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She came , she saw , she battled, and in the end she got there!

Clever old me

Shiny xxxxxx

Well sort of , this was off photo bucket a app for my iPad.image shack would not work on my ipad

Posted : 11th July 2012 2:22 pm
Posts: 0


I would say you passed that one with flying colours, I never for one minuete doubted that you wouldnt...

NEXT !!!!!!!!

Blondie xxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 2:48 pm
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That's it from me now on only odd picture when it is really needed ,you know something to use as a communication tool , now and again or to cheer someone up

Promise all you long suffering diary readers .

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 4:24 pm
Posts: 0

awwwww...more pics more pics xx

Posted : 11th July 2012 5:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shiney,

78.......Ummmmmmmmmmm 79 now posts in 5 days....Your a star hun!

Thanks for your post...really appriciate it!

Sue xxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 5:40 pm
Posts: 0

Oh yes oh Shiny one,

You came you saw you conquered today!

Made the forum that little bit brighter with the big pics floating around the diaries!

I was just listening to a song and I guess if we look deep enough we can make the lyrics fit anything but this one made me think of gambling (the power of addiction) not sure why!

A prism with an intellect

You show your light selectively

You stole my glow, a seasoned thief

The blacks of my eyes are turning into opals

Today, I'll walk

There's nothing here left for me but empty promises

And the thought of all the things

I'm never getting back

You came, you saw, you conquered everyone

And I'm left here bleeding, what went wrong?

Yeah, I'm down but not out, and far from done

Beware Criminal

Have a nice Evening!


Posted : 11th July 2012 8:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny,

It made me smile when I saw u posting the pictures, u did it.... I knew u would 🙂

I just wanted 2 say a huge thank u 2 u 4 ur kind words on my diary. I always find ur words reassuring so thank u, it means alot 🙂

I have got alot of info on the paramedic training, when Maddison goes to school I am gonna apply 4 the courses. Thank u 4 asking 🙂

U r an inspiration!

Stay strongxxxxxx

Posted : 11th July 2012 9:44 pm
Posts: 298

Well done


Posted : 11th July 2012 9:57 pm
Posts: 0

Well Well Well ...who has had a fun day off eh?

Ha..even posting this Jons Shiney post is blinding me!..

Futures so bright hun...you gotta wear shades.

I got as far as installing the app and taking a pic of Dot on loveshack ..but it wont let me post it. Have to join in with the doggy pics now our Blondie has let us see Woody...

well hun...alls quiet on the north western front...I shall look out for you colourful posts and keep sending the virtual cakes...it's good for my figure..

Love and hugs hun

Rach and Dotty xx

ps...on the lady bits...3 years is about right hun... I dont think your overdue?


Posted : 11th July 2012 10:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny

I am completely out of touch with your diary but glad to see you are getting through your to do list?

Thanks for your visit, and keep on keeping up the good work,


Posted : 11th July 2012 11:04 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Shiny, hope all is good, thanks for the pic it made me giggle, take care. Steve

Posted : 12th July 2012 9:00 am
Posts: 0

Morning Shiny,

Thanks for the flowers they brightened my day, a bit like you so very apt i thought.

Hope all is well in shiny town and your pottering a bit more on your day off.

Enjoy your day

Blondie xxxxxx

Posted : 12th July 2012 10:25 am
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I have been thinking this morning that I wanted to write something about a lesson I learnt in rehab.

My reason for this is that I have had a situation arise at home/ work that has made me look to what I learnt there to sort out how I feel / deal with it. I can not go into details why I have had to do this because as you know my amoninity is important to me , but following a 6am text this morning I have had to dig deep to decide how I will cope with the latest drama in my life.

As a child my mum was very much into what people thought of you. I remember all us children cleaning , polishing , hovering the house within an inch of its life ,and then when her guest turned up. She would say " you have take us as you find us"

To this day that makes me chuckle, do not get me wrong she was a good mum just too worried about the Jonies so to speak.

So I went through my childhood putting on a front believing if you did not match what was mistakenly the expectations you put upon yourself you would drop in people's expectations. At work particularly I give tooo much, never wanting people to think that I am less than I am.

So back to rehab , my very intuitive councillor picked up on this. And explained to me you can not wipe away the past by one action. For example you have been a best friend to someone for years and years and forget there birthday, they do not think ok that's it , my BF has let me down sooooo much i will have nothing to do with them again .Cause your history counts . The work , the time , the effort you have put in , one little thing goes against you which may not even be your fault , does not mean that you are now seen as the worste friend in the world.

I do not know if this helps anyone , or even if it makes sense to who ever is reading this. But I need to stay with these thoughts today , one I need to relise that there are things I have no contoll of. Two , that who the f******k cares what people think. ( although I do thanks for that mum) and 3 must NOT obsess on something which at the end of the day will blow over in a day or two , if my reputation suffers from it , it will be short lived , cause ultimately I will still be the same person I was yesterday or the day before , or the day before .

So dear reader confused , sorry , really I hope by writing this down , it would help me find the way through , the mine field that is my thought process this morning.

Anyway , it will not be sending me through the doors of the local bookies that's for sure. That is one mine I will not be stepping on, cause we all know what will happen, and progress I have made in this last recovery journey will be blown to smithereens . No way mateeeee !!!!

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 12th July 2012 10:55 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny, thanks for your concern, I'm wearing a protective thimble plus I've thrown out every clothing with a zip on. From now on its kilts all the way, dreading winter. Take care, Steve.

Posted : 12th July 2012 1:13 pm
Posts: 0

hiya chook...meditating on your post between calls....

will repost later when home xx


R and D xx

Posted : 12th July 2012 1:26 pm
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