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Thanks for the post char, nope its not beans on toast thank god the BF is here so its the full works.. lol

Enjoy your weekend. 10 weeks is brill keep doing what your doing .

Blondie xxxxx

Posted : 7th July 2012 11:50 am
Posts: 0

Hi Char,

Thanks as always for your support. Enjoy meal out today. Did have a laugh at your comment about swimming with Maddie yesterday!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Sue xxx

Posted : 7th July 2012 1:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Charl,

Many thanks as always for the post. I like you, that prob sounds a bit of a strange comment but you put it all in. You give the addiction respect, you are honest about the ups and downs and people can really relate to that. Not every day is a walk in the park and your diary is honest people can see that, and it's what they need someone who is real, someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and lives each day.

If there was ever a poll for their to be an ambassador for this site or you could pick a diary out to show new people what it's like to battle each day, I would put you right up there.

Keep being you, and keep fighting and supporting. Those days are really mounting up because you are being YOU!

Stay strong and keep going 🙂 I like that, Stolen lol!

Posted : 7th July 2012 1:49 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi charlotte

So good to see u still goin so well really pleased for u , just wanted to thank u for all ur support in my dark times it's much appreciated


Posted : 7th July 2012 4:25 pm
Posts: 0

charl thanks for being a rock to me again tonight in chat helping me get through the bleak times your support and tips are helping me very much. you are a great support i want to say a very big thanks you are making me have faith. you are a great, special and helpful person charl

Posted : 7th July 2012 8:16 pm
Posts: 0

charl I need some more help and tips any ideas. No post from you today. Hows your day going.

Posted : 8th July 2012 4:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hi lovely

hope you had a good time at your aunties birthday....did you were wellies??

I've given up on shoes now...either flip flops or wellies..maybe even for going out dressed up!!

Hope your little one is well and chuffed to bits that your still here on the dairies and in chat....


Rach and Doo xx

Posted : 8th July 2012 10:02 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks 4 all ur kind words and support means alot 🙂

I am not going 2 write loads cus I am being negative really but just being honest about how I feel!

2day I am really struggling, I have a really strong urge just 2 escape in2 a word of playing a machine, where nothing else matters temporarily!

I am fighting this with all my strength and determination 2day... because I don't wan't 2 ruin all my hard work again!

Neway I hope everyone as a gr8 day x

Posted : 9th July 2012 10:07 am
Posts: 0

Hey Charl,

We have days like this and it feels rubbish! I guess the most sensible advice is to just ensure you have your barriers firmly in place! Its not easy cos I was feeling low last night myself but it's quite important you don't dwell on it and stay active!

At the end of the day you said it yourself you have put so much into your recovery don't let it beat you today! Just for today Charl don't have a bet!

We are here if you need us!


Posted : 9th July 2012 10:24 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Sorry to hear that you are having a tough day fighting those urges. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't do it. Take it from myself who has slipped in the past after accruing quite a few days gambling free it really isn't worth it. When I had to start over again from day 1 it was soul destroying. A temporary fix really isn't worth it. Just think of all the long term good you have done and will continue to do if you fight those urges. Why don't you take Maddison out and do something lovely together and remember that you wouldn't be able to do these fun things if you were wasting your money gambling.

Take care and stay strong.

Dave X

Posted : 9th July 2012 12:33 pm
Posts: 0

charl what happened you seem so detemined did you play them if you did it doesnt matter. I played and bet today . I am hoping you are well and will update soon. Thanks again for all the tips and help you have give me.

Posted : 9th July 2012 5:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya hun,

Hope you got over the urge.......You are strong and you are doing so well! I had the urge at the weekend (full moon?)

Hugs Sue xx

Posted : 9th July 2012 6:03 pm
Posts: 0


I have contaminated this message with positive, happy thoughts. When you read it you will be infected. Take care.


Posted : 9th July 2012 7:44 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

A couple of poems I thought were appropriate 4 me 2 day........

The path in your life,

may never be straight.

Contain bumps and curves,

where many are great.

Your personal experiences,

have shaped who you are.

Embrace your mistakes,

and each unique scar.

There's always new things,

in life we may learn.

With every page,

and chapter we turn.

There's just one simple,

but very important rule.

Your passion for life,

should be used as your fuel.

Let's never give in,

to complaints nor fear.

With our eyes on our goals,

the right direction we steer.

No matter the circumstances,

with great effort we should always try.

We must pick ourselves up,

when we get bruised and we cry.

Opportunities are plentiful,

let's just open our eyes.

Our dreams we shall nurture,

as we stare to the skies.

The trick is to create value,

that's honest and real.

By following our passions,

in our hearts, we shall feel.

If we never hold back,

and just give it our all.

No challenge or obstacle,

shall ever be tall.

Posted : 9th July 2012 7:54 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks 4 ur support 2day, it means alot 🙂

2day was tough, especially this morning I had 2 fight 2 stay strong and get thru the urges.... I was very tempted 2 gamble. So I decided 2 go 4 a drive with Maddison, we drove 4 a while and I saw a really nice park so we spent some time there in the sunshine, then we went 4 a walk 2 clear my mind. 2nite I am really happy that I never gave in. This journey is not easy and sometimes I try and convince myself a small gamble won't hurt but I know the truth. Nothing worth achieving in life is easy. I have had a good few days so it's ok 2 have down days as long as I can get thru them without escaping 2 a machine. I do not want 2 ruin all my hard work now. So after a down start 2 the day I am back feeling positive. 2moro is a new day 🙂

Hope everyone else is doing well x

Posted : 9th July 2012 8:01 pm
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