My Diary of Shame

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Thanks for your kind words of support and yes I should be proud, so thanks
Cheryl x

Posted : 6th February 2015 3:16 pm
Posts: 0

June dont let terry anywhere near that burner cause remember,....who put salt in the sugar bowl... and who put fireworks in the coal..and who put a real live toad in the hole....pwooor it's alright just remembered it was his brother.

have a great gamble free day...Ginger.

Posted : 6th February 2015 4:05 pm
Posts: 0

Ohhhh Juuuunnnneee,

Classic post, you have really got me laughing now, the bit with Rach, (she will be very thankful though lol) and the bit about the dusting, absolutely fabulous( you should be on the telly and in Joanna Lumleys team lol). State your trousers are in lately (lol) I expect you are washing 10 times a day, never mind 2nd wash.

Sooo glad OH not home yet with me laughing, cos he would get the White coats out to definitely take me away.

Keep doing what you are doing, cos it's workng for you and it sure is putting a big fat smile on my face

Suuuuzzzzaaannneee xxxx

PS yes I think it would be a good idea to have a silly light thread, on overcoming gamblng problem thread, we could call it !

LOONY TOONY ABSTAINERS CLUB, (don't know if admin would agree) (lol,) but it got to be worth trying, it if it makes us smile.


Posted : 6th February 2015 4:19 pm
Posts: 0

Evening Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnne! x

Hope you have had a laugh/snort free day today!

Keep smiling. ;0)

Kindest regards

Terry xx

Posted : 6th February 2015 4:43 pm
Posts: 0


Not even finished reading all your messages above, but I gotta say it - June it is then! hahahahaha!


Posted : 6th February 2015 5:06 pm
Posts: 0

Oh I've just lost it, I've seen Ades picture. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! It's not even wine o'clock. Sod it, it's Friday and I have a bottle in the drinks fridge (*nods, yep, I do) left over from the Christmas before last 🙂

I do however have some work still to do and dinner to cook so will be back on to talk to you all later (apart from you and your cosy night in June, disappointing, very disappointing).

Rach x

Posted : 6th February 2015 5:13 pm
Posts: 7071

Awweeee..Did i hurt Juneeessss feelings ....(i am good at that recently lol)....not apologising no more! Lol...SOOORRYYYYYY 😉

Hell...i see this pic of Ade or it is that...ummm.Terry! Yep that's the one lol

I should be all serious cause taking the reins at work now lol..but i guess my staff just seen cooockoo side of Sandra lol..all good fun

Have a good evening!

Sandra xxxx

P.s i did call you inspector Morse..wot else do ya want? A cookie?? 😉 lol lol... i go ..enough ramblings..keep laughing and enjoying your eve (non working people lol)

Posted : 6th February 2015 5:30 pm
Posts: 0

'ello trouble,

Fanks for yer post on me dyree chavster. ;0)

Off to Norf Lundin in the mornin' to go an see me Ma. Then heading underground on me old Manor to see a few ol' faces to hopefully watch the Cockerney Cockerals put one over on those invading Woolwich Scummers!!

....and don't be worrying too much about having to wait for me on a run girl. The ol' knee seems to av clicked back into place a treat, so I might be dusting off me ol' Clare Rayners on Sunday for a light jog down the Thames before I have me Sundy roast!!

Laters Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnne.

Terry the Guvnor xx

Posted : 6th February 2015 11:33 pm
Posts: 0


Looks like it's June for the foreseeable future, thanks for your comment regarding 11 weeks, i try not to look at the day count just glance now and then and get pleasant surprise at how much progress made ( I think it's not wanting to wish my life away) but when you said 11 weeks blimey was I pleased never realised it was that long,

Loved the brute comment on my diary when i first saw it I thought it said BRUT you know yeah yeah yeah splash it all over, my daughter bought me a bottle as a joke for a little Christmas wrap up then was shocked when I actually wore it, enjoy your day Junie....onwards and upwards Ginger.

Posted : 7th February 2015 1:37 pm
Posts: 0

June! Me old c**k sparra, hope you're feeling better after your park run injury. So, Ade was thinking, you ought to pay homage to the power couple of Croydon on your big day. (Yes you were Ade). How about walking down the aisle to the theme tune? Or perhaps Sandra could come up with a really wacky idea?

Son has now forgiven me by the way, but advice noted and taken on board, stick at the ready.

Have a great weekend June, thanks for the encouragement as every. I was going to say stay strong, but I don't need to do I, because you will anyway.

Rach x

Posted : 7th February 2015 8:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnne, ;0)

Got back safely in one piece under the radar from the ghetto of Norf Lundin, to the tranquil waters of the Surrey/Middlesex border!

Slipped back into me ol' Norf Lundin persona just long enough to see the boy Kane come good and shove it up the Ars........oops, best stop there before I get the euphemism police on to me!! lol ;0) with his 2 great goals....

Far be it for me to split hairs on such a trivial matter, but I must point out that the awful terrace chant you are referring to is actually...."We're the Park Lane, we're the Park Lane, we're the Park Lane Tot-ten-am" v "We're the Paxton, we're the Paxton, we're the Paxton Tot-ten-am".

Another variation on this terrace classic was the equally annoying.............. "We're the Park Lane, we're the Park Lane, we're the Park Lane Tot-ten-am" v "We're the Shelf-side, we're the Shelf-side, we're the Shelf-side Tot-ten-am".

And also who could forget the b-side megamix version of ..........."We're the Paxton, we're the Paxton, we're the Paxton Tot-ten-am" v "We're the Shelf-side, we're the Shelf-side, we're the Shelf-side Tot-ten-am". ...

Come on yooooooooooooou Spuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssss!! ;0)

Looking forward to my run tomorrow. Hope you haven't done too much damage after your run old girl!!


Terry x

Posted : 7th February 2015 9:55 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Yes everyone that summer wedding would have made so much more sense (even though I never realised how important Juuuuuune was before) but given that NM didn't 'propose' until a couple of months back & knowing how disorganised we are it seemed like we'd need @ least the the year to get sorted!

I identified a suitable registry office & checked out the local community hall that the 'royal we' (Mum) could do up real nice! & decided it would be jeans & Converse all round!
"No my little chavpie" he said "that is not how we shalt wed for despite being Northern I am a snob so we must marry somewhere @ least as good as the last wedding I went to from work oh, & since all my family are teachers, we must pay double & have it on a Saturday & 'No' you are NOT wearing jeans or Converse" (grumpy git)!

Who knew that fate would intervene when I rang the venue (we saw a film there on an outside screen in the Summer with the brats & loved the place even tho it pee'd it down & scared the posh people with their fancy picnic rugs & hampers away) & said we wanted to get married in October! She said she only had 1 free & I'd paid the deposit (hell what's another day in all the days that we already forget) before she even said the date! I whoop whoop'ed all day when I realised it was Halloween - Not another day to forget 😉
I will suggest the theme tune to NM but I have a feeling it will be wasted on him!
I had visions of us all meeting up for a Gamcare day out, might be quite nice of the Industry to choose a day when all access to gambling was shut down for us! We could all meet under the Clock @ Waterloo station, walk straight over the bridge coz I get nosebleeds Sarf of the river & have a lovely day wandering round the sights of Lundin Town with no temptation anywhere & then they could pay for a slap up meal @ the Ivy for us! Then I thought about how this would go down...People sculking about in wigs & dark glasses watching to see if anyone they know turns up. A slightly ginger looking June walks in & "bing do dodedo do do do do do do doo do" booms out over the tannoy! Coz Ade got there early & can't elp imself! A scary looking creature with crazy hair, a little bit scared of the bright lights of the station sniggers, as does some bloke from Notf Lundin wearing a black & white scarf, a girl with a squirty flower & big red shoes with no Eenglish , the General, a warrior princess, & a gingernut...Let the day begin! Sandra, can you please sort this out? Also, can you try not to make such a hash of it as you have done with the funnies tread (thread) ;-). No wonder poor NT is confused, I am too & I know what's gone down 🙂
Posted : 8th February 2015 10:10 am
Posts: 0

Morning junie,

Great to see you in a happy upbeat mood, it so beats the hell out of the misery that that gambling ullusion gave us.

Keep cracking the banter, it sure makes me smile,

Proud of you too,

Suzanne xxxx

Posted : 8th February 2015 10:35 am
Posts: 0

Great idea Juuuuuuuuuuunnne.

I'll be the one in the retro 1980's Spurs kit, complete with Glenn Hoddle mullet especially for Rach! It's what I wear most days.....

Ade x

Posted : 8th February 2015 11:22 am
Posts: 7071

Good mornin,

Well waking up after some decent sleep for once and not even knowing what day it is lol..i decide to check the heaven out (GC).and here we are i notice my name bein mentioned (or is it my name??? 🙂 ). ..and see 2 stories in one. Of course getting confused since me no English and thinking am i for a job to plan a wedding lol lol..(btw sounds like a special day and with it being Halloween plus at a guess it will be double celebration with ya turning respectable 100 :-D..cyber slap round this mug is deserved so no hard feelings lol). Being polite person i shall congratulate you for making this step towards future and wish you all the best sharing your laughs, cries on good and bad with your OH (Terry 🙂 ).
So back to the business if ya dont mind lol. GC gathering i hear ya! Sounds like the plan already and that's where the moderation team plays the part. All those forbidden places will need more than yellow banners to be covered up. Black is more suitable colour to board those windows completely. I guess it should be in June lol..what ya think our young (ish) bride to be Juuune? :-) no red shoes for Sandra not in London anyway lol..and don't think i would be holding that flower, more less a glass of forbidden serum (since I'm an alcoholic...ouch..tough to admit lol)...and we will need to sort the permission out for our princess warrior to ride those streets on that white horse...i guess bucked for essential (who wants to play this part collecting the horse leftovers)...
Ohhh god..i best stop here cause my imagination taking wrong turn lol.

All in all.... let's get cracking (i believe this will get starred out) and make that day something to remember 🙂 ..will send ya a list of the attendees later alongside with the bill of expenses lol lol

Have a good g free day...which i know ya will anyway, keep up the good work and keep way to block those tears wanting to get out now and again. (Getting depressing here as i see signing out to go and get those ice skates on and collect more bruises on this body at the eventful day on that ice 😉 )

S (Sandra.....or am i???? :-D)Xx

Posted : 8th February 2015 11:41 am
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