Lost the plot...so back.

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I know you will get through it because that is what we do best. We know how to manoeuvre when the going gets tough. I have taken cash from credit cards to gamble and did not care onr jot about percentage rates I just needed to gamble. Did it lots of times!! You just have to pay for the consequences as you say and dance to thier tune. The good news is it will not be forever. Keep striding forward matey even though it is slow at the moment you and I will get there!

Take care

Posted : 21st January 2012 8:14 pm
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84 - still no gambling

Posted : 22nd January 2012 7:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hi bud, just back online. London was good, very busy with work, and maybe played a little hard into the small hours. Got home on friday and was away for the weekend in college on my course so just fell into bed last night. Absolutely no gambling or thoughts of gambling last week so am delighted, it is the furthest thing from my mind these days and that is how i like it, i am however very aware that just one bet will screw all the good work up so will keep focused.

I see you had a bit of bother with your bank overdraft, what a fu##ing pain, have you a plan B? it is amazing how they can do whatever they like... Dont let this be the thing that puts the gambling thoughts back in you mind.

On a much happier note how is your OH doing, are the plans for the home birth still in play?

you are 15 days from treble digits... happy days 🙂

Posted : 23rd January 2012 1:45 pm
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86 - Still gamble-free, and absolutely no intention to gamble, so no problems on that score.

I’m having various money problems, for once not entirely of my own making (obviously I wouldn’t be in such a pickle if it wasn’t for the gambling in the first place, but these immediate problems are outside my control). The tax credits still haven’t come. A ‘processing error’ last week meant another small delay. Should be sorted any time in the next three weeks. Child benefit have until Feb 6th to finish processing my claim, which I sent on June 16th. Together they owe me over £3000. Secondly, I’ve had serious probs with ****** west, who reduced my overdraft limit by £5000 last week. After lots of irate calls, they told me that they had done a routine ‘credit check’ and Equifax had reported that I had entered a repayment agreement with someone (ie a creditor). This is complete B***** - I haven’t . It’s taken 5 days to get my Equifax report, and, surprise surprise, there is absolutely no mention of it anywhere. I phoned Equifax, and told them the story - they don’t know where Nat West have got this info from, since it is not on my file. (BTW, this phone call was horrific - the operators were not based in the uk and they were so, so difficult to understand, and half the time they couldn’t understand me). So, back to Nat West, another irate call along the lines of ‘I’ve been a customer for 23 years…never missed a payment…’etc etc, so it’s logged as an official complaint and they’re investigating.

What it makes you realise is that institutions play dice with our lives and they are so difficult to get into when something is wrong. I asked NW to send me a copy of the report that had blacklisted me and they were ‘unable’ to do so, since they don’t actually store the exact info on their system, only the ‘outcome’. So now I’ve got to fight to stop them dragging my name through the mud. b******s. One positive from all this - my Dad offered to lend me £2500 to clear my OD, repayable when the tax credits come. This came as a result of telling him the story, and he suggested it would put me in a stronger position when they get back to me (about the non-existent repayment plan). It IS a loan, not a give, but no pressure and no interest and the removal of the threat of having NW reduce my OD again is a Godsend at this tense time (baby due v v soon).

I’m still hanging on, but I really need to get my finances on an even keel.

Debt 1 - £6k (friend)

Debt 2 - £1k (friend, by March this year)

Debt 3 - £2.5k (Dad, when tax comes)

Debt 4 - £3k, Cc

Owed to me - approx £3k

Posted : 24th January 2012 9:16 pm
Posts: 0


Keep positive it will come through for you. We are survivors and good at it. Hope it resolves itself soon. As for call centres abroad, that's a different matter entirely. Keep posting and take care!

Posted : 24th January 2012 9:21 pm
Posts: 0

Hi LJ,

Thanks for the post yes i know,like you dont post much but always read.

Fingers crossed for the new arrival.:0)

Sorry about all your money woes atm banks are w*****s simple.

I know its tough but i have confidence you will find away round this.

Stay Strong and positive

E x

Posted : 24th January 2012 10:49 pm
Posts: 0

hi bud,

the finances are really putting you through the ringer at the moment, but i am 100% confidant you will come out the end of this stronger and in a much better position. i know reducing the OD is not good at all but your long term goal would be to get rid of it anyway so this is pushing you a little faster that you had planned but in the direction you want to go.

God bless dads (and mams) i know mine has also bailed me out on a few occasions unknowingly.

Hope your other half is doing ok, any movement? you mentioned she was getting big, what do you expect first baby or 100 days gamble free??? is home birth still on the cards, hope you have your midwife homework done 🙂

By the way its a business degree im doing part time, i started it as a means to occupie my time, i am not doing as much work as is should be but it is good for the mind and i find it helps.

keep strong.


Posted : 26th January 2012 12:12 pm
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Hi Pat,

home birth v much in the cards. It's due Feb 14th, but my OH thinks it might come sooner (the head is down, and her belly 'dropped' yesterday). So it might well land on day 100!

As you said, I wanted to reduce my OD eventually, but it's incredibly inconvenient to do it right now, and I'm peeved that they've got the wrong info. still, if I can get by (and I have to, of course), it'll be a good thing in the end.

As for gambling, it's completely off the radar. Won't be arrogant and say it'll never happen, but certainly I can't see a situation in which it would.

Posted : 26th January 2012 9:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Jim,

Sounds like you're going through a very trying time right now, it's crazy how circumstances can conspire against us. I'm just glad that you seem to have a handle on it all and are keeping yourself focused on your goals. We can never say never, but we can say 'not today'. Debts are only temporary, time can heal financial wounds.

Not really had the chance to be online recently, but I'll be following your diary with interest. Onwards, my friend.

Posted : 26th January 2012 10:09 pm
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Day 89

No gambling today.

Over 1 and a half hours on the phone to tax credits - still not sorted.

Posted : 27th January 2012 7:02 pm
Posts: 899

Have you considered writing to the Financial Ombudsman about your problems with HMRC? From my experience, you are unlikely to receive any repayments until the end of the tax year. Still, that means you should be paid by 5th April. The wheels of taxation turn very slowly. I hope the birth of your child goes well whether it be at home or in a hospital.

Posted : 27th January 2012 7:11 pm
Posts: 11

Mark Twain said the definition of a banker is a man who gives you his umbrella, and as soon as it starts to rain, asks for it back.

Hope Govt get their finger out quick for you. re your bank, if you threaten them with a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, that may focus their attention a bit, since every referral costs them £400, win lose or draw.

Posted : 27th January 2012 7:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jim

hang in there buddy, don't let the bast ards grind you down. At least you aint got to worry about gambling with all this stress on your head. At the end of the day they can't take what you haven't got.

Keep going strong and we'll battle on side by side


Posted : 28th January 2012 2:03 am
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Day 90, Day 91

No gambling. No desire to gamble.

Thanks for your comments, can't complain to bank ombudsman until you've complained through the bank (that's the rule), and I'm doing that now. As for HMRC, I have two separate complaints going through there, one supported by my MP, so again I'll just have to wait.

Still, that 2.5k lend from my Dad has taken away the worry for another couple of months, but it shouldn't be his problem. Obviously gambling is the root cause of my being skint, but there's no excuse for incompetence. I've paid taxes for 23 years and never claimed a bean.

Posted : 29th January 2012 7:21 pm
Posts: 0

thanks for your post yesterday it was what i needed. you do not have to describe how that disease goes, my gran spent her last months on an oxygen tank, not something any poor soul should have to suffer. But you are very right, something like that can really give us some perspective on things.

I am in a very good position, in 3 years from tomorrow i can be debt free. i know i will not gamble in that time as i just cant face going back to that sh''#. Life is getting better for sure, i guess there will always be a bad day or two along the way but we will get there.

On a lighter note you have only 8 days to go to 100 days. do you think your new little man or woman will have landed by then?

Posted : 30th January 2012 6:31 pm
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