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Hey SB... your always welcome to write whatever you want on my diary. Thanks for your thoughts 🙂 x

Another 8.5 miles in the bag this morning. Am running more and more. I love looking at my stats when I upload them to the garmin website. It says I have a resting heart rate of 44 beats per minute, which is pretty d**n good. means my heart is working efficiently. It gets as high as 155 beats when maximum exertion. If I could lose some weight who knows what I could still be capable of...

Also yesterday I did more than 26000 steps and I didn't even go for a run! Just goes to show how much walking at work I do and just generally out and about. I guess my body stores my energy as fat, cos it knows its gonna need the energy or maybe I just kid myself. I just eat tooooo much! 😉

Haven't gambled and don't intend to.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 5th May 2022 9:59 am
Posts: 4881
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Thanks Dave,

Well I ran a half-marathon today. It wasn't planned I just went out for a jog and it happened. So that's good.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 8th May 2022 4:22 pm
Posts: 4881
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Thanks Dave and yes its good to achieve healthy things.

Am back running again after 4 days of having to stop due to painful ankle. It is thankfully fixing itself quite quickly with just a bit of rest... all due to running too many miles to soon me thinks. 

Went out this morning for a tentative run and ended up doing 8.5 miles at a tiny bit over 10 minute miles, which ain't bad for an old f**t like myself 😉

Had a text from work. Can I return the door pass I used the day before. Apparently there is one missing and it was mine that i'd signed out. Am sure I returned it but apparently not. I haven't got it, ive looked. Am sure my name is now mud. Its kind of ruined my day off really, cos now am thinking about it and how it went missing and where it might be. It might be nothing to do with me at all but either way I will have to carry the can as I signed it out. Frustrating.

Anyway am basically ok.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 13th May 2022 1:23 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey, don't let work ruin your day off! As it happens, things like that magically re-appear and few apologies follows from original  accusations. 


Glad you're back on the running path. Even if I "rejoined" gym, I don't feel satisfaction  from it. Its always almost a set hour and I'm outta door and I do spend time clock watching  probably  40mins in...so yup, passion has gone in a way. And just maybe I am no longer obsessed with it and found other ways to rest/distress...like gardening.. I love my outdoor space. Making it look nicer...slow and steady lol..


Ordered two palms for the garden patio! Should look nice as it's lovely setting, with wide steps leading into the garden. Almost a Palace ? cannot bekieve I just said that lol..im deffo not a royal but guess it explains  that if you love and care about even small setting, it becomes your own loved castle. Nice thought huh ?.

Now thinking  solar lights tos hine the way in my castle...lol..I shall stop now.. 


Be good to you and ignore me ranting on your page ...again ?


Lil girl sends woofs and I shall send best wished and positive  energy  ❤



Posted : 14th May 2022 11:55 am
Posts: 4881
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Thanks SB... x

Well work is ruining my day again. Did the early shift yesterday, then by early evening am being plagued by texts and calls.. can I do the night? Wanting to show some flexibility I agreed to do the waking night. This morning I get home go to sleep, wake up, put phone on.. can I do the night tonight? I've just ignored it.

Like it says on the news. Nobody wants to work in social care. It doesn't pay and lets face facts, people just don't want to do the job. I mean in some respects I quite enjoy the job but being able to pick up shifts on my terms just isn't working. The more i agree to stuff the more I get asked. I like it when I go in look at the rota, pick up some shifts and then that's it.. but it never works out like that... things constantly changing at short notice.

I don't know how I use to cope in my twenties and thirties when i worked silly hours all over the shop. Cos nowadays mentally I can't cope with it, even if physically i can and yet I feel guilty for not doing it. Am now being texted that they only now need a 4-10, assuming that am gonna immediately put on some clothes and rush down to work, cos hey I only live around the corner and what reason could i possibly have for not going in??

The brutal fact is... I can't be bothered. Am tired. I just want to lie around in my dressing gown and eat comfort food and yet at the same time I feel guilty. The whole work scenario just does my head in. Its more stressful trying to decide whether to do the shift than actually doing the shift. Am sure management gets frustrated with me nowadays, cos its easy to read me. They just want to cover the rota and that's what matters. I get it. I want some work but not too much.. but it never quite works out right.. or just occasionally.

The fact that am writing so much means that my head is completely scrambled. I uploaded my garmin data and it told me that am just as run down as i was when i went to bed last night... but of course i didn't go to bed lol. The info it gives about the state of my mind body and soul is really quite interesting.

Anyway ramble over. No gambling

Posted : 15th May 2022 2:02 pm
Posts: 4881
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Morning world,

I don't know why I got in such a state about work yesterday. Its all resolved and history. I seem to have quite strong reactions to things sometimes.

I decided to go for a long run this morning with mixed results. I didn't appreciate how muggy it was out there today. By mile six I was absolutely drowning in sweat and then I got bad stomach cramps cos i needed the loo. I slowed to a crawl and stopped at 9 miles, cos I realised it was doing me no good to continue. Walked the rest of the way home and sat on the loo for ages lol One crumb of comfort...I had smeared various parts in vaseline and to my slight surprise, no sore/stingy bits at all... so that's good.

No gambling problems. Feeling good today.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 16th May 2022 11:32 am
Posts: 4881
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Am getting really obsessed with my garmin watch and all the statistics.

I have an average resting heart rate of 42 beats per minute and I average 22201 steps every day. That's pretty d**n good isn't it... I think?!

What's also interesting is how drained I am after a work shift. My body battery (as it calls it) is currently 17/100 and unsurprisingly it says I must rest. No s**t sherlock lol

Time for swim and sauna.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 23rd May 2022 4:07 pm
Posts: 4881
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Thanks for your thoughts and wisdom Dave 

Just back from another long run. A run that should never have been if I had my sensible hat on. I am carrying a heel injury. Its painful especially first thing in the morning when i get out of bed. I was hobbling around telling myself not to go for a run. But then I said to myself sod it am going anyway, knowing that chances are that after a mile or so the pain would ease off... which it did. I ended up doing 11 miles at a slow pace, a deliberately slow pace (my only concession to injury)... and the run became very enjoyable indeed. I note that I was running well within my aerobic capacity, heart rate not too high etc.

This is kind of a new experience for me. Cos normally I set out too fast and then gradually slow and then the last mile is usually the slowest unless am running down hill or its a proper race and ya push yourself to the point of collapse. However on this occasion I could have kept going and maybe even have speeded up a bit. Second half faster than the first half. Much food for thought in terms of training and what works.

Anyway sorry to ramble on about running. Its my thing at the moment. better than gambling.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 27th May 2022 10:38 am
Posts: 4881
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Positive things.

I ran 11 miles today.

I haven't bought any sugar for a month.

I now weigh under 15 stone for first time in several years.

I am alive.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 27th May 2022 11:58 am
Posts: 2966

Lovely to read your positive things. I very much relate to the running stuff. I'm on a smaller, 5k scale but I get panicky in the last few minutes and usually end up having to walk most of it. I'm trying to get under 40 minutes but if I was also taking it steadier, I'd probably have done it by now, lol.

Posted : 27th May 2022 1:38 pm
Posts: 4881
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Thanks for your thoughts Dave. I think about the things that you say.

A very enjoyable run this morning. I feel myself starting to get fitter and I am very slowly starting to lose some weight.

Am not working until the weekend. I need some time to myself. I realise with hindsight that i had become a bit paranoid about work issues, thinking that my boss was taking advantage of my good nature.. but have come to realise that that wasn't especially the case... just some miscommunication. I get like this sometimes when am over tired and burnt out. Anyway I live and learn or not...

No gambling

Thanks for listening

Posted : 30th May 2022 3:28 pm
Posts: 569


Looks like your doing well, getting plenty of exercise and reaping the benefits.

Don’t get too stressed about work. Work can be rubbish sometimes but remember that tomorrow is another day with another set of challenges. Often work can test us to the max but life is to be lived. Keep up the running and get that work stress out of your system. As I say, your life appears better than what it was last year. Positive strides and all that.


Posted : 31st May 2022 7:04 pm
Posts: 4881
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Thanks all and yes RR things are generally better than this time last year.

I went for another long run this morning, which was probably a mistake, given that i have a heel injury. Its painful to walk first thing in the morning and gets better as the day goes on. Self diagnosis is plantar fasciitis i.e inflammation of the fibrous tissue in the heel area. Causes... very common in runners when upping the mileage too quickly.. thats me. I don't think it helps that am a fairly heavy runner. Its often the way with me, its not the heart and lungs but everything else that is prone to injury. I use to get shin splints but that's several years ago now and I think my shins are now as tough as nails.

Of course the cure for my condition is to stop or ease off the running with plenty of rest which is a very hard thing to do in practice... 23 miles over 3 days is just too much, but I can't help it cos I enjoy it, that is until the pain creeps in. I shall be idle for the rest of the day and do thigs around the flat. It better clear up soon or else!! 😉

Thanks for listening

This post was modified 3 years ago by S.A
Posted : 1st June 2022 11:29 am
Posts: 4881
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Well I had to run this morning before the sun rose too much and it got to warm and well sunny. I hobbled out the door and did the first mile in a painful 12 minutes the second mile in 10 minutes and the third mile in 9 minutes. Got home pain gone.

This is a very strange injury and its really annoying me.

If the source of life is listening can you please get rid of my annoying injury so I can run pain free. 

Many thanks in advance 😉

P.s I have a VO2 max of 48, which apparently is very good for a man in his fifties. Don't ask me what VO2 max actually is lol

This post was modified 3 years ago by S.A
Posted : 2nd June 2022 7:07 am
Posts: 4881
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Hi world,

Just checking in. My home computer has died and whilst I can post from my phone it takes me forever and would only be very short... so am here in the library. Will get new puter in due course.

No gambling to report. Running going well, lots of miles and managing aches and pains as best I can.

Work is doing my fruit in. Constant calls and texts over the jubilee weekend to work this and work that. People ringing in sick at short notice... sooo selfish. As for me am struggling to find that balance between self-interest and being flexible and available. It never seems to quite work out. hey ho.

Old friend got in contact with good news. He's gone from insecure accomodation, no job and 40k debt (yes all gambling) to being married, having a job and also setting up his own buisiness. I was really pleased for him and no jealousy, cos he's a real nice guy and he deserves better times.

My other mates life is on the up as well. He wont be evicted, his debts are being dealt with and he's training to run the half marathon with me in July and in due course am sure he will start paying me back what he owes me. No hurry mind, for once in my life am not desparate for money.

As for me, am feeling real cheery and relaxed today. Enjoyed my run this morning. Off for a swim after this library session. Today is a good day.

Not sure when I will be back on here, but I will read a few diaries now before my hour is up.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 7th June 2022 10:27 am
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