It’s time to take action

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Hi, new member here. I’m a 30 year old male and I’ve recently just realised just how serious my problem is with gambling. 
deep down I’ve known for a while and swept it under the carpet but I need to do something about it before it ruins my life any more than it already is doing.

I’m a daily gambler and will gamble on anything and everything, sports I love, horse racing, football, rugby, basketball to name a few. I even bet on sports I don’t even like because they’re there. 
the increasing problem lately has been slots on these betting sites. I used to play for fun and I knew my limits, but now i find myself depositing £500 at a time and spinning £10 spins per go and it’s really getting out of hand, these last few months it’s spiralled and I feel like I’m free falling further and further into a trap that I can’t see myself getting out of.

I wake up and the first thing I do is automatically log into to betting accounts to check what odds are on.

I find myself passing the time if I’m lay in bed doing nothing by playing slots. 

I have a lovely daughter, an amazing girlfriend and a loving family. 
but I’m getting to the point now where I keep feeling guilty about hiding this addiction from them. 
none of my family or friends no about this and I don’t know what to do. I always find myself making up excuses about why I have no money until my next pay day and I lie about having to borrow money. 
I take daily medication for anxiety, panic disorder and depression and this is just making me feel worse daily. 
the only thing I can find myself focusing on is what bets I can place every day and how I can gamble and get my fix every single day. 

Posted : 2nd January 2021 4:05 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6161

Welcome Dan1990 to the Forum and thank you for sharing.  

Many people find it very helpful to get advice and support for how to deal with the impact of gambling harm and I encourage you to get in touch with us.  We have Advisers available 24/7 to help you through this.  You can contact an Adviser by calling our Helpline on 0800 8020 133 or using our LiveChat option. We will be able to give you some options and further support.

Please also go to our Website where you will find further information.

There is a way through this Dan1990, however, it is very difficult to do so on your own, therefore, please get in touch.



Forum Admin



Posted : 2nd January 2021 6:13 am
Posts: 120

Good luck Dan you can do this it's very hard but you can do it get the help amd advice off this site and you will be told about many tools to help you in recovery from this awful disease 

Posted : 2nd January 2021 8:45 am
Posts: 569

Hi Dan,

Welcome to the forum.

You remind me of me. I love all sports but used to mainly bet on football. I studied all the odds and would bet frequently on football throughout the week. This lasted years until roulette entered my life. It was then that I would bet big. Hundreds and often thousands being bet every day. I would have an unbelievable amount of transactions on my account daily.

Just over 460 days ago I lost £10k in just over an hour playing roulette online while being off work sick.

It is surreal reading the above paragraph because if you knew me you would never believe this to be possible. First of all, I’m never off work sick snd secondly to the outside world I am responsible and always in control. That week I had lost the plot. I had won about £3k over a few days and then lost the plot on a credit card giving myself a £7k debt. I wasn’t sick that week but I was definitely ill. Ill in mind if not body.

I came here for help, learned everything I could about my addiction and took action.

Like giving up anything it is difficult at the beginning but as time goes by it gets progressively easier. I had to stip gambling obviously but also I couldn’t let myself look at odds on sport. I had to let my brain recover and it needed time.

I started running which I now love, going to the gym which I didnt like so much and lots of other things to take up time. I spent hours daily gambling or thinking about gambling and I needed to fill that void.

Today, I am fitter, healthier, worry far less, have far less stress and I appreciate what I have. I have a lovely wife, great kids, a good job etc. I have lots to be grateful for snd always did the difference now is that my eyes are open to it.

I have more money now than I ever did when gambling. No matter what I win I would eventually go on yo lose and more so it makes sense that i am better off. I buy things now. I have nice things whereas even if i won at gambling i never spent the money - it just went towards more bets.

I sleep better than ever before. I go to bed happy and without concern or worry.

Stop today. Build a better life. You are a decade younger than me and you can achieve anything that you want. Focus all your time on improving yourself and the life of your loved ones. Do it honestly snd with hard work. I promise you if you do this you will be happier than ever before.

Get to work.


Posted : 2nd January 2021 11:44 am
Posts: 179

I know this is going to be a hard thing to do...but you HAVE to tell your girlfriend. I could never tell anyone what to do as people deal with things differently, but you have to tell her and it's not going to be easy. Trust me on this. I really wish I'd told my girlfriend but I hid it from her. She left me when she found out that the second time I was still gambling after she found out the first time. If you tell her, she will HELP you STOP. I just went behind my girlfriend's back and she found out twice and it was sickening. You might think she may never find out but one day, she will and I guarantee you, it'll be the worst day of your life. If you tell her, she will have so much respect for you and moreso if you stop. 

Posted : 3rd January 2021 9:07 am

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