Last Gamble 30th August 2009

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Day 115

2 days til Christmas - Yaay.

Not much happening here just plodding along and making sure I don't gamble, as I have said before this is a time of year that makes me feel a vulnerable to gambling, but if I can make it through this.... then all is good going into 2010.

I will not gamble.


Posted : 23rd December 2009 10:23 am
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Day 116

I will not gamble this Christmas.


Posted : 24th December 2009 4:11 pm
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Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas

Posted : 25th December 2009 12:10 pm
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Happy christmas Jim enjoy the holiday Jeff.

Posted : 26th December 2009 10:10 am
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Thanks Jeff.

Day 119

I am chuffed I made it through Christmas without a gamble, it has been pretty straight forward as I haven't been out for beers - just with the family at home and visiting.

We went out last night but I was the designated driver... never the less I am happy as this was the major goal after 100 days. Next goal is New Year!

Then 150 days then 200, I guess Easter is in there too somewhere.

The last 119 days haven't been been easy but I have got through them.

Here is to a gamble free 2010.

Conratulations to all of you who have made it through Xmas gamble free, and those who are just starting or have slipped... keep your chin up and knuckle down we can all do this. It is worth it.

I will not gamble today.


Posted : 27th December 2009 12:58 pm
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Day 121

Out for beers today, which I have been looking forward to all Christmas, I have hardly had a drink for the last few weeks.

Anyway just a note to remind myself that I will not gamble today as I do not want the pain and misery to come back.

I will not gamble.


Posted : 29th December 2009 12:49 pm
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Day 124

Happy New Year Everyone.

Here is to a gamble free 2010.


Posted : 1st January 2010 11:37 am
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Day 125

Still going strong, I will not gamble today.

Spoke to a friend on New Years Eve, one I dont see that often anymore. He is a CG and in the thick of it.... constantly on his phone while we were out. He doesn't want to stop and I doubt he ever will, but what a waste of a life, I don't see him because of gambling, he dropped out of Uni - whilst on line for a first because of gambling, has lost countless jobs because of gambling, sucks off his family because of gambling, is moody and irritable because of gambling.

Dont get me wrong he is a good person, just been destroyed by gambling the same as me.

It made me think alot, at the mo he is winning, so cannot see the problem... but it is no way to spend life. I hope he somehow finds a way to see it for what it is and quits whilst he is ahead.


Posted : 2nd January 2010 9:50 am
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Day 126

All is good, I am back in work tomorrow, which means this is the first Xmas break since i started gambling that I have managed to stay clean.

Like many members I started gambling on fruit machines when I was 7 or 8, I am 32 now but it got really serious at about 15 or 16 when I started working..... what a waste of time and money.

But I am here now and I will not gamble today in 2010 or ever, because I hate it.


Posted : 3rd January 2010 10:06 am
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hI Jim

Yes m8 it feels good getting through the christmas period.Im sure you will agree though kid it has been hard.Now to a gamblefree 2010. Happy new year. Ps read your post about you meeting an old gambling friend and you say he is a great bloke.Unfortunatley this gambling Addiction is not discriminative. It destroys anyone. All the best m8 Jeff.

Posted : 3rd January 2010 11:46 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jim

Thanks as always for posting on my diary, always nice to read!

Great to read your doing so well resisted the urges over the christmas period, nice one mate. I wish you a very happy gamble free year, keep going jim your diary is a fantastic read and you deserve alot of credit and respect and believe it or not i have that for you!

All the very best, ands

oh and GAMBLING IS s**t, we both know that! lol...

Posted : 4th January 2010 11:37 am
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Cheers Ands, that is really very kind.

You have made me smile on what was an average day. Cheers!!!

Day 128, no real prob's today - just ticking along. Had a few urges to gamble watching the darts last week but I never really came close.

All is good.


Posted : 5th January 2010 8:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dazzler,

I've had a quick 'flick' through your thread, and wanted to say well done to you.

I've only just started to acknowledge my problem, which is as much based on fear of what could happen unless I stop gambling as any current difficulties.

But one thing is for certain - it was getting worse quickly.

And I will certainly use your 'mantra' - 'I will not bet today'.


Posted : 5th January 2010 11:44 pm
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Day 132

Not much to report, so busy no real time to think about gambling and no urges. I think less and less about gambling and worryingly the problems it has caused me. I think it is good to reflect as I am whilst I type on some of the bad days.

I will not gamble today.

Thanks, Jim

Posted : 9th January 2010 9:23 am
Posts: 0

Just dropping in to see how its going to be for me in about a months time Jim lol.

You are making it look easy m8. Nothing for me to worry about for the next month then eh. All the best Jim keep up the good work Jeff.

Posted : 9th January 2010 5:20 pm
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