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Hey AN...

Look at you soon as the Shinys back is turned your tapping other cyberbabes and their mutts...Mr Austin Powers...all that R and R has got your mojo back for sure....grrrowwll! lol

Glad to see your on the good foot with golf and that you have got your spirit back to where it should be ..glinting in the sunshine..

I did my cards the other night and kept getting the same thing coming through...its all good so thats ok..

You really have been given a new lease of life hun and it suits ya...

The Shiny one will be back soon..just try kissing the screen tenderly or you could go stalking hotel spa hideaways down the south coast?...

Was chuckling about Rush the other night as I havent heard that bands name for a while.I used to go out with a drummer yonks ago who was so into them but he used to get SOOO mad at me as every time he said the bands name I would add "to the toilet "after wards...

Spookily ..we did'nt date for long.....I wonder why? LOL..he was so serious I just had to try and get a rise..

I do remember liking some of their stuff but could not name anything .

Well hun..I shall go and finish off my writing ...

nighty night xxx

R and D xx

Poor lad ...

Posted : 18th September 2012 8:16 pm
Posts: 0


Sounds like you had a good day . 2nd overal, not bad , all that time at range seems to of paid off.

Was wondering bestie , with that talk of Xmas , what virtual present would be apt .

Now the ticker seems to be returning to its correct beat , maybe it should be a utube track , although not sure how to pop them . So this may or may not work

A bit of reggae from me to you . Check out the hard hats and white suits ,…;feature=youtube_gdata_player

Fingers crossed it works .......

Sleep well ,

Shiny xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 18th September 2012 10:59 pm
Posts: 0


It worked ( looks like I might have found a new toy )


Posted : 18th September 2012 11:06 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella well done on your golf day, great to read! what self control LOL most folk after a quad bogie would devistate the rest of the round in golf-rage lol ( many years under the belt cheffing in golf clubs) and you my friend take it in your stride!!

Well unless it was the 18th??????????lol.

Glad rach has not unleashed her opinions on the subject either lol something about a good walk?????

Keep making the right choice for you!

(maybe a longer iron lol)

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Love golf me especially the shack!!! or happy!!

Posted : 19th September 2012 10:40 am
Posts: 1423


Thanks for the post it was much appreciated

2nd at the golf wow must be that Nick Faldo inspirational post that did the trick lol , I would guess though self confidence and belief in ur own ability helped more than anything

Good to see u look forwarding and not back xmas is comin can't believe how fast this year has gone , think we will av a cyber toast to one hell of a year for both of us and more importantly a new year to look forward to

Take care


Posted : 20th September 2012 4:37 pm
Posts: 298

Thanks for the welcome back the other day.... very much appreciated... here's your song... it's not Rush.... but quite perky.


Posted : 20th September 2012 9:01 pm
Posts: 0


U ok , missed you posting the last couple of days , do checking up on you ,

Isn't that what besties area supposed to do ?

Stay strong , stay close ,

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 20th September 2012 9:20 pm
Posts: 521

Hey man,

Just popping by to see how you are, it is getting cold again so to kick out the weekend here is a warm one.…8TYNpJdLg&feature=related

Posted : 21st September 2012 7:33 pm
Posts: 0

hey AN ...where art thou?

ps ...I think Duncs was referring to my golf course classic quote..."total waste of a motorcross track"

I can tell you are forgiving me already

R and D xx

are you in Shinys case?

Posted : 21st September 2012 8:07 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hey peeps,

Thanks for the concern. I have not gone back on the road to ruin. Just been having a couple of days off from posting.

The main reason for that is that I had information back from my cardio consultant that I have to have a coronary angioplasty. This basically means putting stents in to help open up my blocked arteries. I am now on the list for the op. I needed to get my head round this. I have only just returned to work and resumed normal activities after the attack and now this.

It seems like life has bit me on the b*m. Sure going to make me think much less about gambling it away! I am strong and I will deal. Anxiety doesn't even come into it. I know that if I don't agree to it then there is a good chance I won't have a life to live.

Thanks to the people who posted. I will return posts when I can. Great track again Paulds, Supergrass are in my cd player this morning!

Watch this space,


Posted : 22nd September 2012 10:11 am
Posts: 4422


Step away from the door the bionic man is coming!!

Not making light of your health my friend but these folk do know what they are doing!!

Something that may raise a smile.

A friend of mine had what sounds like much of the same and the doc advised him to take more fruit into his diet.

So in keeping with the advise he changed from his usual lager to CIDER!!!!

Keep smiling fella

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 22nd September 2012 10:23 am
Posts: 0


Hugs , more hugs , and even more hugs .

That's it , nothing more , no lectures , no sermons , nothing .

Stay strong , but more importantly stay well !!!

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 22nd September 2012 11:14 am
Posts: 0

Hey AN

Glad to see ur back posting ....

looks like you have a bit more to digest on the health front but you are in good company here and I'm sure u have lots of people around you who care and love you...and will be there for you .

Keep posting and take it easy ..especially on the work front....

R and D singing ..feel alriiight .....supergrass. Xxxx.

Posted : 22nd September 2012 3:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hey AN, I havent posted on your diary before and I havent been able to post much as my laptop (amongst other things) packed in 2 weeks ago, so Im posting on my sons pc when I get the chance.

Just wanted to say that although its only words my friend, I too have heart issues and 2 years ago I had to have angio and 2 stents put in, then 9 weeks later more angioplasty. I have NEVER looked back since having them put in.

Go for it my friend, it is so worth it. Angioplasty itself isn't painful, a tad uncomfortable, but its a worthwhile procedure.

I wish you nothing but the best of health friend, take care, and if I can help in any way please feel free to ask away.

All the best


Posted : 22nd September 2012 7:00 pm
Posts: 0


Good to see your still gamble free. You know it makes sense to get this op done and improve your health, at least you have these options right.

Look after yourself pal, all the best


Posted : 23rd September 2012 10:02 am
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