Last Gamble 30th August 2009

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I just made 10 whole weeks, which is amzing seeing how far i have come, heres to a new week.

No temptations at all today, I feel good.


Posted : 8th November 2009 8:50 pm
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Day 72, which is amazing! I haven't had any real tempt's which makes me feel even better.

Still on my guard, I will not gamble today.

Cheers, Jim

Posted : 10th November 2009 7:08 pm
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Keep going. Don't look back.

Don't let your guard down and don't let anything tempt you.

Posted : 11th November 2009 3:57 am
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Thanks - I will not gamble today.

Day 75 - Another weekend still a little daunting as they were always the most dangerous times. But I am strong now and intend to stay that way.

I know one small bet will destroy all of this so I remain as focused as my first week.

I tried so many times to give up gambling... I don't really know what made this one different...... but it is.

I hope you all have a good weekend.


Posted : 13th November 2009 7:45 pm
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Day 76



Posted : 14th November 2009 10:18 am
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Yesterday was really tough, I went out for a few beers in the afternoon and nearly cracked a few times, fortunately I am excluded from the bookies next to the club I drink in else I don't know if I would have coped. Came home early in the end to get away from it.

I feel ok now, but I thought I was making rea progress and didn't expect to be so tempted and find it so difficult.

i must avoid the fist bet as I know it will send me back to the start.

I will not gamble 77.


Posted : 15th November 2009 11:50 am
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Day 79

Completely stressed and pi55ed off, am struggling to cope.

I will not gamble today.


Posted : 17th November 2009 11:56 am
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Day 81

Feel much better today and am back on top of things, I still haven't gambled which feels awesome when I think about it. I am so happy to be here and approaching Christmas without the stress f gambling on top of everything else.

My sympathy goes out to everyone who is just staarting their recovey and those who are trying to start one, if I can get this far everyone can.

Stay strong.


Posted : 19th November 2009 7:08 pm
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Day 82

I did not gamble today and will not gamble tomorrow.


Posted : 20th November 2009 8:12 pm
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Day 84

Had a good weekend.... hungover today. No real thughts of gambling, my brother did a rugby bet, but I wasn't tempted.

I will not gamble today.


P.s. I hate gambling

Posted : 22nd November 2009 6:48 pm
Posts: 0

Keep it going mate...think of the great christmas and new year you will have with all the extra money. Start planning all the nights out, and treating your family to much better gifts than if you were threadbare due to gambling.

The feelings of withdrawl will happen, and it will feel painful and your mind will be in a spin, but you have to break through it. It's like coming off of any will have times of stress and times of struggle.

Keep it going. Im only on day 8. Your 10 times as good as me just now!!! Keep it up.

Posted : 23rd November 2009 1:08 pm
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Day 86

Thanks for the supportive comment Paul, it is a struggle from time to time but definately gets easier.

I will not gamble today.

Cheers, Jim

Posted : 24th November 2009 10:34 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jim

I have been meaning to post on your diary for a little while, i must say your recovery is going so very well. Like you said on your last post, it does get easier and you are right, i remember my first few weeks and they where a real struggle.

Anyway well done mate on the 86 days that's an impressive start (please dont think im patronizing you, im not!) good luck in your battle.

take care and i wish you all the best, ands

Posted : 24th November 2009 5:17 pm
Posts: 0

oh and i love the ps "i hate gambling" i too hate it, our lives are better without it. ands

Posted : 24th November 2009 5:19 pm
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Thanks Ands, its nice to have some support, and I know it is early days still. I do sometimes worry about getting complacent as I know how easy it is to think a little bet won't hurt, but I know it does hurt. Giving up gambling is a bit like a game of snakes and ladders, a couple of snakes and your back to the start or bottom...

So, I will not gamble today.

Thanks for the comments.


Posted : 24th November 2009 8:27 pm
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