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Checking in to say that shiny armour will serve you well, just for today.

Tomorrow will be better for it.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 10th July 2012 10:04 am
Posts: 0

HI Shiny,

Remember to take some of your own advice *Be kind to yourself*, your human we feel things sometimes you dont have to understand why just accept it and go with it with the knowledge that it will pass.

Rach has the rope and we all have your back, The barge is still there waiting and calm waters are forecast.

Take care

Blondie xxxxxx

Posted : 10th July 2012 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Hey There,

Sometimes it just is!! I wouldn't say anxiety is a movement away from your lovely calm middle I would say its just how you have woken today! It could be anything, you could have had a bad dream, you could be tired, you could be getting this bloody flu (man flu in my case)! Sunday night I felt like I wanted the world to end today I feel like I want to live forever! Nothing has changed in 48 hours just my mind Is calm! I havnt done anything in particular to bring 'normality' back, it just kinda returned!

Sometimes it's hard to find the positives but if you look deep enough they are there my friend! The storm will pass and through not gambling and getting on top of the other issues in our lives that storm will surely pass quicker than ever!

Keep Shining!


Posted : 10th July 2012 10:22 am
Posts: 0

hiya choook ...

Checking the guy rope as we moor the HMS Calm Water to bring you a cuppa and some home made cake....

Blondie sorting out the kitchen galley today as she has a ravenous appetite so Dunc has to move to Skipper today .....and has got the telescope rigged up so we can see you...

Flagg climbing back to the top shining the light and holding the barometer ...

He says . storm will pass...bit choppy but will be blue skies enough to make a pair of sailors trousers with by the evening....

All with ya hun until you feel ship shape again....no rush...just give us the signal when your ready....

Hugs ((((((Shiny)))) xxxx

Rach and Doo xx

Posted : 10th July 2012 1:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hey shiny,

I thought you might like these....

URL= /][/URL]

Blondie xxx

Posted : 10th July 2012 3:59 pm
Posts: 0

Afternoon Shiny...

Still no sign of you ..hope your on dry land ahoy...

will leave it til after tea then will have to bring in chocolate imageshack reinforcements as back up Blondie xx


Rach and Doo xxx

Posted : 10th July 2012 4:06 pm
Posts: 298

Hi shiny, sorry to hear you are feeling down.

I was going to save this one, as it's one of my favourites... but now is an appropriate time to use it... hope it makes you smile... if only briefly.

Posted : 10th July 2012 6:24 pm
Posts: 0

hey hun....

don't go missing too long...the weaker ones amongst us will start to worry...xxxx

R and D xx

Posted : 10th July 2012 7:49 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Thank you guys , the level of support shown to me today well I am speechless.

Just got in from work.

When I was little I suffered from epilepsy , due to a problem with the blood transfusion I had at birth .

Till about the age of 12 I had fits , but from then on I would just have the odd funny day . When it felt like I was underwater , not quite connecting with things.

My dad tells me , it is something he has picked up on through out my life. I call them my out of sorts days .

As I get older for some reason I get less and less of them , so now I get one prob 3/4 times a year.

Not sure why this happens , obviously preferable to having fits . But they just leave me very tired , and thinking , spelling, even talking takes a lot of effort.

I still manage to function, so people just think oh she's having a bad day.

Today was one of those days, spent almost the whole day in my office slowly working my way through stuff , thank the lord for spell check . And as I have 2 days off now , I am sure that I will back to myself when I wake in the morning , or the next day .

So honestly I am fine, as many a poster said just work through it. I am not sad it is not that those dark clouds have descended, I am just out of sinc.

Once again I really appreciate the kindness of you all,

Rach sort of think there were many hands joining yours in holding that rope today .

I will catch up with you all tomorrow or the next day when my equilibrium returns .

In the mean time , no slips , no dramas , no Jeremys , until I am once again to give you the support , you have given me !

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 10th July 2012 8:06 pm
Posts: 0

Glad to hear youre ok now shiny. I can put my Rosary beads away Just shows how loved and important you are to so many people on here, sleep well tonight, Steve.

Posted : 10th July 2012 8:15 pm
Posts: 0


Shes back....

phew! and yes lots of us there holding the rope hun....

Won't do a long post but just to say..glad your ok.rest up and look after yourself ...

....and you know what they say...."if jeremy Kyle sits on that step..you know your in trouble"...lol xx.

night night hun...can check out fish/flaxseed oil for you if you like ...we have a lot of success with it ..

Rach and Doo xx

Posted : 10th July 2012 8:20 pm
Posts: 0

hiya lovely,

just a quick drive by as running late.....hoping you feel heaps better today after a good nights sleep...

Take it easy and cruise through today if you can ...HMS Calm Waters moored nearby if you fancy refreshments and a chillax.

hugs and squeezes

R and D xxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 7:44 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Woke up feeling ok,

Slept late for me, which is good.

Still slightly off but not as anxious as yesterday.

No work today , which is good , so will just potter .

Stay well all , catch up with you all soon .

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 9:00 am
Posts: 0


Just a quickie! There is no time limit to feeling better! When you are ready I know you will be back shinier than ever! Until then rest up regain some strength and be assured there's plenty of people looking out for you!


Posted : 11th July 2012 9:23 am
Posts: 0

Hey Shiny.

Glad to hear your ok, I love the word potter/ing, it means so many things summed up in one word.. I hope your pottering is keeping you ok and in the middle, Rach put me in charge of the food yesterday right near the fridge for some reason my appetitie over the past few days seems to be that of an elephant lol... I will be sinking the boat if i carry on eating.

Hope your well , enjoy the rest of your day...

Blondie xxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 2:19 pm
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