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Well I have finally caught the virus. Feeling a bit rough. Sent a picture of my red line to work thinking that they would say that I can't come in for my shift on the weekend. But no I had to say I wasn't feeling too good and I wouldn't be in. I think the unofficial policy is that they would rather staff don't test, so they won't know so they come in. Its bad isn't it. Working with the elderly but they still want you to come in.

I'd only just started picking up shifts again, so I may actually have caught it from work. I honest believe my immediate boss has got it, he has a sore throat, sneezing etc, but cos we don't get sick pay he's just decided not to test or ignore the result. I might be wrong.

Not much else to say. Pacing around my flat and long periods lying on my bed. Its an exciting life 😉

No gambling to report.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 8th April 2022 10:18 am
Posts: 571


Covid sucks. I’m lucky I suppose that I’ve never had it bad but its the isolation period that gets to me. No problem staying in when I’m genuinely ill but staying in for 10 days with a runny nose or no symptoms at all drove me crazy. Death by Netflix for me. I was like a zombie by the 10th day and the diet of sugar and fat probably didn’t help ?

Anyway, I hope you’re feeling better soon. Lovely to read that you’re not gambling and that life is better (minus the Covid)


Posted : 8th April 2022 11:31 am
Posts: 7075

Hey SA,


Hope symptoms  are not too hard on you and you are coming  out the other  side. Cases seems to jump up again. Just never ending  cycle with this huh..


Thought about you the other day whilst making a good use of the treadmill.  Did 10k and almost  collapsed  at the end of it  and just thought  how you manage to run marathons/half ones too. I think I'm getting  too old for long runs...lol..seriously.  my lifestyle brought me to my knees! But any movement/ exercise is still positive for body and mind huh..


Keep on keeping on and be kind to you.



Posted : 10th April 2022 9:54 am
Posts: 4883
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sorry about the duplicate posts. maybe admin will remove the last couple.

Well am still languishing with Covid, bit restless, but not gambling so that's got to be a good thing.

Iv'e got red eye, which I think is one of the symptoms, also am hearing the "hum" the electrical hum. Some people hear it and some don't. I hear it but its got worse since covid, so ive emailed the council to come out. I will probably feel a fool cos the person will no doubt not hear it. I just want to know whats the cause of it. We shall see.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 10th April 2022 12:28 pm
Posts: 4883
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Life is just a bit weird at the moment. The covid positive status continues, but the hardest part is the staying in and not doing very much. I like being out and about. I am now putting on weight. I started going for walks yesterday... heavenly. Am desparate for a swim and a sauna, but will continue to do the right thing until the red line of covid finally goes.

Work texting me every day to see if am still positive. Am doing a shift Friday. Work says I will be fine by then. They know best lol

Thanks for listening

Posted : 13th April 2022 11:39 am
Posts: 571

Good Morning SA,

I have been reading your posts but couldn’t reply for some reason. I don’t know if there was a problem with the site or just my phone.

Anyway, I’ve felt your pain from afar. The boredom of isolation, the weight gain, the wanting of escape. Been there done that. It is awful. Don’t mind being off when legitimately ill but being off with slight symptoms of Covid is excruciatingly frustrating.

Hopefully, you’re well and back out and about.

Take care.


Posted : 16th April 2022 7:40 am
Posts: 4883
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Hi RR... your post has arrived and yes I agree Covid is just deeply frustrating now. Looking back I hardly had any symptoms at all, whilst expecting to feel quite ill, but never did. I felt much more unwell when I had Norovirus, which almost turned into a cry for help via 999.

Having said all of this I know a number of elderly people, who have respiratory problems etc that have and are still struggling with Covid... so its not completely over just yet. The reality now is that the number of people whom haven't had it at all is getting smaller and smaller. heard immune is perhaps on its way which i think is what Boris wamted to do all along. China's zero covid policy is just rediculous in my opinion.

Anyway back to me. I just been for a run... 8.5 miles. I struggled but enjoyed if you get my drift. Am not losing weight which is my main problem, belly fat wobbles. My days of running between 8 and 9 minute miles are over (for now), its currently between 10 and 11 minute miles.

I don't buy sugar anymore. I think over time that will help. No sugar in hot drinks. No added sugar on the cereal. Being 15 stone is no good if you want to run a marathon. Am gonna keep working at it. 

I been watching these videos on Youtube, about first time marathon runners...videoing their training building up to the big day. Awesome to watch and admire. Reminds me of when i was more focussed, up at 5 to run before work and the long 18 mile training runs. Looking to get my mojo back. the sub- four marathon is still a possibility even in ones 50's.

Am doing ok on the not gambling front, though ive been put in a position where I have bailed my friend out. I know him from rehab and his currently pre-dicament is caused by gambling, though his story is complicated. he arrived with his court papers in hand as if to prove that he is in the proverbial s**t. I know that the recovery manual says that you should never bail a gambler out, but hey I have. It caused a little frustration with my sisters cos I had to ring to get some money transferred to me to transfer to him. To be honest I am reasonably confident that over the next few months he will pay me back. I know him well but of course I am realistic as well. Its hundreds rather than thousands. It is very hard to say no when somebody comes to you in a pre-dicament. I can now appreciate how it must feel for those affected by others gambling.

Iv'e had a pretty Russian lady from Tinder bombarding with emails. She said she lived in Leicester but later admitted that she still lives in Russia... desparate to get away from Putin no doubt. I don't blame her. I says you need a wealthy English gent with a nice house in the countryside. I said I live in a small flat. At which point all contact stopped. lol I hope she finds what she is looking for.

I am back doing the odd shift at work. They always want me to do more of course. Its nice to work part-time. Am determined to make my dads money last for a good period of time. Its nice not to be under pressure all the time. I intend to make this summer a good summer where i concentrate on ME rather than everybody and everything else.

Thanks for listening

This post was modified 3 years ago by S.A
Posted : 24th April 2022 10:15 am
Posts: 7075

Hey SA!


My apologies  but your comment about Russian lady made me giggle and spat my coffee out! Thanks for that lol...I am surprised  she did not jump for the opportunity  to take over your flat tho ..lol...as always admire your honesty and quirky character  you have!  Why oh why they don't catch up on that! It's priceless what you have as a personality! Anyhow...just be careful  I guess, some people  on those sites has twisted goals in their plans...so just be cautious...


I nod to your share regarding  runs. I slowed down big time and long forgot about marathons  as I struggle  with my 5k's recently.  Back down to 5min 5 secs a k...booo indeed! (Used to be 4min 47secs). Dodgy knee keeps "popping" and reminding  me that my athletic  days are almost over...gotta accept the facts/reality. Upper body still holds strong and I keep on pressing and pulling in that department lol...until that starts cracking too ?


Regarding  work...something  happened over the past few days as I get messages from every direction  and even my colleagues  are checking  in off work hours! I have a sneeky feeling that top bosses trigger plan triggered chain below...my chat with my first line boss yesterday  may off added to the chaos a bit but I am always honest and say how it is...not always pretty as you well know.


I'm glad you're back in some sort of routine with work too..its good to have routine (not if it's all over the place tho...so be careful  what you wish for lol).


Hear ya about lending  money too. Sis keeps q this month and I don't offer either. Not expecting  anything  back anytime soon as I feel her frustration  hearing me buying  things for the house. Wish she was happy for me seeing  that I'm trying  to put myself first but can tell she is jealous about it and desperately  tries to guilt trip me by crying  about her lack of financial  stability.  I'm staying  strong tho...my sweat/tears/injuries/mental suffering  and hard work I put in...deserves a treat for myself! 


There comes the time where we simply  have to say no...enough,  the well cannot produce money constantly. 


Hope you're having  a good start of the day, keep up good work re NO gambling  department ??



Posted : 25th April 2022 7:37 am
Posts: 4883
Topic starter

I've been for another run this morning. Just logging this fact for posterity 🙂

This post was modified 3 years ago by S.A
Posted : 25th April 2022 8:02 am
Posts: 4883
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Hi.. only just seen your message. I think i'd squeezed in another post before the moderators had passed your post. Are you in the naughty corner for life? To be honest I quite enjoy reading your posts when you get a bit stroppy 😉 x

No contact from Russian lady. I might email her in 6 months to see if she found her rich accountant and now living in a nice house in the country.

Must admit a 5 min a km doesn't really mean anything to me. I work in miles. I guess if 1km is 0.62 miles then you'd run a mile in two fifths more which would be just over 7 minutes a mile... which is pretty f*****g awesome to me! 😉

ooooo.... Iv'e just been on my garmin dash board thing. I clicked on personal records.

My fastest 1 km was 4 mins 22 done on Feb 22 2015

My fastest 1 mile was 7 min 15 done on march 30th 2014 (as part of a half-marathon!)

I couldn't do anything like those times now. Your time is good and quick. Your fit as a fiddle

As far as work goes. Say it as it is. Always the best policy I think. If they don't know what the reality is then nothing will change. Iv'e got 3 days work coming up. Boooo.

Does your sister work? It does sound like she is quite jealous of you. But like you say, its you who put the hard work and effort in to get to where you are.. so it is you whom should reap the benefits.

My mate still has to go to court. I rather think he only told me half the story, which doesn't surprise me to be honest. I really hope he doesn't get evicted. I don't think he will. I will find out mid-may I reckon as to whether I will see any of my money again. Am back to spending cautiously and wisely (ie no gambling), am determined to make my dads money last for a good time. It remains a good thing that my sisters look after it...being accountable for what i ask for does help. If it was all sitting in my account... temptation all the time. Not good.

Anyhow enough ramblings for now

Thanks for listening

Posted : 28th April 2022 9:02 am
Posts: 7075

Haha SA,


I am indeed a fellon  for life ?


Hope your day at work is going  well. I have a breather as refused the temptation of OT. Time with lil girl is becoming  increasingly  precious....for obvs reasons....


Yup, runs works out pretty much as your calculations....I am glad to report  I M progressing  a bit ?


Sister....she works full time. Maybe nothing  fancy but work is work. She announced  she is jetting off to Spain next month which left me a bit shocked...ohh..and another  holiday  abroad  a month after...I was like "hands in the air"...how? How can you manage? ISA and stuff...and yet holiday???? 


I just have no words really but I guess, some ppl try to hold on onto their lifestyle  no matter what...cuddos for her...


I shall work and do nothing  with my time off...why? Cause I have a bit of debt to pay off huh... the one I created  and in fact...lend half of it to her...just go figure this CG huh...



At the end of the day....I always said it and knew it deep down...all this is not about  gambling..its an emotional  state...my sis is a proof of that...its just the things we make ourselves  feel better with...no matter what price...


Love her to bits...


Rant over, sozz SA for dumping  this on your thread

Posted : 29th April 2022 10:04 pm
Posts: 4883
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Hey SB... your always welcome to write whatever you want on my diary. Thanks for your thoughts 🙂 x

Another 8.5 miles in the bag this morning. Am running more and more. I love looking at my stats when I upload them to the garmin website. It says I have a resting heart rate of 44 beats per minute, which is pretty d**n good. means my heart is working efficiently. It gets as high as 155 beats when maximum exertion. If I could lose some weight who knows what I could still be capable of...

Also yesterday I did more than 26000 steps and I didn't even go for a run! Just goes to show how much walking at work I do and just generally out and about. I guess my body stores my energy as fat, cos it knows its gonna need the energy or maybe I just kid myself. I just eat tooooo much! 😉

Haven't gambled and don't intend to.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 5th May 2022 9:59 am
Posts: 2023



It took me along time to write my needs my wants and my goals.

This is a comitment to our self to make healthier choices.

How much do we value our self today

Love and peace to every one

Dave L

AKA Dave of Beckenham UK

Posted : 5th May 2022 4:08 pm
Posts: 4883
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Thanks Dave,

Well I ran a half-marathon today. It wasn't planned I just went out for a jog and it happened. So that's good.

Thanks for listening

Posted : 8th May 2022 4:22 pm
Posts: 2023


Each unhealthy habit replaced with healthy habits and being productive reduces our chance of going back to the pains of our past.

By staying connected with like minded healthy people is part of the healing process.

Some times it seems so simple.

Why did I not get before.

The more we achieve the more successful we feel with in our self.

Love and peace to every one

Dave L

AKA Dave of Beckenham

Posted : 9th May 2022 2:51 am
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