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JENILEE wrote:

I hope you're doing well I see you have not posted on here since 1229.


Posted : 27th January 2015 3:52 am
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Posted : 27th January 2015 3:53 am
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Hi Emily

Thanks for the message...........i have made my very first month at 31 days.... and have logged on nearly every day bar one or two.

You have for sure helped me along the way and i always look out for your posts and to see your progress and take note of the journey this ultimately takes us all on...the ups and the downs....but best of all the honesty it allows us.

Yes i am always up very has become habit as i used to stay up late and gamble and although the gambling has stopped .........the late nights haven't.....i really just am a night owl.....

so much so i now only really apply for jobs on the back shift anything from 11am start upwards.....meaning i don't get home till between 11pm to 1am the following day.....suits me though.....

i work in logistics. Mainly driving/ loading furniture/team leading ..nothing too exciting lol

i have nothing to hide............except the debt of (or not lol actually-more oh s h i t) ....excuse the french

once i find a nice young lady of my own.........i will surely head to bed nice and early......however for now i just cook lots of nice dinners and then after its all gone down and i have finished tweaking my CV and job searching i come post on here till i nearly asleep lol

Hope your doing ok now after your temporary set back?

Best Regards


Posted : 28th January 2015 2:21 am
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Emily i do think the count is important to you.

I also think we could do somthing about the way we count.....

These are a few thoughts........

At the moment i not quite sure why but we think that we have to count days as straight up continious unfaltered streaks....

Which is great .....until the slip up occurs.....which will happen at least a few times i'm sure to even the most unbelievably strong at some after all we are fighting a powerful demon and we are ill because of it and it can cause us a slip up....

Yet why should that mean we lose the success's we earnt...........

For example if we record as this instead..........

i.e 50 days gamble free streak...... then 2 days failed......... and then next 15 days gamble free....

(before this would be recorded as just 15 days gamble free)

however now it would be recored as 65 days gamble free (with 2 days gambling slip ups)

I personally like you Emily think having to go back to zero days can make you think sod this i will gamble again ....which is not good for anyone.....

yet i need my daily count as i find it helps to deal with days rather than bigger denominations gamble makes it more bite size and therefore achievable. (sometimes i count minutes and hours if the urges are help beat it off....) to go gamble free for a few mins is a method i use to fight the worst of urges....and it gets boring so i find something to do like just walk out my house with nothing but my keys)...and clothes of course ....but no cash....

I think to add credibility to this method of counting though, there must be an element of reprimand otherwise it could be used as a tool to have the odd gamble and keep those beautiful shiny mile stones we now own....indefinately.....

so here are my set of rules..........that you can improve on....or completely ignore....or use lol

But without them i think we could end up abusing the reason we have them in the first place....

So for each slip up we make ....

1.We must record it in brackets after our valid a reminder of our lifelong battle....

2.We must do two extra things not already done to help prevent a reoccurence of the if that means exchanging the debit cards for a cash only card or self excluding from the place you gambled or installing a software to prevent the gambling sites being handing finances over to a trusted partner/ closing down all credit limits that are not strictly needed to prevent telling a friend to make a reoccurence less likely.....amongst other ideas that will have a direct benefit to future prevention.

3. Record the two particlar prevention methods you have done to help it not happen again next to the day count to show you have not taken the gamble for granted....

This way each slip up....will create a tighter security to stop the reoccurence of a gambling the point it gets so just will not happen at all...

This way every one is honest and wins...........the success is not wholly sacrificied by one days weakness....

What do you think...?

now i must goodnight X



Posted : 28th January 2015 3:27 am
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🙂 Hello Emily,

Thank you for the reply.....i'm so glad to hear you liked the idea - i think it is very workable and important if it helps prevent future relapses... so if anyone has a negative opinion of it then we will push home that it tightens security of further slip ups and therefore it has to be good!! 🙂

on another note - have tried internet dating - its very hit and miss............with more misses than hits lol

However time will tell - to be honest i spend more time on here then on dating sites as you can write 50 messages on there and not get a single its two out of three --ain't bad-- like meatloaf lol

Yes 33 days and still going strong - although some days test me more than others - - i trying to learn from others slips rather than make my own - yet time will tell.........i've certainly made enough slips in past not sure what has changed so far as it's still early days......but maybe its easier as i have little left to gamble with as my debt is too bad.

Either way why i'm still going......i won't criticise it 🙂

Yes its nice to get out the house.........i'm the same always wanting to be doing something different.......yet maybe you and your OH can get inventive ..... even if its just a candle lit dinner and a naughty board game....or something...

I would struggle with leaving my children with anyone too......hence why i have had no children yet....i would never trust anyone to look after them properly and never go out without them lol....

and its hard to always ask close family too often i suppose.

As for Night owl.....its getting close to 4am now lol...........and i still typing away............... 😉

Anyways all the best Emily..............good to hear from you and i look forward to the new day counting process being posted.

Glad to be of help

Best Regards


Posted : 30th January 2015 3:40 am
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trying not to get complacent........but these days gamble free soon add up.....roll on day 50.....

February already.....

Wayne (35 days gamble free)

Posted : 1st February 2015 1:33 am
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40 days and 40 no gambling has reached a religious level lol

Posted : 6th February 2015 3:50 am
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lol - yes it is a rather strong acquired taste :--,,,,):;;;;;;

Its like drinking a woodland in a cup thats on fire...............

On a serious note......i only do the forum posting as many years ago joined G.A meetings and did not feel it was helping me personally.

So this S.M.A.R.T sounds more my cup of tea (excuse the pun) not intentional....

Is there any books on the brain condition of gambling that are not too OTT?

Belivable and factual is what we need on this it is the make believe that causes us to think we might be lucky and ultimately causes our demise.

Let me know how you get on please Emily


Wayne (day 43 gamble free)

Posted : 9th February 2015 12:12 am
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danger was about....i had a tax rebate that ordinarily i would have gambled and recieving it made me think that but as it could be in error i have kept it aside instead and my plan is not to touch it .....and definately not use it for gambling 100%

These things are set to test us....and having unexpected money is definately a massive trigger for me to cause urges in small floods.............

yet i have resisted as i know my undoing from experience and fooled once.........they the fool

fooled twice........or thirtythrice more past i was the fool.....



Posted : 9th February 2015 12:44 am
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Hi Wayne just dropping by to congratulate you on your 45 days 🙂

Great work on not letting the tax rebate ruin your recovery! I trust when you figure out that it is yours to keep you have something wonderful planned for it...If only all tests were this rewarding eh 🙂

Wayne, no more the fool - ODAAT

Posted : 11th February 2015 1:31 pm
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unfortunately it is a mistake and 90% has to be paid back - albeit their error and hence the offer of instalments or recovery via tax code.

Good i didn't spend it lol.........

anyways least i gamble free 47 days now!!

roll on Sunday night .........which will fingers crossed be 50 days!

Posted : 13th February 2015 3:49 am
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51 days gamble free...........finally reached the big 50!!

Posted : 17th February 2015 4:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi Wayne,

Popping in to congratulate you on passing the 50 day mark, well done.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 17th February 2015 8:31 am
Posts: 0

Welcome to the second half of your 1st Century 🙂

Boo to the rebate news...How can they be soo bloody incompetent :-0

Posted : 17th February 2015 10:52 am
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Thanks Suzanne Xxx Hope you are well and resisting temptation x

For me passing 50 days seems to have made the urges worst....but still trying to remember the hardship and keep on keeping on so to speak.

Posted : 18th February 2015 8:34 pm
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