I am new and want to give up

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Hello everyone

Just a little update on things. My recovery is going well, 2 months on I'm continuing my recovery rather than gambling.

I wanted to wish everyone on this site a gamble free life with much happiness.

Gambling only brings misery and stress, to my life at least.

Take care everyone and stick to NOT gambling.


(Last bet 10 Sep 2009)

Posted : 10th November 2009 10:21 pm
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Hello everyone

I wish everyone a good recovery and happiness.


(Last bet 10 Sep 2009)

Posted : 5th December 2009 10:12 pm
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Hi everyone

I have been battling with gambling addiction for the last few years and it always keeps coming back after a few months of abstinence. Hopefully I will keep this diary as a reminder to myself that I am a compulsive gambler and always will be one. So the best is for me to stay in recovery. I cannot ever gamble again because it will always end up compulsively chasing my losses. I am not very good at posting though so pls don't be offended if I don't reply posts as much as I should this is just a keep a tab on me. I lost quite a bit of money for the last 4 weeks, to be exact around £1500. And this hard earned money was meant to be for the summer holiday for me and my family. But I need to forget about it as the money is not coming back and it is the past now. Chasing my losses put me in this situation and more gambling will NOT get me out of this predicament thus I won't choose that option.

Good luck with your recoveries.

Ergos - Compulsive gambler. (Last Bet - 21 January 2015)

Posted : 21st January 2015 4:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ergos,

Welcome to this forum, where you will get support from likeminded folk, who all want to abstain from gambling.

The support on this forum is truly encouraging,

Keep reading and writing on your diary, which you have started today, and well done for coming here, it takes a lot of courage to admit to ourselves that we have become addicted to gambling, but you are in the right place where you will only get support and encouragement from likeminded folk from all walks of life.

I wish you the very best on your journey of recovery

Best wishes Suzanne x

Posted : 21st January 2015 4:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ergos,

Welcome to this forum, where you will get support from likeminded folk, who all want to abstain from gambling.

The support on this forum is truly encouraging,

Keep reading and writing on your diary, which you have started today, and well done for coming here, it takes a lot of courage to admit to ourselves that we have become addicted to gambling, but you are in the right place where you will only get support and encouragement from likeminded folk from all walks of life.

I wish you the very best on your journey of recovery

Best wishes Suzanne x

Posted : 21st January 2015 4:27 pm
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Thanks for your quick reply and encouragement Suzanne.

I guess this is the place we find a little bit of comfort after the horrible treatment of compulsive gambling. I will try and keep positive as I know the negative thoughts will send me spiralling back to the open arms of gambling addiction. My mind is buzzing with recent losses at the moment but I will NOT give in!

All the best on your recoveries.

Ergos (Compulsive Gambler) - Last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 21st January 2015 4:51 pm
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Day 1 (mighty)

No acting upon urges, have been reading some great recovery posts by great people around here who struggle day in day out not give in to this horrible addiction and stay in the gift of recovery (inspiring word by Duncan). Hopefully I will have the full benefit of this gift as a recovering gambling addict for the days to come.

Today I will not act upon my urges, I cannot change the past what's done is done thus today is all that counts and for today I will NOT gamble.

All the best everyone,

Ergos (recovering compulsive gambler) - last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 22nd January 2015 11:23 am
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Day 2

I had fairly strong urges today before the start of the races. Intead of running to the bookies open arms I planned in my head to go onto gamcare website and read diaries and posts. That plan so far overtook the urges but I am trying hard not give whatever little cash I got left to the blood thirsty bookies. Instead it needs to be spent on my family and myself. My children need new shoes and clothes and the money is going towards that no matter what.

Yesterday is gone and the money wasted on gambling yesterdey has gone and I cannot change that. Let them immorals have it. They would just say to you, you chose to bet dear, it would your choice. No you are d**n wrong, it was my addiction's choice to bet not mine.

Ahhh! stuggling with this anger and irritation but I won't give in, at least just for today.

All the best,

Ergos (addicted gambler in recovery) - Last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 23rd January 2015 1:24 pm
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Day 3

Urges are getting slightly easier as I feel more determined by the day. I also noted that not checking the time helps as I know from the years of bad experience as to what time around the races start on the day.

I had nice late breakfast with my family in a long time, owing to me being at home instead of racing out to p*s......ng shop before the start of a pointless activity which cost me thousands of pounds over the years.

We have only got one life and we can enjoy that life with its ups and downs if we are healthy. gambling makes me unhealthy and depressed, thus I will NOT gamble today.

All the best with your battles everyone and stay healthy.

Ergos - Last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 24th January 2015 3:15 pm
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Day 5

Thanks NT u re right. Urges get easier by the day but still there, so have to keep my vigilance. They come on at the most awkward moments that can't believe it. Like talking to a friend or buying something from a supermarket. It just whistles in my ear, go on have one last try may be this time you can keep it controlled and be succesfull.

Well there is nothing successful about gambling and it is a troubled activity. Ergos will not gamble today.

All the best.

Ergos (Compulsive gambler in recovery) - Last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 26th January 2015 4:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ergos, good to see you are staying strong and determined,well done on 5 days, soon be one whole week.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 26th January 2015 5:09 pm
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Day 8

Thanks for your support Suzanne I appreciate it.

So far I am continuing with my recovery and doing my best to stay well away from the vile activity of gambling.

I still sometimes find it difficult letting go of the money I lost but you can't change the past can you? So I guess it's best to stay positive and carry on.

Take care guys

Ergos (Compulsive gambler in recovery) - Last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 29th January 2015 5:58 am
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Day 10

You continue to do things you enjoy. If you go back to gambling although initially you might win, you will start betting compulsively the money you cannot afford to lose and you will chase. This is guaranteed because it had happened before so many more times than I can probably remember.

Stay in recovery.

All the best.

Ergos (Compulsive gambler in recovery) - Last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 31st January 2015 8:07 am
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Day 11

NT thanks for your support my friend I really appreciate it. Yes unfortunately my brain needs to be rattled hard at times to get it in as I am still constantly fighting with the urges. It will get better I know. I just need to keep doing the things I enjoy, like reading, writing, playing footie and anything which is not related to gambling. I don't want to be in that gut wrenching place again.

1 day at a time and just for today I will not gamble.

All the best.

Ergos (Compulsive gambler in recovery) - Last bet 21 Jan 2015

Posted : 1st February 2015 7:53 am
Posts: 0

Hi ergos,

Thanks for your lovely message,

13 days now, thst is 2 weeks tomorrow, well done, stay strong and focused and keep going taking one day at a time.

You are doing fine

Suzanne xx

Posted : 3rd February 2015 4:27 pm
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