Here we go

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OK so I'm now on day 3 the longest I've gone for a couple of months not gambling.

I've started this to keep track and remind me why I'm committed to stopping gambling.

Interest rates increase again today.. I have the urge to gamble.. just 5.00 see what I can do with it.. my mortgage will increase yet again..  things will be even tighter.. I cannot afford to gamble..not even 5.00 


Posted : 22nd June 2023 6:44 pm
Posts: 208

Good to meet you in chat.

General advice do this for you, relax about cash. This is just for you to be proud of yourself and kick on in life.

Be confident, don`t look back its done and gone and is now in the past for a reason.

Work out why you did what you did and learn the lessons, but don`t dwell on it.

Gambling thrives on secrecy and lies.

Its clear that you are strong but you will have moments of weakness, plan in advance for these.

You will smash this, best wishes to you and your family.

Posted : 22nd June 2023 8:07 pm
Posts: 45
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@lids19635  nice to meet you too 🙂 I came away from chat with a lovely feeling of not being alone.  

Good advice the obsession with money will not help.. I need to spend time thinking why ?  And like you say learn from it .   Thank you for believing in me and your words of support 

Posted : 22nd June 2023 8:23 pm
Posts: 45
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Coming to the end of day 4 not gambling 🙂 watching Glastonbury enjoying not feeling stressed, anxious or guilty

Posted : 23rd June 2023 8:36 pm
Posts: 45
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Upset and disappointed in myself.  I've gambled .. it  was 5.00.  I didn't enjoy it.. I didn't carry on.. 

Posted : 24th June 2023 9:28 am
Posts: 208

Its not the end of the world, but block that avenue and any similar ways that you can think that you could gamble in the future. Seriously do it now. It takes a big person to admit they slipped, so be positive and put the extra blocks needed in place.

What were your thought processes minutes before you gambled?, and the what were your thought processes in the lead up to that moment, and then what was happening with you an hour before that, what im trying to say is work back find what triggered it and as soon as similar things happen in the hours leading up to your slip, learn to spot these and have a plan, maybe you tell your partner the minute you realize that you may be really struggling and may slip?

Think about the times of day and the days of the week that you have previously gambled and plan for these moments.

Learn to block, and then analyze and plan for next time and that 5 pounds may well be the best 5 pounds you ever spent, if it makes you have that true light bulb going on moment.

Be positive and follow the above and you WILL turn this around. Come on you can do this Rome wasnt built in a day and addiction also wasnt beat in a day either, its a long term project find the right mindset for that.

You CAN do this.



Posted : 24th June 2023 1:55 pm
Posts: 45
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I was on my own.. hubby gone out and I was due to go out.. kids away and at work.

That's my downfall when I'm on my own.. I thought just 5 won't hurt maybe I can make a bit more.  Obviously didn't..

Fresh day tomorrow thanks for your support .

I will beat this.. proves that as soon as paid on Friday it all goes to hubby x

Posted : 24th June 2023 4:16 pm
Posts: 45
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Well today has been a better Monday than last 🙂 although I'm back to day 2 of no gambling due to my blip I'm in a much better place than last week.  Documenting it so i can read back when I.wobble.. this time last week gambled the most I had for months.. 200.00 felt sick anxious and depressed.   This Monday no gambling.. New week, no guilt.

Posted : 26th June 2023 5:23 pm
Posts: 45
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New week coming up after my failure last week I'm determined not to gamble.  The positive is paid all my bills then transfered most of the remainder of my salary to my husband .   I want to go 7 days without slipping:-)  

Posted : 1st July 2023 7:13 pm
Posts: 45
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Im back again.. ive not really stopped gambling .. ive gambled last night and feel sick ro my stomach.  Not an excuse but my dads not well i just wanted to switch off from it.. ive probs gambled 400 over the last 3 weeks which i cannot afford .  Even winning and putting it all back in again.. So im at day one again.. im sick and tired of it.. its now effecting my mood .. the stress & worry when u lose.. OWARDS & UPWARDS 

Posted : 20th August 2023 1:23 pm
Posts: 13

Lrw how is it going? We have all been there. D1 again for me. Come on WE can do this. 

Posted : 31st August 2023 9:32 pm

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