My Diary

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So - I've been here before and started a diary, posted a few times etc but then I let things get worse so I went straight back to square one.

I'm not at square one anymore and haven't gambled for 18 days now. Not long in most people's eyes but for me it is an achievement.

I am finding it relatively easy to cope with the gambling urges. I don't have many real "urges" at all. I have a desire to put things right and there is still probably a tiny part of me that thinks - "I could put it right so easily if I just get lucky once".

So far so good in resisting that voice and that urge but as I say, it hasn't been too testing so far.

The real issue I am having is the guilt and self-loathing. This isn't something new for me - but it is worse at the moment than it has ever been before and some days it feels like a minute by minute struggle.

I don't think that this is all gambling related and I understand that there are other underlying issues I also need to work through. I am working on that and have started seeing a Counsellor already.

I am hoping that a diary will also help me keep on track, air my thoughts and concerns and maybe even help others who are feeling the same way.

Any thoughts/comments/advice would be gratefully received.

18 days - gamble free and counting - now to work on the other issues!

Posted : 12th December 2017 3:33 pm
Posts: 1098

Hi Stupidmistakes, first of all, congratulations on 18 days gamble free. That's no mean feat, and one you should be proud of.

Those first 3 weeks can be tough, so to get through those shows that you have the character and commitment to put together a recovery that will turn your life for the better.

I'm on Day 51 and I'm still working on an hour by hour, sometimes minute by minute basis. So don't be alarmed by your current feelings. So long as you continue to remain gamble free, it doesn't matter how you get there.

Keep updating your diary, whether you're having good days or bad. I find that helps me to stay focused and reminds me why I'm fighting against any urges. There's no doubting that the better life, the healthier life, doesn't involve gambling. So it's this way we must remain. my advice would be to keep busy. Fill your day up as much as you possibly can. It's working for me.

Best of luck mate 🙂

Posted : 12th December 2017 11:23 pm
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Thanks Moorey - your support means a lot!

Still going strong and looking forward to Christmas!

My first payday since I stopped is round the corner which makes me a bit nervous but I am planning to immediately pay down some debt and then transfer as much as possible into a joint account.

I have never touched joint funds (or at least not funds that are expressly joint - but clearly all funds are joint in a relationship!).

I have a repayment plan worked out and it's going to take a long time but I am feeling positive about the path forwards!

Day 51 is great! I'm hoping that you're right and that things will only get easier from here on out!

Posted : 13th December 2017 2:19 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6164

Hi Stupidmistakes

I can see that you've already had some really useful advice but just wanted to say well done for the progress you've made so far. It sounds like you feel that your gambling may in some way be related to some underlying issues. Counselling should be a really useful forum to explore this and to work on your feelings of guilt and self-loathing. It is very common for gambling to impact negatively on one's self-esteem and mood. It's important to take responsibility for a gambling problem but it's equally important to understand why it became an issue and hopefuly this will help you to feel more positive about yourself.

Also, support is key. So if there's anyone you can confide in, a close friend or family member, that would be a great step. Not only for emotional support but you could also get your wages paid into a trusted one's account to further reduce your access to money.

You're doing really well so be proud of what you've done so far and keep posting.

Best wishes


Posted : 13th December 2017 2:59 pm
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Hi Laura,

Thank you for your message. I have confided in my partner which has helped a lot (despite increasing my feelings of guilt when I initially opened up!).

I've also arranged Counselling and should start that in the New Year - which I am hoping will help deal with some of the underlying issues.

As for wages - I haven't changed the account that they're paid into yet - but have DD's set up to ensure that the money is transferred out quickly so I can't get my hands on it (not that I feel i would at the moment).

I'm feeling fairly hopeful at the moment and just hoping that it stays that way!

Posted : 13th December 2017 3:05 pm
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Just checking in - today is 3 weeks for me and still going strong. The urges are still not overwhelming me and I'm feeling pretty positive. Now looking forward to my first payday since I stopped and being able to pay of a chunk of debt rather than throwing it away as I ahve done in the past!

I'm still on my gaurd but feeling like the old me is coming back day by day and I'm feeling stronger as time passes!

Posted : 15th December 2017 9:22 am
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Checking in again. Coming up towards the month mark and feeling positive. Payday was at the start of the week for me and I've paid off chunks of debt and have left myself with just enough to have a good Christmas and New Year. I'm enjoying spending time doing nice festive things instead if throwing money away and then feeling awful about myself. Still a long way to go - especially in terms of paying off debt but the cloud seems to be lifting slightly and everything seems a bit more manageable!

Posted : 20th December 2017 1:41 pm
Posts: 0

Sounds like you're on the right track. It's a great feeling isn't it having money and not spaffing it away!

Keep going buddy and have a great Xmas x

Posted : 20th December 2017 2:09 pm
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Checking in. Thanks for your comment LH - yeah it's a great feeling not to be spending on the nonsense that is gambling!! I'm a bit worried about money still and think it's going to be an uphill struggle over the coming months! I can handle it being tough as long as I can see the debt decreasing! I'm over a month in now and still feeling strong!

Posted : 30th December 2017 4:02 am
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Checking in at day 43. Really pleased with myself and urges slowly fading. I know I'm not out of the woods at all yet but things are looking up!

Posted : 6th January 2018 8:11 pm
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Hi All,

Day 53 and feeling good. Back from a holiday when I was entirely free of gambling thoughts. I know when normal life kicks back in I might start to ahve those thoughts again but I am ready for them and genuinely feeling positive.

Still quite a long way to go with the debt but even that is looking more positive week by week!

Posted : 16th January 2018 10:27 am
Posts: 0

Congrats on 53 days and i am pleased you enjoyed your holiday. Keep it going!


Posted : 16th January 2018 11:03 am
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Hi all,

I haven't checked in for a while but things are still going well. I'm 68 days GF and feeling positive still. It seems to get easier with time and the urges haven't been too problematic.

I'm struggling with the guilt and shame a lot more than actual urges but hoping that those feelings will fade with time too.

Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with the guilt when it becomes all consuming?

Thanks and here's too another GF day

Posted : 31st January 2018 1:44 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All,

It's been over 10 months since I last posted. I'm incredibly pleased to say that I remain gamble free. I have been checking in occasionally and reading other's posts. Thought that it was about time to log in again and just remind people that there is light at the end of the tunnel; no matter how dark it seems initially. I'm now over 300 days GF - I'm still paying off the debt but I've cleared 3 cards in the last year and hope to be debt free by this time next year! I think, for me the debt is a really good reminder of how easy it is to fall back into bad ways - and in some ways having it there has helped.

I know that I am not completely out of the woods yet and I try to keep alive to the triggers I have identified (stress is a big one for me!) but happy to say I am still going strong!

Posted : 7th December 2018 10:01 am

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