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Thanks everyone 4 ur kind words 🙂

I wish I had more time 2 catch up with all ur diaries, but there is not enough hours in the day. I always read the forum daily and I always smile when my friends are doing well. I am still on this journey with u, but never seem to have time 2 post much nemore!

I am 165 days gamble free, I think this is the longest amount of time that I have gone and I am so proud of myself. I no that I can slip back at ne point. I self excluded from the arcades and that ends soon and that scares me. Part of me as being telling myself , I will be ok, but I know the truth. Going back there would be dangerous! I hope I can stay strong!

Maddison will be 4 in August, I can't believe how time flies she is a real character now. She loves Frozen, it is Frozen everything at the moment lol. She is still my inspiration to fight this, even more so now. She notices everything and I don't want my gambling to effect her in neway. I wanna make her proud 🙂

I hope everyone is ok and staying strong xx

Posted : 23rd March 2015 3:41 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Charlotte

Fantastic post with some real positive news , 165 days is amazing , I have followed your ups and downs felt your pain so I know how much this will mean to you and you deserve it , your a true fighter and always will be , Maddison 4 o*g time does fly

Take care of yourself


Posted : 23rd March 2015 6:53 pm
Posts: 0

Charlotte, well done to you ... Long time since I've posted but all is good. I'm always so frightened to say my son is doing well, but he is .. Struggles for money like any other young person, but he is working has his own place and most of he time is in a good place ***

keep up the good work I'm so so proud of you

j x

Posted : 9th April 2015 9:23 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Hello my friend. I really hope that yourself and Maddison are happy and that you are still gambling free. I see from your last diary entry how well you were/hopefully still are doing. I see that Maddison will be 4 in August. Where does the time go?!

I am back with my latest, and hopefully final, attempt to beat this addiction.

It would be lovely to hear from you.

Take care.

Dave X

Posted : 29th July 2015 6:07 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks all xx

Just a really quick update, I am still gamble free 🙂 295 days 🙂

It really is worth all the hard work! I hope everyone is well xx

Posted : 31st July 2015 3:33 pm
Posts: 0

Charlottex... Wowaweewoo! Making me smile! Great update, let's triple those day's... in fact, let's just say it's over and we will never get there again! Sound's good to me!

Posted : 31st July 2015 8:34 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Charlotte,

It was so lovely to see your message on my diary this morning. 295 days (now 298!) is fantastic!!!!! I really am so chuffed for you. What an inspiration as to what can be achieved. 🙂

Take care and keep up the amazing work! 🙂

Dave X

Posted : 3rd August 2015 9:19 am
Posts: 0

Day 60,

Another small milestone reached. One day at a time. 🙂


Oops sorry Charlotte. I didn't mean to post on your diary. Sorry! X

Posted : 4th August 2015 4:11 pm
Posts: 0
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1 Year Gamble free 2day 🙂

At the beginning I never thought I could do this or would ever get this far. I am so proud of myself, you have to really wanna stop gambling that is what changed for me. Anyone that is reading this you can stop it is not easy it is a rollercoaster ride, but it is worth it. Life is busy for me always but I am happy, I know that I can slip at ne time but for now I am just taking it one day at a time and it is working for me!

Thanks 2 everyone who ever supported me through the good times and the bad! It helped 2 keep me strong!

I hope everyone is ok xx

Posted : 9th October 2015 8:03 pm
Posts: 4422


Today is my birthday and that is the best present I could have asked for, you are testament to never giving up on recovery.

We have walked together through this journey, one day I hope you share it with maddison,.

I salute you my dear friend.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 9th October 2015 10:53 pm
Posts: 0
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I don't often post nemore. But I read the forum daily. It is not the supportive place that I remember and this really saddens me. We all have the same aim, to try and get thru each day without gambling. We should be helping and supporting each other. People should be able to record there own journey on their own diary open and honestly. If u don't like wot u read stop reading that diary. It seems Gamcare have allowed a couple of ppl to bully others and it seems those individuals get pleasure out of it very sad!

This journey is already tough enough, I hope everyone realises the true reason we r all here!

Posted : 25th April 2016 10:02 pm
Posts: 1789

I could not agree with you more. No one is for backing down always need to have the last word. I choose not to read some diaries I don't find them benifical sometimes you have to be the bigger person and step away.

I wish you well with your continued progress.


Posted : 25th April 2016 10:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

It is SO lovely to hear from you and to read how amazingly well you are doing! A year and a half gambling free is fantastic. I am so chuffed for you! All is okay this end thanks. I feel like the gambling haze is slowly starting to lift. I have my first counselling session on Friday. It is something I have never tried before but I know I need to try something different so am going to give it my best shot. It just has to work. How is Maddison doing? My kids are doing well thanks. I know that I am biased but they really are lovely and well adjusted. Amazing really.

Take care.

Dave X

Posted : 26th April 2016 11:45 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Charlotte,

Thank you for the post. I kinda knew you're still about (seen you briefly popping in onto chat maybe a month ago but leaving b4 i had chance to say hi). Forum hasn't changed - people has and more different opinions came in the game..and of course arguments. I lost it last night and ..oh well..i guess my bad but i can be hot temperameented some times, i shall rise again and gain my self respect in due course.
Would like to hear more from you. You have always offered amazing advice and more to it - followed your own words ☺

Hope all is good with you
Look after yourself

S x

Posted : 26th April 2016 1:05 pm
Posts: 0

A huge well done Charlotte. I hope you and Maddie are benefitting greatly from your abstinance.

Take care.


Posted : 4th May 2016 12:57 am
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