it's ok to gamble on some things and not others, providing the areas you gamble on don't cause you a problem, maybe I'm not the best guy to ask if that's ok.

I don't count things like the lottery or an odd scratchcard as gambling but I appreciate many others do, so I'm never going to think doing super 6 or fantasy football or anything else where there is no stake at all

is gambling.

But here's the bottom line with any of that - if it leads to gambling of a sort that the person doesn't want, acts as a trigger or gives potential urges, then it should be avoided.

If you can separate an activity where you could win money, stake involved or not, from forms of gambling which give you problems, fine. If you can't, don't touch it.

Can definitely see how doing super 6 helps you through a Saturday afternoon. But what if you don't get all the scores right but you get the 6 results right?

Posted : 12th December 2013 9:38 pm
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Thanks for your input captain,- I think I knew the answer before I asked the question!

I felt like I've been cheating In a way,and knowing your approach,I wanted to get your response.

Getting 6 correct results would not worry me,it had crossed my mind,think I've had 5 out 6 a few times.

Its a bet I wouldn't even throw a pound on. I was more of a certy berty gambler,big outlays for smaller returns.

It defo has helped me,in fact I've only started doing since I gave up on oct 13th. I'm not obssessed by it,I will do it sat morn,don't even know the fixtures before then.

Glad I got that off my chest,it really is finding out what works for each individual.

A couple of years ago I failed because of a pre-season bet that won and re fuelled my addiction,I thought at the time it was helping me abstain,sadly not.

Posted : 12th December 2013 10:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hi robby

Good to catch up again.

Yeah I sometimes do the super 6 but don't find it gives rise to an urge but can understand how it draws people back in.

What are your thoughts for the cricket? Not looking good!

As you say, I can be nearly 50 days by new year and push forward into 2014 gamble free and never to go back to it. And definitely it's the thought of returning to day 1 that is stopping me gambling more than anything.

Keep in touch


Posted : 13th December 2013 1:29 am
Posts: 1226

Thanks for the post Robby. I do appreciate it but I have heard it all before.

It is just not as easy to change your life as people think and be different after all these years.

I cant invent new things to be interested in doing on my own if there simply arent any and I've spent countless time considering lots.

And I cant invent friends and family who dont exist.

Sorry my post was more about just venting my frustrations, not looking for answers as there are none. I just need to deal with December somehow without gambling.

Like so many, you think that with putting gambling behind ' the world is our oyster' but I've said many times that for me, putting gambling aside gives financial benefit and allows me to pay debts faster, but majority of my core issues remain.

Best wishes and keep the abstinence going.

Posted : 13th December 2013 3:25 pm
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Day 62,-days are racking up,obvious target of xmas on the horizon.

Cant wait to get there to be honest,a bit of time off to reflect.

Im doin ok,but really need to find something to fill the void left by gambling,wana get xmas out the way first.

It really is a tough time of year to abstain,money is short and lots of events etc in the next couple of weeks.

I came the closest to a gamble since oct 13th earlier.

Gambling on cricket was my first choice,i was very close to re -opening an account and having a wager.

Could i just limit myself to the odd bet on cricket?

I keep having to go through the what ifs.

I thought what i would i do with 200.00 of winnings? I dont know,i dont really need it,i can get by.

Abstaining from gambling is the hardest thing ive ever done,ive given up every other vice over the years,but gambling has a pull like no other.

Im glad and confident to say,just for today i shall not gamble,9 weeks 2mo.

Posted : 14th December 2013 12:46 pm
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Day 65, up for the cricket,gona enjoy,got no incline to gamble for the first time for a long while.

This is the norm,that dirty habit is clearing from my brain. All it is,is a habit. It isint impossible to quit. I'm gradually gettin a bit of self belief,its taken me 9 weeks,but I can do this

Posted : 17th December 2013 3:38 am
Posts: 4422


Fella thanks for popping by and posting on my thread, I am glad you take motivation from my ramblings lol.

You have picked up a greater resolve to continue to arrest youe compulsion my friend I hope it continues to grow.

Abstain and Maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 17th December 2013 11:40 am
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DAY 66,

Been in a good place today,its like ive ridden a major storm and come through the other end.

Ive no urge to gamble,i can see clearly at the moment what gambling has done to me in the past.

I realise that my behaviour in the past was unacceptable,the mood swings,everything revolved around gambling.

I often felt,even when i was going through a winning period(very rare) that gambling had a hold of me,i couldnt stop if i wanted to.

I`ve broken free of that hold,got off the merry go round,next mission to try new things- fill that void.

Thats my new years resolution to join a running club or learn the guitar,to change me.

Ive enhanced my safety net.made sure im self excluded from every bookie in britain for 5 years or permantley,hopefully ive P***** most of them off by emailing constantly to get a response.Funny enough tho im not excluded from 1 of 2 shops in my town,but have`nt been in there for years and i wont,simple as.

Just for today i shall not gamble

Posted : 18th December 2013 2:41 pm
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Day 74 - a nice xmas had,lucky to have 2 littlens,its what its all about. Can't say its not been stressfull,the pressures of money nearly got the better of me today,but I rode the storm.

I've spent more than I have,gona go bk in my overdraft,gona worry bout that in the new year.

Things would of been ten times worse if I'd been gambling.

Had thoughts of putting 500 on a 1/5 shot today,it just scrapped home but I felt really good after,I know it would of started the ball rolling again.

Realy do think if I can just past the 3 months stage on jan 13th I will start to reap the rewards of abstence. Money won't be so tight and the temptation for a quick couple of hundred won't be in my thoughts.

I'm winning.

Posted : 26th December 2013 7:33 pm
Posts: 1226

Glad you had a nice Christmas Robby and didn't do the 1/5 shot. Can't decide if the fact you are looking and thinking about it is a good thing or not. Ok for some to do this, not for others.

re being better after 3 months, I hope you are right and that 2014 proves gambling free for you.

Posted : 27th December 2013 7:39 am
Posts: 0


Glad to see things progressing well mate and you enjoyed Christmas with the family.

Onwards and upward in the new year.


Posted : 27th December 2013 8:51 am
Posts: 0

Hi Robby

Glad to hear you had a good Christmas. Feel the same re the money but atleast we ve spent it on the right things this month!

Catch the cricket this morning?

I was dangerously close to betting yesterday and can't get past the fact id have won a lot of money if I had, but as u say it starts the slippery slope again. It would be extremely difficult to win one big bet and walk away.

Stay strong mate - 3 months is a huge achievement and close to the 100 days.


Posted : 27th December 2013 12:04 pm
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Thanks for the support and posts captain,stu and hanz.

It really is a battle of wits this wk. I'm 11 weeks gamble free today.

Had a nice day yersterday,took my eldest daughter to the cinema,- she said to me 'your not gona keep looking at your phone are you?' Bless her,I had no intention,no need to.

These little things remind me why I'm giving up.

The money is a tiny part of giving up gambling,its the time and effort I'm putting into the things that matter.

I still went through the motions in my head of trying to win a quick 100 or 2,maybe 700 on man city to win 100,they quickly subsided,I'm getting use to these little urges,I'm learning how to deal with them,I'm gona keep drumming it in my head I can't stop once I start,my brain will learn!

The need for extra cash should hopefully disappear in the coming week. 1 more exscursion to shell out for 2moro shouldn't hurt too much,but f*** it I'm gona enjoy it,you only live once!

Posted : 29th December 2013 4:39 am
Posts: 1226

Well done on the 11 weeks Robby.

That's a great way of describing my position. My 'couple of pints a week' don't hurt me and are in fact good for me, however if I was to touch 'spirits' I'd be completely out of control and end up in the equivalent of a police cell about once a month having been arrested for being drunk and disorderly!

Posted : 29th December 2013 10:56 am
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