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Hey Char,

I haven't known you too long well 33 days in fact. But I have learned that everyone on here helps each other through the good times and the bad times the times where we need support even when you think you are doing this all by yourself your not because everyone on this site is in a similar situation. Of course you deserve help and shouldn't be afraid to cry out for help once in a while. I found out the hard way and that is when I hit my rock bottom and felt like I wanted to die.

But after confessing what I had done and told my fiancee and come on here the gates opened to support and it just lifted my spirit when I feel urges now I think about that rock bottom I will never forget how low I was and all because of these fruit machines and bookies. Just don't let it get to you and think how hard you have fought against the urges in the past 51 days. Because you are a tough cookie just don't let the machines eat away at you.

I hope you do come back to this and stay strong and safe.


Ricky 🙂

Posted : 16th June 2012 10:21 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks everyone for ur support, means alot 🙂

I went out in2 town last nite with my friends... i'm feeling a little rough this morning lol

But I had a good time 🙂

We r looking after my little niece and nephew this afternoon for my brother. They r 4 and 7 so it's going 2 be a busy afternnon.. I will be knackered later lol

No thoughts of gambling!

Hope everyone is doing well xx

Posted : 16th June 2012 11:57 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Thanks for your message. It is reading the experiences of people like yourself that make me determined to beat this addiction. You are doing fantastically well. Stay strong. We can do this.

Take care and enjoy the weekend. 🙂


Posted : 16th June 2012 11:58 am
Posts: 0

Thanks 4 the support on my diary..Charlotte19

Life is laid back for me here..Although from time to time, I still am human and moan n groan..

I just had internet installed...Therefore, It just dawned on me and I realised that access to internet is quite a powerful (and dangerous) tool.. However, used correctly...It can go in my favour

(I hope) xx

Easy li£e

Posted : 16th June 2012 1:11 pm
Posts: 0

thanks char for your post.... enjoy your day, x

Posted : 16th June 2012 1:28 pm
Posts: 0

HI Charlotte,

Thanks for the time you have taken to read and comment on my supporters posts, I find it really helpful to hear the opinions of others.

I have read through most of your diary tonight and want to congratulate you on what you have achieved so far. I also have an opinion to offer. You may feel I have overstepped the line but I hope you will consider what I have written. I am not a CG as you know but over the past few weeks I have read everything that there is to read on the topic and whilst not an expert I am a fast learner!

Charlotte you are young woman with a young daughter, your whole life lies ahead of you. I know you believe gambling is a choice - I do too, but there are reasons that some people make the choice over and over again to do something that can only bring pain to them and their loved ones.

I think to recover fully you need to attack this with everything that you have - go to GA, go to counselling, read about addiction recovery. Gamcare alone is not enough. You are an eloquent, empathetic young woman and are so clearly loved by others on this forum. Show yourself the same love and commit to nothing else but spending however long it takes understanding the 'why' for you and getting help to formulate strategies for coping. It will give you the greatest chance of a long, happy life ahead.

Again, I hope that you don't feel this is too much coming from someone who is not a CG and so may not ever fully understand. It is written with good intentions.

Best wishes to you Charlotte.

Pieces x

Posted : 16th June 2012 3:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hello petal,

Hope your hangover is not too bad and the kids aren't running you too ragged!

I have no doubt you will be absolutely flaked come this evening... but at least it will be because you had some real fun!!

Enjoy the rest of your day mate and good to see you keeping your chin up!


Posted : 16th June 2012 4:14 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks all 4 ur support on my diary 🙂

Pieces - I don't feel u have overstepped the mark I appreciate ur advice. I agree that I need 2 move on 2 the next stage in this journey and this is 2 address the reasons y I gamble. Thanks 4 taking the time 2 post, it means alot xx

I've had a busy day 2 day, baked cakes with my niece and nephew....they wanted 2 go 2 pizza hut 4 lunch so we took them there. My nephew spilt icecream everywhere lol

It was a nice day tho, lots of smiles and lots of fun!!

No thoughts of gambling 2 day 🙂

Hope everyone else is doing well xx

Posted : 16th June 2012 6:48 pm
Posts: 0

Good evening Charlotte, thanks for your kind words on mine, geezo, we oldies forget what its like to keep up with a 5 year old !! but wouldn't have it any other way 🙂

You are doing a magnificent job considering all else you have going on, and you are to be so highly commended for coping so amazingly well. You manage to fit so much in, and never bat an eyelid !! Keep it up lovey, you're a very valued friend to many on here.

Have a great evening 🙂


Posted : 16th June 2012 7:08 pm
Posts: 4422

charlotte. I will just say this, i wish when i was your age i had the courage you have. For me recovery is about stepping forward as you know. Once we accept we cant change the past, and cant win it back! We can move forward. You make the right choice every day and keep making it. You give a huge amount to you own recovery and in doing so inspire and keep inspiring. You be very proud and keep making that choice for you and yours and you will continue to step forward never back. Duncs compulsive gambler. Inspired once again no bet today.

Posted : 16th June 2012 7:32 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Charlotte

Glad you had a good day filled with lots of laughter and smiles!

Keep Strong and thanks for your support


Posted : 17th June 2012 6:58 am
Posts: 0

Hey Char,

Thanks as ever for your support, it means a lot.

Hope you have a great day buddy!


Posted : 17th June 2012 8:06 am
Posts: 0

Thank you for your post and your thoughts it means a lot xx

Posted : 17th June 2012 10:55 am
Posts: 0

Glad to hear that you had a brilliant day with your relations.

You must have felt really good to be able to throw your money to treat them on the ingredients and the pizza.

Far, far better than throwing all your money away into reversible ATMs.


Posted : 17th June 2012 12:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Charl,

It seems as tho you have been battling some pretty big urges lately! You know me I'll always try and take some positives so here's my little thought today!

No one ever said to us this would be easy, we have been told its the right way being gamble free but it's not the easy way! Actually gambling is the easy way because it's our Only focus we care about little else and it becomes very simple! However, because we care about nothing else we become a person we don't recognize and worse still we become a person that people around don't recognise! So, today I say to you Charl you are choosing the hard route but it's the right route, the happier route, the route where you how your love for those closest. And where those people know that they are loved! You are one of the most supportive members on this site and we would all be genuinely gutted if you went back to the easy life! The urges will come I know that too but they will also go and with strength and support you can and you will beat them! If people that don't know you very well want you to succeed this much then imagine how much the people closest to you want you to succeed also!

As you say to us,

Stay Strong and Keep Going 🙂


Posted : 17th June 2012 12:42 pm
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