Thanks for the really constructive comments, Pelle, Smiler and NT.
Pelle - free milk and other stuff is not a probem. Much as I would like to survive on cheese omelettes with yoghurt for dessert, I'm not sure my family would eat the same every day. My 2-year-old won't eat eggs or drink milk at all, despite several bribing sessions involving choc. I will look at MSE, thanks for the idea.
Smiler - thanks, yes, not too down but I am frustrated. Better than the alternative, though.
NT - will do. also browse eeeeeee bay occasionally for the same reason, and sometimes get lucky.
Have a look at the Debt-Free Wannabe diaries on MSE. You could do one too. You need to present a Statement of Affairs - your monthly income and your outgoings - and you'll get lots of constructive help and tips on how to save money.
I have never used that online site to look for bargains - only ones that I really need.
You never know what to expect at a car boot sale and at least you can really see the quality of items.
good to see your back delivering again 🙂
Hope everything is going ok for you, i see the finances are causing trouble for you, i can certainly relate, it is one step forward and two back, but as long as we remain gamble free than we will get there.
had a strange week last week, i had some terrible dreams of gambling, i guess we will never be able to stop fighting this fight.
HI Milkman,
Been reading your diary. A Massive well done and reaching over 6 months, I understand the financial situation, im trying to wade myself through it to. I just keep telling myself everyday im gamble free i am a day nearer being debt free.
Keep strong.
Blondie Day 14 ..... and moving on up
If you have a large CD and DVD collection that you feel like pruning, try Music Magpie. They offer you between £0.30 and £3 per disc and it does not cost you anything to post the discs to them. I sent them a box of twenty unwanted CDs last month and made £30. Not great but better than nothing and their website is very easy to use.
6 months 1 and a half weeks
Thanks Pelle, will look into that. Away at present. Was tempted last night, but resisted. Details on Pat's diary.
Keep strong y'all!
6 months 2 weeks
Just come back from a few days away with the OH and kids. Other family members were present as well. the accommodation was free, and I intended to do as many without-payment activities as possible - walking, playing games, cooking for everyone etc...inevitably that didn't happen. I tried, but everyone else had other ideas, and most of them cost money. I did enjoy myself, but the result is a significant hole in my finances; I really am going to baton down the hatches this month, and avoid any luxuries for myself.
I daren't post my finances for a week or two until I've made a little progress somewhere.
No gambling thoughts, apart from the one I wrote on Pat's diary
Do you think you will ever tell your wife about your gambling problem or do you feel that you have got things under control now so there is no need to worry her?
Update please!
6 months, 2 and a half weeks
Thanks Pelle, saw your post on Tuesday but too knackered to reply. My OH knows an edited (ie lots of missing information) version of my addiction. I doubt very much if I could ever tell her the whole truth; you'd have to know her to know why. Without too many details, she had a terrible childhood and is extremely intolerant of addictions, esp alcohol and gambling. I drink maybe 10 pints of beer a week and often end up defending it. One of the things she said when we were in the rosy first 3 months, you know, when you have those 'little chats', was ' I could forgive anything except you being alcoholic or gambling away all your money'. Well, that told ME early on!
As reported previously, I am a binge gambler, and in fact had it 'under control' for long enough, esp through the first few years of our relationship. Under control means pointless spending in pub bandits and the occasional, largely-controlled casino visit. A waste of money, but manageable, and followed the spirit of what she wanted. The problem occured last year, when I had one casino and two online binges, the last of which nearly finished me off. The first came as a result of an injection of funds after a property sale. I kept a little to one side and played the Big Man with Big Stakes for a while. Luckily, I didn't lose too much, as I rarely did in 'real' casinos - I'm still too proud to look like an utter ******, throwing away all my money in front of strangers. However, there are no such constraints online, and that is where I really did the damage. Actually, I had one big win - without it, I would've gone under much sooner.
So, my OH knows that I've gambled 'in the past'; I had to say something becasue the computer screen froze with my diary entry on it several months ago. Luckily, it was when I was describing my past. So, I lied my way out of it. Bad, I know, but at the time she was very pregnant, and I didn't want to upset things (she's had one miscarriage before). Now the dust has settled, I'm not sure I want to ignite the powder keg. Certainly not yet.
6 months, 3 weeks
no gambling. thoughts of gambling are uncommon, although I did have one last night in the pub (bandit). My Dad asked me how money was yesterday - it's been an expensive month, and he must have noticed. Said 'OKish', and he said I should tell him if there's a problem. Won't be doing that just yet, but it's good to know that I've got a helping hand if needed. Hope I won't, but might consider borrowing £1k to ease things a little; he won't require paying back in any hurry.
finances at present are:
Debt 1 - £5,125
Debt 2 - paid off
Debt 3 - paid off
Debt 4 - £2,900, Cc
Debt 5 - £1,400 CC2
Overdraft: £900
Opening debt: £13,500
Current debt: £10,325
Last gamble: 31st Oct 2011
Debt-free day: 24th december 2013
As long as your debts are going down a little each day that's all you can do.
You know what WILL happen if you make that wrong choice and gamble again.
So don't even think about it.
But you already know this.
Six months, three-and-a-half weeks
All OK. Sold something of mine for £100 today. The money will buy a big load of shopping tomorrow.
No real temptations, although it crosses my mind more often then I'd like. I'm still reading other people's diaries on a daily basis.
I am sleeping such irregular hours at the moment, I thought about becoming a milkman. Seems quite appealing: early starts, get home for lunch and have the afternoon and evening off. Would you recommend it as a profession?
Affected by gambling?
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