in the zone

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well here i am at day 49 or seven whole weeks. and right now gambling is not an issue for me because today i have not gambled and neither have i for last 49 days.another thing i have learnt is that i was most destructive when iwas tired or run down as i got the attitude i dont really care what i now realise is that i need to sometimes stop and give my body time to relax and rest. as you can probably tell today is one of those days where i need to relax so for once i will do just that

gamble frees the way forward


Posted : 12th September 2012 5:47 pm
Posts: 0

Carl mate you are doing well. Yes to the auditions but only if we are the judges now which one of us is louis and which one simon hahahaha... We could even have our own gamcare band haha thanks for the laugh mate. Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 12th September 2012 7:23 pm
Posts: 521

Hi Carl,

Just to say congratulations on the 7 weeks, those are 49 more days in the land of the living.

Take it easy and try not to exhaust yourself, keep those barriers up, you are doing great!


Posted : 12th September 2012 7:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl

Really pleased your remaining so positive and good for you for taking time out to's amazing I too feel that I am now more able to relax and not spend my whole time gambling, thinking about gambling or worrying about losses.

Well done to day 49...that's fantastic

Keep strong and stay positive

Forwards not back


Posted : 12th September 2012 8:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

It is good 2 know that I am not the only one who feels like that sometimes. So thank u 🙂

U r doing brilliant Carl, u r sooo determined and even battling ur own problems, u still support sooo many others and it means alot 🙂

I think u see this journey a bit like me and I can relate 2 alot of wot u say so thank u. U should be sooo proud of urself 🙂

Have a gr8 day 🙂

Posted : 13th September 2012 10:17 am
Posts: 0

Hey Carl,

How you doing mate? Ye my job is kinda part time at the moment until next week where I will be working evenings as well. I only plan to be in this job until I can find something better. But civilian life is really good no stress of the army on top of me now and all the cr** that came with it. I do feel like I am on leave at the moment so the reality of not being a soldier hasn't actually hit home yet mate.

I am training hard still and in a minute of to have a big workout at the gym its such a nice day again here on the sunshine coast lol. Well keep going mate you must be on day 50 today and that is a brilliant achievement you are strong and determined mate and you are a brilliant member who is full of support to everyone so thank you.

Hopefully catch up soon mate take care.

Ricky 🙂

Posted : 13th September 2012 1:33 pm
Posts: 0
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well day 50 is here for me

i have to say im still not gambling and not got thoughts to either but at the moment i dont even know why but im struggling and on bit of a downer for this rollercoaster ride, i know it will pass and i just got to ride it out but i wish it would hurry up LOL ( prob the cg part of me coming out there wanting everything and wanting it now)

gamble frees the way forward


Posted : 13th September 2012 5:13 pm
Posts: 0

Carl mate hope you are alright you are doing well. Soz you are a bit low mate but it will get better soon. You cant back out of the auditions now hahahha Take good care mate

Posted : 13th September 2012 5:24 pm
Posts: 0


Bloody well done , my friend day 50 , bet at the beginning that seemed as impossible as winning a gold medal.

So many people loose motivation at this point , myself Flagg and Castle to name but a few . And look at the Flagg now flying high ( sorry he he)

Serously it's just part of this journey , when you come out the other side you will be that much stronger for it .

I wonder if it is just the mind resting , after all the worry and action it sure when we were at it .

I hope this mood lifts quickly ,

You take care

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 13th September 2012 5:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Well done on 50 days gamble free 🙂

Sorry 2 read that u r feeling down, it is a real up and down journey this one. U need 2 do what is best 4 u 🙂

I know ur strength will get u thru this tough patch!

Everyone is here if u need us 🙂

Take care 🙂

Posted : 13th September 2012 9:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Thanks for you post again mate. Also brilliant that you have got to 50 days gamble free. Ye it isn't easy and like Charlotte said it is a road full of ups and downs and bends just don't hit a U turn mate. You are a strong member on this site and I know you will get through this tough patch you have a massive amount of support on here a lot of friends who are behind you because you help so many people on here. We one big community mate.

Take a couple of days out mate I know your strong and won't come back having to confess that you gambled because you show great determination and strength.

Take care mate and will catch up soon

All the best


Posted : 14th September 2012 9:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Just popping in 2 say I hope u r ok and staying strong 🙂

We r all here if u need us 🙂

Have a gr8 wknd 🙂

Posted : 15th September 2012 10:22 am
Posts: 0

Carl mate I hope you are ok and doing well. Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 15th September 2012 11:19 pm
Posts: 0
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hi one an all

thanks for the posts, i have had couple days rest from here and i think it has done me the world of good. i felt like all i was doing was going to work then spending my whole time here, which is great to help others through as well as myself but i got stuck in bit of a rutt. i will keep posting and keep assissting others where i can but maybe not quite so often. on the gambling front i have not gambled and not even wanted to gambleso that is all good. i sat watching a bit of the great north run this morning which i have raced several times myself and that has motivated me in to signing up for a local half marathon 10 weeks today so i have spent some time making up my training plan and it starts at 6 am tomorrow. i hope everyone is well and had a great weekend

gamble frees the way forward

day 53


Posted : 16th September 2012 1:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Thanks for the post. I only saw some of it and again looked jam packed. I am training for london 2014. Me and My cousin plan on running it in aid of my nans desease which is MS multiple serosis. Can't remember how you spell it.

How has your weekend been? I have been busy but also had a nice time relaxing.

Catch up soon pal and keep going like you stay gamble free is the way forward.

Ricky 🙂

Posted : 16th September 2012 2:37 pm
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