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Thanks ODAAT - Hope your doing good?

Today i have reached 300 days Gamble free....Roll on one year!!!

Best wishes to all


Posted : 23rd October 2015 1:03 am
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Hi All

Happy to report 300 days Gamble free - been busy in a new job working every hour god sends to pay off some significant debts.

travelling far in this job and only have time to eat, sleep and wash inbetween shifts but least no gambling and hopefully get debt free sooner rather than latter if extra bills don't keep cropping up like over £1,300 to fix car gearbox and clutch!!

Sorry i missed check in - but the important thing is i haven't gambled :-).....roll on one year christmas will come officially on 28th December 2015 - which will be an entire year gamble free! A record of my life....lets pray i reach it and then beyond!!!

P.s well done clare on your new job and continued gamble free streak x

best wishes to everyone - keep it up - one and all gamble free ! x

Posted : 23rd October 2015 1:17 am
Posts: 0

Congratulations Wayne on reaching the 300 club. Hope you are super proud of yourself, it's really such an incredible number to reach.

I've kept myself in the loop along your journey and you've really had so many opportunities present themselves to you (casino, devilish dreams, watching others gamble ect), and you've batted them all away. Your will power and your mental strength to steer clear of these dark temptations is nothing short of fantastic. I have to take my hat off to you, and say you more than deserve these 300 days.

I guess travelling far in this job of yours is keeping your mind occupied. Let's hope the gearbox and clutch behave themselves. Roll on that whole year!


Posted : 23rd October 2015 1:35 am
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Thanks Ryan for your message and nice to know my thoughts are read on here too 🙂 Hope your journey here is successful as mine has been so far..

328 days gamble free 🙂

Still going strong....roll on 365 days mile stone!

Hope everyone is having success defeating this addiction too.

Best wishes to all.....we can beat this.



Posted : 21st November 2015 7:15 am
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checking in 363 days gamble free.....2 days to go to make my first entire year!!!

Congratulations to me, and everyone else in the 2015 challenge.

Looking forward to 2016 challenge as can never let this slip as ruin comes hard and fast in this addiction.

The future looks much more brighter nearly one year on.....i still have much debt but have paid a decent amount off and the best thing of all i have added no further debt to my bill via gambling..........all extra debts have been from normal lifes trials like car problems or domestic bills etc....

Life is starting to be good again, slowly but surely.

Hope you all had a good gamble free christmas, my christmas is on 28th December 2015 - a one year gamble free milestone 100%

Best Regards


Posted : 26th December 2015 5:09 pm
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Hi Everyone, Happy new year!!

Checking in day 369 - i managed my first year Gamble free and it feels so good to be writing that i almost can't believe it!

Looking forward to the next year gamble free now - 2016 CHALLENGE.

Thank you to all whom have give their time to comment and also run the challenge and keep track of all the really has been a great help and made my first year a success.

Wishing you all a gamble free 2016.

It can be done - i've just proved that to myself and everyone here.


I also doing a drink free January - as had the hangover from hell last night on new years eve....but it was a celebration i'd earn't.

However i don't want to replace one addiction with another, hence the month drink free challenge.

Take care everyone

Best Regards


Posted : 2nd January 2016 12:27 am
Posts: 0

HAPPY NEW YEAR Wayne & a big massive welcome to the 3% club 🙂

Good skills with your dry month...I've tried to eat healthy today, not so easy when I only really like beige food but I'm working on a menu that contains something other than pasta!

Keep winning - ODAAT

Posted : 2nd January 2016 2:16 am
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440 days gamble free - brought my self a nicest present to reward myself - a lovely gtr

If i was gambling i would never have had the slighest chance of owning such a car.

My goal is to pay off the loan i took to purchase it by working my a*s off and not giving a single dime to the addiction.

440 days gamble free........roll on the next 440 to come.......

And beyond.

We can do it ...

All the best



Posted : 12th March 2016 5:07 am
Posts: 0

Great to see you on 440 days Wayne, lovely achievement:))

Keep goinggggg and goinggggg xx

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 12th March 2016 8:48 am
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Thanks Suzanne, 448 days gamble free today,

Hope your doing well too?

Best Regards


Posted : 20th March 2016 7:21 am
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Happy Easter all

Best Regards,



Posted : 28th March 2016 6:08 am
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581 Days Gamble Free

Not been on this forum for a while, but can happily report still no screw ups and although i am still single which is slightly depressing, i have been strong and kept up my clean record of an amazing 581 days to date.

Finding socializing as much as possible inbetween work is helpful use of my time and another thing that helps justify fighting any temptations is i now buy anything i want that i before just would never of justified.

For example when i used to gamble the most i would ever spend on a pair of shoes/trainers would be £40 maximum.

I treated myself the other day when i reached a year and half gamble free to a £100 pair of nike air max lol

Its funny that before i would never have spent that yet easily of wasted thousands on roulette wheels at the casino.

Still have my debts but can manage them as have no gambling in my life - next goal is 2 year milestone and try and finally get debt free by the following year.

Also got my first ever holiday abroad this year........again this would not have been achievable had i still had gambling in my life.

hope everyone is doing well and destroying the demons and choosing life.

Best Regards,



Posted : 31st July 2016 5:32 pm
Posts: 1701

581 days gamble free is the stuff i dream of - well played. Enjoy the holiday.

Posted : 31st July 2016 9:06 pm
Posts: 0

Inspirational stuff well done mate

Posted : 31st July 2016 9:59 pm
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Holiday disaster..... my 596 days gamble free was broken whilst on a cruise.... the temptation of a permanent casino was too much to resist and my first gamble since joining here on 28th December 2014 occured.

I Thought before the holiday that i could resist and was confident with being on 596 days gamble free....although now i think this was the issue....i forgot i was still an addicted gambler and allowed myself to believe i could place £100 limit on my spend and justify it as being on my first ever holiday aboard and put it down as general spending money....

what a mistake such a thought process was....

My first £100 i spent on my old favourite roulette....depsite it being the american table with two different green zeros (00 + 0) which improves the casinos profit margin........i still won £230 over my £100 stake.

did i stop there ......yes......i walked away from roulette and straight over to the nemesis of the forsaken slot machines...

telling myself i'm doing good and the few whiskeys and entire buzz of the cruise taking over i procedded to justify losing every penny i had won on roullette in the slots......

did i stop then........of course not.......i was then telling myself - "well the nearly 600 days accumalated have been broken so may aswell carry on a bit...........naturally the cruise payment system made it all the much easier to do just that.

simply insert cruise card and charge upto £1200 per day straight to your room bill directly via the slot machine.........i found myself losing bad right upto the daily limit of £1200 @ which point i was so annoyed at myself i manage to get a further £250 cash advance from reception and carried on using cash until i had put every note in the slot machine.

The casino usually closed midnight but as they could see from my loyalty points the amount i was spending they kindly allowed me to play into the early hours of the morning....telling me drinks would be on the house while in the casino....

The effect of staying up so late not only had financial implications but made me extremely tired the next day and deducted further enjoyment from my holiday....not to mention the extra costs resulting in having to pay for satalite internet to enable me to do online banking to increase my loan and overdrafts to cover my spending so my registered card didn't bounce/decline.

Worst thing is the next day i repeated my behaviour and reached my daily limit again...loss after loss on slots and roulette.....this time i had to call my bank for extention of credit card limit as online banking said no - further details required.

This call cost me £29 alone....all gambling related.....

Total loss in 3 days gambling was £3,500.00p

I Then reliased albeit rather too late ....i'm still addicted and i cannot win as i could not stop.

I Restarted my count and stopped gambling for the remainer of the holiday and was successful current count is now 6 days.


P.s The Casino manager on the first day after i stopped approached me and offered me and my brother a free meal in the additional premium restaurant for being his best customer as he put it........which was technically a free but (£3.5k meal)

The casino had to be walked through to reach certain parts of the ship - such as entertainment venues and he often offered me a drink as soon as seeing me approach and looked rather confused when i declined and walked straight out the other end after spending such time in the place to start the holiday.

Despite me wagering around 11k in total on the slots(incl stake + wins) - even at the end of the holiday the progressive jackpots had not paid out - so goes to show it really is random and pumping thousands into the same machine does not guarantee a progressive win.

Shame my brain was not telling me that as i authorised to my bill a total of £3.5k

very disappointed but wanted to be honest as that is what this forum is for....... 6 days gamble free to date.

Hope this helps somebody else who may be thinking after such a day count of 596 days they would be ok to start setting a limit of £100 failed and cost me £3.5k and my pride.

Posted : 22nd August 2016 1:36 am
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