So today is day 1 of 2017. No bets or urges. Day 90 officially gamble free.10 days to my century
Day 90 done gamble free. Night all. Stay strong x
Day 91. Spent yesterday evening with my family, they were both so poorly with a sickness bug that my ex asked me to be there for her and her daughter. I spent most of it mopping up sick and comforting them. Really tragic feeling, realising how much I adore them. I have so much love to give them.
Another day gamble free, I'm changing and evolving everyday as a person. A guy I truly like and he is here to stay. Who knows what the future holds but as this guy I know it can only be positive.
U were there for them in their hour of need - has to count for something 🙂
U were there for them in their hour of need - has to count for something 🙂
Who knows. I've been in a bit of a Groundhog Day, one minute she wants me there then she pushes me away
Day 92 severely stressed at work. Ex saying again she doesn't want to reconcile and wants the house sold. The pulling me in and pushing me away is destroying my heart but I will not gamble.
Matt24...stay focused on you. Be thankful that you were in a good enough place to be there when your little un needed you...that is what is important. You and your ex are this moment in time and the immediate future you cannot be together. You both need to work on yourselves. Who knows what the future holds. But for the present you have to provide a stable place for your daughter, you have her future in your hands. 8 days till the big 100...keep it going. Be proud of yourself.
Thanks Rhoda. I am being as strong as I can be. The strength is there and I am doing all I can to hold this together and be that man who I always should have been.
A huge turn of events, my ex has given me the olive branch of a second chance. I will grab this with both hands now I am going to be that rock, that pillar for them now. Even more inspired to stay gamble free. Mountains to climb but I have the equipment and determination to achieve my everest.
I spoke too soon, she has text me to tell me it's over again. I will stay strong. 🙁
Her head is clearly all over the place @ the minute which must be extremely painful for you, not to mention confusing 🙁 From the outside, it looks like you're doing exactly what you need to...Keep strong - ODAAT
I am doing all I can. I cannot tell you how much I love both of those girls, they are truly everything to me. I am a fool for wrecking everything. I can't turn back time but I truly wish I could. Only thing I can do now is finally be that man and move forward into a brighter future.
Hi Matt
Glad to see you're still gamble free and closing in on the century! Do your family know that you're coming up to this mile stone. I know 100 days is just the beggining but it's a great start. The longer keep this going, the more you are prooving that you're a changed man. Keep up the good work
Hello, Matt,
If you look at the stories on the f&f threads, the partners who leave (and the partners who don't) go through agonies along the way, nothing's black and white, nothing's easy.
It took a long time for the addiction to get this bad and it will take a long time to clear up all the mess. You've started and you're doing the right things now, that's what counts and that's what will make things better but not overnight. Time takes time but don't waste the now for worrying about tomorrow.
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