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Carl hope you are alright mate and still doing well. Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 2nd September 2012 7:53 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

hi everybody

im back from house/dog siting

first of all hope one and all is good and you all had a good gamble free weekend like i have made it through to day 40 which at the beginning in would have laughed at you if you said i would make it to 40 but now i seem to be in good place. there is no looking back as i can only control the future and thats what i intend to do.

well little bit bout my weekend then sat i got picked up by a nephew and went clothes shopping in the city with him, and for once enjoyed it, didnt need to rush to find the footy scores or try and place a bet. i am finding that by keeping busy saturday afternoons that it is easier to control the no gambling and i dont take too much interest in all sports now. anyway back to the weekend after that i cooked me and the nephew smoked salmon, new potatoes and sweetcorn then we sat down and yes sue i did and you are hearing this right watch X FACTOR with him and his girlfriend, once they headed off i tuned into match of the day because i dint know any results and enjoyed football for what it is. sunday i went with other nephew to watch him play football for his new team then we popped down the pub then back for roast dinner i finely cooked. then today it was back to work day so all is busy again. i know if you read to the end it doesnt sound like i did much dog/house sitting but i did

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence


Posted : 3rd September 2012 6:45 pm
Posts: 0

hi carl,

sounds like a pretty good weekend to me i must say. nothing wrong with watching xfactor imho, it has got tulisa and the scherzinger on it, and you did man up a bit with good old MOTD so all good i reckon.well done on not betting, i like you am not watching the sport much anymore either. i have also noticed that every bet i do pick out (make believe of course!) losses, which is helping to strengthen my resolve. Im right behind you on 33 days and so will keep pushing you forward.

Keep on keeping on..

all the best


Posted : 3rd September 2012 6:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl

Really pleased your keeping strong and what a great achievement...40 days!

Sounds like you had a great weekend! It's amazing that after only a week of not gambling I feel so much more calm about things and enjoying things like you have described doing over the weekend!

Take care

Forwards not back


Posted : 3rd September 2012 7:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Carl,

Cheers for the post mate sounds like a very busy weekend i won't bore you with my long weekend lol otherwise i will take a whole page on your diary lol.

Adapt and overcome mate that is my new saying and what i have lived by. Your adapting to change and overcoming your gambling problem and you are doing brilliant i am the same mate i never thought i would last a month let alone 100 days and I just keep suprising myself. But we can do this and like you say my friend gamble free is the way forward for so many reasons mate.

Keep going and the benefits will just be greater hope to chat soon pal your a good friend on here and great for support also its nice to know I helped you out on here along with everyone else here so thanks for being strong and sticking with this 🙂

Kind regards


Posted : 3rd September 2012 8:41 pm
Posts: 0

Carl mate thanks for writing on my wall the karoke part gave me a laugh mate. I needed that. You are doing well. Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 3rd September 2012 11:22 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Buddy,

Thanks for the post. A massive well done to you on reaching 40 days. It's a milestone in my opinion as this is when you can safely say you have broken that gambling habit. You cannot beat the addiction but the habit of living a life focussed on the next bet can certainly be broken. I think 40 days without a bet is a habit breaker.

I think we all start off with apprehension and think 40 days seems such a long time but with the right attitude, barriers, and taking it one day at a time it can be done. Next step day 41.

Well Done,


Posted : 4th September 2012 8:32 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Thank you for the posts. 40 days eh ? I to think its a milestone and one that you should be very proud of, you have done this by taking it in your stride "one day at a time" beating the urges as you go along, Keep making those choices every day carl for a happier better future.

Once again well done, remain focused and keep going .

Blondie x

Posted : 4th September 2012 1:20 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

thanks for the posts

well another day down and another day stronger, the urges seem to be alot less frequent now which is agood sign, although that is probably down to me totally distancing myself from watching sport too much and basically getting over involved.

to be honest i wonder how i even had the time to gamble now that im doing stuff and filling time it seems as though there is not enough hours in the day

take care my friends

and remember gamble frees the way forward

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence

day 41


Posted : 4th September 2012 5:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl

Love reading your updates on your diary and makes me more positive on my own road to recovery!

Keep it up

Forwards not back!


Posted : 4th September 2012 9:04 pm
Posts: 0

Carl mate thanks for writing on my wall. Good question about the karoke the question is if we did a duet what song haha cheers for your support mate. Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 4th September 2012 10:42 pm
Posts: 0


Today is the first chaper of my new existence .

We get to write that chapter, we can choose our own destiny , how great is that .

After years of allowing our addiction to lead down that slippery path, into the quick sand , we grabbed a rope and pulled ourselves back up .

You my friend are doing fantastically , your level of support to others on this site is inspiring.

There are some really committed people on this site at present who are giving so much to their own recovery but at the same time giving the same commitment to others , you my friend are one of those people , for that I would like to thank you , on behalf of us all .

Shiny 🙂

Posted : 5th September 2012 12:06 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl, thanks for your post on my diary. Sorry if my own post was confusing but it was o.h. who was ill, but alls good now. Thank you for your concern my friend.

Your doing a fantastic job on your journey, don't think Ive ever made the big 40, other than in years !! Way to go friend, massive congrats.

I agree that you are a very valued member on this site, your diary and words are so inspiring.

Have agreat day


Posted : 5th September 2012 7:41 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

well today is day 42

wow its six weeks, and in that short time i have got to know some great people on here and i think you are all doing a great job so keep your chin up your guard up and remember gamble frees the way forward


Posted : 5th September 2012 5:23 pm
Posts: 0

Really pleased for you Carl and you sound so positive!

Keep strong


Posted : 5th September 2012 8:05 pm
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