Here again!!!!!

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Afternoon folks

No gambling and no smoking. Only onto my second day with the smoking but feeling good.

Having a chill out day at work with number 2 dog, think i might ask my boss if i can bring her all the time, might sound stupid but its nice having her with me (do feel a little guilty for leaving number 1 & 3 at home!!)

Dog training tonight which is always a bonus, got to gear up for the next competition, got all 3 dogs competing in that one. No gambling urges which is a surprise as normally when my boss went on holiday it was a free for all gamble fest!!!!! but not actually thought about it much.

Hope everyone is doing ok today and enjoying this nice weather, it will have changed by the time i go in my caravan at the end of july no doubt!!

Take Care and stay strong

lisa and number 2 dog stuck in cool office!!!!!!

Posted : 9th July 2013 12:45 pm
Posts: 259

hey Lisa

lovely to talk with you on chat yesterday, well done on not smoking and especially not gambling- BRILLIANT. You can do it. Hope the training went well.


Posted : 10th July 2013 6:54 am
Posts: 0

Morning Lisa,

well done on the smoking and more importantly gambling. I hope your boss lets you keep number 2 at work with you, think that gives you another reason to stay away from dangers when you have a quiet moment.

Keep it up and hope today is a good one for you, speak soon.


Posted : 10th July 2013 8:33 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Lisa,

Nice to hear you giving up smoking, you will feel loads better in every aspect of your life( i know i'm a smoker, but know few ppl who gave up). Lovely to hear you can keep your four legs friend in your workplace, i'm sure you have a great company:-)

Take care and keep going strong

Sandra x

Posted : 10th July 2013 2:21 pm
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Thanks Stu, Phil and Sandra for your positive comments, appreciated as always

Well no gambling and no smoking, had a busy day yesterday at work so didnt get chance to post. Hopefully a more steady day today.

My sister is over for a visit so going out for a family meal later which will be nice, dont get to see my sister that often as she lives 50 miles away.

Think the weekend is going to be tough this weekend, going to my friends saturday night so drinking is involved, got to keep off the f**s!!!!!! and also no gambling as i am not going to replace the f**s with a bet either!!!!!!!! I think if i get through this weekend i should be ok, stay positive. thats all i can do.

Last day with number 2 dog in the office, unless my boss let me bring her all the time but enjoyed having her with me, that also means the last day of peace at work as well, you never know my boss might go on holiday again, its been so calm without him here.

Hope everyone doing ok, going to make a brew and catch up on some diaries.

Take care all 🙂

Posted : 11th July 2013 10:36 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Lisa:-)

Thanx for your post and congrats on another day smoking + gambling free! It is hard to give up smoking, my sister quit 3 years now, so it is possible like everything else in life:-) there is a book out, about smoking, i'm not sure how it's called, but she read it and gave up( no patches ir chewing gum) few ppl i know did it this way, i can find out what it is if you want, and maybe you find it easier to quit? ( in case you get bigger urges)

Me, well you not the only one wondering how can i smoke and do intensive exercise, i don't know myself lol, i can't do short and quick distances, but for long ones- i can run forever, and don't get out of breath. Must still hav some healthy lungs left haha 🙂

As i understand you spend a lot of time with dogs( competitions, training) i hav friend back home which do the same. Well she trains other ppl dogs and enter competitions. Great job as well as huge love and understanding for dogs. She had pitbull, which was Europe champion 3 times. My hat off for you guys, i know it takes a lot of patience, time and determination to get where you want to get.

Well done for everything you hav achieved so far!

Take care and hav a lovely day as well as coming weekend

Sandra x

Posted : 11th July 2013 4:28 pm
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Thanks Sandra That would be good.

Well back to chaos at work, my boss has only been back in the country for 7 hours and its manic.

Anyway no gambling and no smoking still.

Had a lovely time with all my family last night, it was so nice not to have to count the pennies and actually enjoy ourselves.

Not sure how much i will get to do on here today but will be back on monday when i am sure he might have calmed down a bit.

Take Care all 🙂

Posted : 12th July 2013 12:26 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Lisa,

Allen Carr - 'Easy way to stop smoking'. It says about 95% ppl stops smoking after reading it. You can buy from Amazon about 7 pound. But you still need willpower, which i think you got just fine:-)

Take care, hope it helps

Sandra x

Posted : 12th July 2013 3:06 pm
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God this thing called life is hard, had a drink tonight which I probably shouldn't have done but my head racing. Got thoughts of everything going round in my mind. Trying to explain to my hubby how hard it all is, like talking to a brick wall though! Maybe I am selfish or just alcohol talking, but no gambling no f**s even if I haven't got anything else at the moment. Sorry for a slightly drunken rant.

Posted : 13th July 2013 12:27 am
Posts: 0

Hey Lisa,

I do feel for you, it sounds as though we have partners of a so similar thought process, I think they probably do understand, but they just don't want to understand. Only in the last couple of days, I have had my wife, questioning so many things and it drives me mad, I try to explain, but they just don't, I think it is hurt and the lack of trust, which will come back over time. Stay strong my little doggy loving friend, you are worth it. Anyway, hope work settles a bit now your boss is back, and hope number 2 can stay in office.

have a great weekend and stay strong


Posted : 13th July 2013 7:44 am
Posts: 259

Hey Lisa

well done on staying strong. Sorry the last couple of days have been difficult ones. Hope that the weekend is full of good things.

take care


Posted : 13th July 2013 7:49 am
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Thanks Phil and stu

Still feel rubbish today, think I am just having an episode as I call it. No gambling and no smoking, not sure how I managed to get through last night but I did. Going to friends tonight not sure that I really want to go but might feel better later. Typing all this on my phone takes ages, and got fat fingers and hit the wrong button all the time.

Hope everyone having a nice weekend. Catch up Monday x

Posted : 13th July 2013 3:59 pm
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Well a bit of a mixed weekend, as my previous post friday night was hard, mixture of not smoking and a few glasses of wine were not a good combination but saying that i think it sometimes does good to let off a bit of steam and on saturday hubby was a lot more talkative.

Went to my friends saturday night, hadnt seen them for about 4 weeks, he is an alcoholic and had been clean for the 3 weeks previous, they went on there holidays and guess what come back hes been drinking again. Well after a few hours of being there things get a bit more serious and it turns into a full blown conversation about his problems and mine, i had never told all the truth to them before but thought it might help him. My hubby was great he spoke the truth to his wife and told her it wont be an easy ride living with an addict and said some very supportive words. Not sure how much they listened. Tried to offer support but told him he can only do it if he wants to, addiction is all the same whatever it is.

Yesterday was much more relaxed, sat in the garden with the dogs splashing in the paddling pool and sandpit, chilled with a cool cider.

No gambling and no smoking, weekend was hard but i did it!!

Hope everyone else having a good day.

Take care all 🙂

Posted : 15th July 2013 9:20 am
Posts: 0

Hi Lisa,

I think the way that your husband has in effect supported you with you conversations with your friends speaks volumes. And this is all a result of you making the efforts that you have. I know it was a tricky weekend for you but very well done for no smoking and gambling.

Have a good day


Posted : 16th July 2013 7:33 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks Phil for your support it is much appreciated.

Well feeling a bit down this morning, hurt my foot at training last night, had a bit of an ongoing problem with it but really damaged it last night so got an appointment at the doctors later. I hate the doctors, the last time i went was after my breakdown and its bringing all them feelings back. I have two agility competitions in the next week so want to get it sorted for then if i can.

Still no gambling and no smoking just bloody pain in my foot!!!!!!!

Hope everyone doing ok take care 🙂

Posted : 17th July 2013 8:28 am
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