Mr Grumpy: Round 3 and a half

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Hey hey hey Mr J ...

How's you doin?

Not sure if you are up or down the country .....

What are you listening to this fine eve in the company of the comfort of the southern ? Xx...any good tunes I should know about and be foot tappin to ? Xx

Posted : 28th June 2013 9:47 pm
Posts: 298
Topic starter


Posted : 25th July 2013 1:58 am
Posts: 0

Hey Jon

Was just coming round to post in your email ..I did read it and just wanted to say that you are not boring..

Empty vessels make most noise as my mother used to say! Lol ...and look how many times I post in an hour ! heh heh heh

We all use the site differently I guess and there is no one it's ok being melancholic ....or an aging EMO ..

I think it's good to be able to express that side of ourselves.

I'm guessing you and your Mr Comfortable pal from the South had a cosy night ...and a few vibes from Floyd thrown in...what could be better?

Anyhooo..keep posting Hun....I can't join in with you and Ms Bs .Terry Pratchett posts but I do miss em..

It's always an education .

R and D wondering if golf is on the adgenda xxx

Posted : 25th July 2013 9:49 am
Posts: 0

Hey Jon

Thanks for popping in....also had my red handy last night but fell'm such a wuss

Also thought about some music games on line..cryptic pop quiz type ..I have a crazy taste in music for sure .

I do like a bit of Genesis ..3 sides live and Turn it On...I have a few of their classic albums and of course I am a Gabriel head ....thinking about it I have most Phil Collins classics too..

I am in a bit if a music flatline with no idea really what's going on with current stuff as I am always playing nostalgic tunes...

I shall keep thinking of a GC music thang! Perhaps a new thread run like chat for an hour ...Friday nights . We could have different symbols to denote what tipple we are having .....Each of us inventing Cryptic music questions with an allotted time for us to answer and

¥ - Southern Comfort

{} - red wine

[]- Beer

() - gin


R and D xx

Posted : 27th July 2013 6:35 am
Posts: 1226

Excellent post on my diary Jon much appreciated.

Best wishes

Posted : 27th July 2013 12:43 pm
Posts: 355

Thanks for your post on my diary.

I re-read what I'd put on yours. It was quite abrupt, wasn't it?? Still, sometimes it's better just to be straight to the point.

I'm still hovering around, but gambling at present.

thanks for your support

Posted : 6th August 2013 1:14 pm
Posts: 298
Topic starter

It's strange, I am a little effected by the southern, and just had a consideration to gamble.. but quickly made the right decision to post for a change.

It's very quiet today... and for a while... less posting going on than I ever have seen... Is everybody ok?... or feeling a little reluctant?

I wonder if posting less on here, as I do now, makes my opinion less worthy... not that it matters to me to be honest... only thinking that way 'cos I have had a drink... but it is strange standing back and seeing what happens sometimes. As a "reader", which I truly am now, means I just read... lots... every day, and as I am on holiday.... f*****g lots.

Here is my point:

As gamblers ... we are liars... on here we are liars in recovery... We have chosen to tell the truth to this forum about our gambling... but we will still be cloaking ourselves to some degree about other problems... maybe the ones that cause our gambling or maybe the difficulties we've found ourselves in before and after confession. So, if that is true to any extent, anybody making any assertions about another's recovery could be deemed as a dangerous thing... when you do not know the whole story. I am obviously thinking about captains diary... which he seems to be posting on less.. has his "process" been effected?

Maybe I should have posted this a couple of weeks ago.... but I didn't. I wasn't "relaxed" enough then.

Whilst I feel quite defensive regarding captains rite to be on here, I did feel aggrieved regarding his comment about the posting on here... hell when I started on here I wanted it to be like f/book ... a place where I could interact with others in the knowledge that they knew the worst of me.. the gambling... and they still accepted me. On other forums I couldn't help feeling a falseness... because they don't know... on here they/you/we do. Here was a safe haven where "everybody knows your name",,,(cheers).. If I posted on f/book the great achievement for me of going for bike ride... they would not know that it was a great achievement... but people on here would know... as my friends do now.

No idea if that makes any sense... but it does to me.... and this is my diary, which I do not use enough.

So this "ramble" has distracted me, even though at the moment I feel I have some level of control, from a small "naughty" thought.

149 days since my last mega blow out... I am so much better off now but still got things to work on... which would be the case regardless of gambling... we are all t wats sometimes.

Advice? The process was drawn out for me... took me a while to get to where I am now. AND there was only one way... especially if online is your thang. HAND OVER THE DOSH.... give the financials to someone else... wife/husband/sister/brother/friend.. doesn't matter... pick one. Order a new card.... do not open it... do not look at those 3 numbers... if you don't know them you can't use your card. Sure... you can find a way round this.... but "they" will know. Give yourself the breathing space.

I am in the breathing space... I am not ready to take on full responsibility for my finances... ie I still do not trust myself, but I am paying all my bills... I am paying off my debts... and I seem to have some left over... I go to my sisters when I need her to use MY card to get ME some money... that's all... no major hardship.

So here's to you all... I raise a glass to the STEG (Lazerus)... The Blonde One... The Shiney One... and Granny Weatherwax.... Iread my diary and enjoyed those days.


PS: "I don't think I've ever been critical of the money Douglas Adams makes, especially since, as has been tactfully pointed out, I myself have had to change banks having filled the first one up." TP

PPS:"The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret"

-- (Terry Pratchett, The Truth)

Posted : 24th August 2013 12:19 am
Posts: 0

Who's Granny Weatherwax?


Posted : 24th August 2013 12:26 am
Posts: 0

Pps ..your opinion is NEVER less worthy xx

Posted : 24th August 2013 12:27 am
Posts: 0

Hey Jon ...

Still see the night owls are youtubing a bit to send me to sleep using different hertz frequencies lol neighbour politely told me to knock it off as the sound is resonating out of my skylight .but me and Tesla still have work do!

Not sure anyone is going to be affected by the process you talk of fact I think it will give it greater impetus ..

I am reminded of my pals mum ..a 70 a day smoker for over 50 yrs who was advised not to stop as the shock to her system may bring on a heart attack and kill her....damage limitation I guess.

Keep on keeping the southerns in business and I will sew up da north xxxxx

Posted : 24th August 2013 12:37 am
Posts: 0

Ok that makes me cry every time ...

Look up from your life ...James Taylor ...the words are something anyone in the dark can understand xxx ...I'm now listening to your ...breathe.......xx

Posted : 24th August 2013 12:43 am
Posts: 0

I love love love that song ...shower the people Great is James T? ..ex heroin addict

That song "up from your life " was my rockbottom song but also gave me hope ...I felt that I was in the care of a community of angelic people who said ,."you need to surrender ..we must find you a way"

I played it over and over...

Also have a few classics from way back that bring a tear..."fix you " of Shinys faves Coldplay and also Keanes "somewhere only we know " which was a song I will always associate with going on a long car journey to scatter my bros ashes ...

It's such a triumphant song ...


Posted : 24th August 2013 1:02 am
Posts: 0

Hey Jon..

You guessed it ...zzzzzzzzzzzz....and even woke up to find the YouTube still buffering round as I fell asleep searching for songs

Had a glass of wine before bed too as I was a bit buzzy from my new second job...

Think it acted as a knock out drop..

Glad to see you on the forum and still fighting the good fight ...never really known much about Terry P but I know you ,Steve and Ms B are all fans...

I may have to have a look for a new read. I'm not good with fiction but I think maybe I should give something new a go...I could be adding to the fan list ..

R and D xxx

Posted : 24th August 2013 11:12 am
Posts: 355

You're right. About everything. that was a well-timed addition to my diary. Still in pain at the moment and can't bear to write it down, but shall be back soonish. Promise. Thanks for that, speak soon.

Posted : 25th August 2013 11:34 am
Posts: 0

Pastorius he the man or is he the man? tunes there Jon and glad you enjoyed some of Mr Metheney there....

I'm a big fan ...saw him on a night that will never be forgotton...

am going to dig deep in my music collection as I'm all inspired ..xx

Posted : 29th August 2013 5:37 pm
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