Should have listened to you Blondie, a woman's intuition and all that baloney, it's never wrong. Kim's left me for another fella. Jon's deluding himself with my delusions! I can't win. Never mind, She's probably high maintenance, and looks like a snorer too. I'll always have my house plants, they'll never leave me.
Everyone plateaus and goes flat Blondie from time to time, don't listen to the urges. They're sneaky and sly and'll make you cry. Don't trust them and keep strong, Steve.
Hiya. Just dropping in to say thanks again for your supportive posts it means a lot. Keep staying strong yourself, your making all the right decisions and by judging how many people are posting on your diary you must be such a lovely person. I wish you well with everything and good luck with your mum moving in. Take care.
Hi Blondie, thank u for ur kind words and continued support xx
U go from strength 2 strength, u r doing brilliant. U are soooo supportive of others here 2, u r an inspiration. Ur dad will be sooooo proud of u and all u r achieving.
U r such a kind caring person Blondie 🙂
Have a gr8 day and stay strong xxxxxx
Ha ha Blondie, you're on form and your last post really made me laugh. Emulsion! Lol. You sound in good spirits. I won't say exactly were Kim's tattoo is but let's just say that if her name was any longer then it wouldn't have fit on that part of my body. Ouch.
You're right about myself saying I'm rubbish. What I meant to say is that I'm up against seasoned professionals who've fished this water all their life. They have thousand of pounds worth of equipment whilst I turn up looking like I've been sponsored by the 99p shop.
Anyway got to go the plants need watering and Mickey's on the phone. We're going swimming later together. Got my speedos, towel now where did I leave my ............
Take care, keep strong, you're never alone cos we're all in this together fighting the good fight. Choose life, Steve.
day 53
Today is my second pay day and i have not lost one single penny to the greedy gambling demons.. I have money in the bank, a calm head and hope and that my friends is good enough for me.
So its FRIDAY today I love fridays because my boyfriend makes the long 200 mile journey home, Its really difficult at times having a long distant relationship and if his house ever sells then we can get that white picket fenced house and walk off into the sunset hand in hand lol...... I blame all the disney films i watched as a kid... 😉
Not really got much planned for the weekend apart from walking my little doggie he is currently upside down with his legs in the air lying at my feet, I have that effect on men sometimes lol....
Im so glad i got him, me and my daughter are out at least twice a day in the country park facing my house instead of sat in front of the T.V watching some mind numbing drivell, we are talking and laughing and spending some nice moments together, she made the cutest comment last night " Our little family is complete now we have woody" she has wanted a dog for so long and with working full time its never been possible, but i have nanny day care for him (my mum is great) when im not working from home...
I still have sunday coming up which is going to be a really hard day for me, my post on sunday will be dedicated to my dad and my first year ever without him on farthers day.
Today is a good day, No today is a great day, No thoughts of gambling, just for today i will not gamble.
Blondie day 53 x
Hello Blondie
Great post there (I am beginning to learn the "speak" here), but glad to see your optimism, I am sure you will have a great weekend, you've heard it before, your father would be proud of you, the future is bright, what a turnaround in only 50 odd days, great stuff,
Hi Blondie,
You talk a lot of sense. I will take it on board as I fight my demons.
Thanks again. You're doing great.
Take care
Hi Blondie,
you are so right that I shouldn't be disappointed in my 24 days rather than 50, you got it spot on. Much better to be 24 good days away from it and having a totally different mindset, than swimming in mud hoping it would get better.
What a lovely picture you paint of your home life, you deserve every bit of happiness that comes your way. You are a massive support on here, and I for one am grateful for your friendship on my journey.
Have a lovely weekend, I will be thinking of you on Sunday
Take care
Blondie, my friend, I will be thinking of you on Sunday. As you know, I will be in the same boat myself but I am going to remember my dad for the man he was before his illness, his fun attitude, his cr@P taste in music and his awful jokes!
Might help make the day a little easier. Hope it all goes well for you mate.
Take care and have a good weekend xxx
Congrats on your second clean payday and on the new addition to your family! 🙂
I know sunday will be a difficult day and my thoughts will be with you. x
White picket fences, do they need a bit of VIM to keep them that way ?
Cause I know a fairy who can get you some really cheap, must be all the bulk buying she does lol
Hope you have a nice weekend with your boyfriend, I like many others will be thinking of your Sunday,
Take care
Dusty xxxxxxxx
Hi Blondie,
Just popping in 2 say I hope u have a gr8 day 🙂
Stay strong xxxx
Day 54 and all is ok, went out for a nice meal last night , up early this morning dog walking, off out again for the second one. No thoughts of gambling but I have shed a few tears already just thinking about tomorrow, I miss my dad every day but tomorrow will be that little bit harder. Off to occupy myself. Take care everyone blondie day 54 xx
It's perfectly natural to feel the way you do. Shows how lovely your dad was. He'd be proud of your journey as we all are. Thinking of you tomorrow, take care, enjoy the blustery walks. Steve
blondie. I will say this i know as a dad of 3 myself, your dad would be extremly proud of you and your attitude toward your recovery and more so the recovery of others you show so much passion and your humility toward everyone you take the time to post to. I hope your day is full of memories treasured and you use this to make your day special. I hope woody(love that name! We have a recent addition ours is hovis.)also keeps bringing pleasure to you and yours. Take care. Duncs stepping forward never back.
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