Life or Misery; that's the choice

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Hi Christer,

I take your point about blocking software; I don't use it myself however I am fortunate that online gambling isn't my thing - I just can't bring myself to lose money without leaving my front door!

My weakness is FBOTs and slots in general - so I have to grit my teeth when in a pub (because I love a social pint).

Make sure you limit your access to money and set a target of say 30 days - to become a Striver - and show you mean business.

It's not easy Christer - I'm testament to that what with my relapses! - but we've simply got to keep trying.

Let's say,you, and me, get to 30 days. What do you say?

Btw, I respect your honesty. Counts a lot.

Posted : 23rd August 2017 4:27 pm
Posts: 546

I'm in I will battle on. Online I hate them. My worst thing is sports betting I can't touch casinos or fobts

Posted : 23rd August 2017 7:17 pm
Posts: 1828
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Good. That's the spirit Christer. Look at your relapse as a dress rehearsal before the main event 🙂

Posted : 23rd August 2017 7:55 pm
Posts: 0

Mixer, Hope today finds you well my friend, another glorious day GF I hope.

Christer, if it helps then maybe you should look at doing the same as i've done (online slots were always my issue). I resorted to ordering myself a cash only savings card. Lets me withdraw cash from the cashpoint but that's it, no more online transactions for me. I know you will probably still need a current account, as do I but if you have someone who could hold onto that card for you so you can't use it, that would help massively. Also, if like me you know your current account details by heart then cut it up, order a new card and give it straight to someone you trust so you can't spend with it online.

We all get tested, don't beat yourself up about it just remember and move forwards. We're all here as Mixer said and always more than happy to listen. Don't know if anything i've said will help but all things to consider. Oh, and close your Paypal account if you have one, that one really did help me.

Posted : 23rd August 2017 8:25 pm
Posts: 546

Dholla thanks for the advise I'm prepared to try pretty much everything at the mo. Well I'm now in day two

Posted : 24th August 2017 1:06 am
Posts: 546

This could be the answer to my and many peoples answers a online multi self exclusion hopefully to be ready end of

Posted : 24th August 2017 5:41 pm
Posts: 1828
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Thanks for this Christer; it deserves a wider audience because, as you say, this could help an incredible amount of people. We've been crying out for this!!!

Posted : 24th August 2017 7:25 pm
Posts: 0

Great find there Christer and couldn't agree with Mixer more, that deserves a BIG audience as it really would help so many people. Think the problem alot of people have is that we self exlude ourselves from the sites that we always use, but there are always more of them just sitting there waiting for temptation to hit. A one stop shop to exlude yourself from them all, sounds like a great idea. Only question is, why has it taken this long?

Posted : 24th August 2017 9:22 pm
Posts: 546

Probably cause there's such a problem nationwide with bookies opening every day with fobt machines and online stuff opening all time and government are waking to we have big problems in the UK. There's a panorama on you tube of how 10 percent of gamblers want suicide and that is a worry

Posted : 24th August 2017 10:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hey mixer we've spoke before I think when you were last on. I'm under a different name now, used to be emonster. I like yourself fell off and I was doing so well, I was coming on here every other day counting the days and I stopped coming on as I thought I'd cracked it but it seems those urges will never leave me no matter how long I can remain gamble free for. I just signed back up 2 days ago as I need to start this all over again and maybe all of us can go on and give us the support and encouragement we all need on a daily basis as we both know that no matter how long you can stay gamble free for there will come a day when all defences are down and those urges become mind consuming and when it does come we all need to be here for one another.

Posted : 24th August 2017 11:21 pm
Posts: 0

Christer, totally agree, that is a massvie worry although not totally suprising. I think too many of us Gambling Addicts suffer in silence and maybe aren't as aware as we should be about places like this. Ultimately, I guess it takes us a very long time to actually admit we have a problem, hopefully something like a mass self exclusion tool, although not helping us realise in the first place will at least give us a way to cut the head off the beast when we finally do come to terms with our addictions.

Sidney. I don't think we've spoken before but welcome back my friend. It's such a tough beast this Gambling. We've all been there where you think 'hey, i've not gambled for 3 / 6 / 9 months, surely i'm good now' but low and behold you stop your support and boom, the beast comes a knocking. I know it's tough but don't beat yourself up about it, just use it as a learning experience. You're back on here, that's a great start. We're all in the same boat buddy and trust me we all have a good old rant and rave at times but ultimately we're all here for each other, I know Mixer will agree. Keep posting pal and try to get yourself back in the routine of getting on here every day. Hell, I spoke to a guy the other day who was near 1000 days but still on here evey day. Ultimately, when you do get to the point that you're good and GF, there are always more people on here who you can help and it won't do yourself any harm.

Good Luck to you Sidney, I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Sidney, Christer, and Mixer. Hope this finds you all doing well and staying strong and GF today, Lets all get another one under our belts and move towards xmas together.

Posted : 25th August 2017 6:53 am
Posts: 546

I must say it's nice to have this place to come back to on here to here and help other people in same situation as urselfes. Thank u all and yes im greetings on day 3

Posted : 25th August 2017 1:05 pm
Posts: 1828
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Christer - thank you once again for that find; the soon-to-be rolled out national self-exclusion scheme for all Bacta registered establishments. It can't come soon enough. I'll be announcing this, with due credit to you for finding it, on the Guru challenge later if that's OK, we're all agreed this deserves a much wider audience.

Let's not forget, of course, the existing local bookie/arcade self-exclusion scheme that's in place, and that you've subscribed to yourself (good move!) - I'll be plugging that, too. Keep strong this weekend Christer - we really are with you, you know that. Day 4 today, let's chalk off 5 tomorrow, and get this BH weekend out the way, enjoyably, GF.

Sidney - it's great to be in touch with you again. Always bittersweet, of course - one of us like to beholden to this gambling scourge that will eat us alive if we let it - but we are fighting back and together can tame this devil. I do remember you in your previous reincarnation, emonster, and fate brings us back together, with Dholla, Christer and other fine people, to have a very, very good crack at racking up day after day after day GF. Here we go again, but my god, we are so resolved this time. Right? 🙂

Dholla, you rightly ask: why is a national self-exclusion scheme taking so long? It's because the gambling operators don't want to lose their best customers! But they've been compelled to act because the government's cracking down and they've got to be seen to be doing something. Simple as that I reckon! It's a good thing though and hopefully, hopefully, it will be an effective scheme with no holes - when it comes to finding ways to gamble, sadly, recovering addicts are very cunning. Let's see what happens!

Right, a GF Saturday everyone? Actually, I didn't need to ask that question. I know the answer, gentlemen. We have the determination, spirit - and character.

Posted : 26th August 2017 12:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hope this finds you having a pleasurable and GF bank holiday weekend Mixer and everyone else for that matter. I know these times can be tough but as Mixer reminds us all, together we can get through.

I'm really starting to believe in redirecting my efforts into other things, anything you enjoy that doesn't revolve aroung gambling. I know it's not easy but am finding it just adds to the accomplishment / enjoyment when you realise you've had a good time and it didn't involve gambling. That and the lovely feeling that you've not got bills / debts / secrets to deal with is just darn right refreshing.

Here's to a lovely and GF Bank Holiday Sunday guys. Hope you all have a good one.

Posted : 26th August 2017 7:51 pm
Posts: 546

Mixer I would definitely feel the news needs to be spread and fully agree gambling company's never want this cause we're there profits. I'm still g free on day 5

Posted : 27th August 2017 12:36 am
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