Hope all is going well for you. Glad to see your great run is still in tact, both awake and asleep! That was some messed up dream. Goes to show how preoccupied you are with your recovery which is great - I just hope it doesn't drive you mad! I sometimes can think of nothing else than not gambling that this in itself becomes troublesome. I suppose it is early days for me and that abstinence is still contrived rather than second nature. I hope my first GA meeting tonight will help me deal with this. I want not gambling to become second nature rather than a strain - presumably that is when I can say my recovery begins. Stay well and thanks for the great support you have given me and others. Best, Mark.
Hi Juunie,
Oh..i see you had nasty dreams! That's a f***er but hey, it's only bad dream right. I had one interesting if not confusing dream last night but not gbling related. It was b****rd work..
Anyhoo..just touching the base to say hi and hope you're having a good day!
Stay safe,keep smiling and marching on!
Life is for living and you're doing just that with your near future plans...
later bride to be ( please don't pick your bridesmaids outfits lol...unless they are along the same lines as my skating one 😉 keeper that one!!
Sandra xx
Not sure about the 0 posts thing. Might depend whether your logged in or not?.....dunno really, bit of a ludite when it comes to mompluters! x
Junie pretentious...moi
oh junie the trouble with this old codger is keeping up to speed with the conversations, not as qwick as most on the keyboard see what i mean when i don't spellcheck....fully understand what you mean with the noggin up the appature...Ginge
Thanx for your post girl 🙂
Just thought I'll check in to remind ya of ur 8hrs abstinence 🙂 lol..look at me getting every1 in line with sleeping lol ( not as much rave going on these days...sigh lol)
Sleep well and fingers crossed no nightmares tonight! I hope no flights are scheduled for me either 🙂
Keep up the good work..and plz change that pink outfit for something more human lol..that was disturbing 😀
S x
Apologies for not replying to your barbee food request last night. I had a bit of a rush on, and besides that, I have no idea what that was that you requested!......like I said, I comes from a council estate love. Processed peas, spam, corned beef, fish fingers, and Fray Bentos pies - Yes. Hallibalouwhatsitsnamestuff - No.
Good morning Junieee,
I have not had any dreams at all to do with gambling, which surprises me a little as so many do, but hey I am sure not complaining,
My dreams are weird enough as it is lol.
Have a great Friday keeping positive and staying MAD,
Suzanne xxxx
Thanks for your comments & yes i am a big boy now & can deal with criticism from this forums self appointed moderators. They are their opinions as mine are mine.
I dont believe i have told anyone they must attend GA all i have suggested is that if they feel what they have tried isnt working then maybe they should try something else.
What is halloumi then? Some kind of grilled cheese ain't it? Ponchy posh grub.....give me a large sausage any day........if you pardon the expression!! :0)
2 x-rays, anti-inflammatory tablets, and now a 10 day wait to get x-Ray results.....thanks for asking xxx
Thanks Odaat
I wasnt aware we were falling out, it was just a difference of opinion no more no less & no offence was taken on my part about you expressing yours.
The conversation you have commented on was about a guy going to a casino but then stating he couldnt get to a meeting even though he wanted to. If he is frequenting a town/city large enough to home a casino the liklyhood is that town/city also has a GA meeting. It did he was travelling to portsmouth to gamble which also has a GA meeting. All i was asking was that maybe he should consider putting some of the efforts he put into gambling into quitting as well.
I happen to think you are one of the best posters on here your wit & humour make me smile frequently.
....answer the phone then 😀
Ohhh underground eh..yuk (bless ya)..hey listen, no need to sprint around at your age 🙂 but ....i am a little ....ummm..thank you.
This addiction is a f****r my friend, it is true when they say it's 100 days or 10 years...no difference..one f****d up day with losing control and you're under..might as well get those shovels out to dig deeper 6 feet under..
I'm a little wobbly my friend, esp recently, my laughs had hidden tears (can tell I'm Gemini and able to show my other side...happy side)...
Recovery is not happy clappy for me I'm afraid. Maybe couse my life is outta sync...i cannot move on no matter as much I'm being told to...i can't. Live for work? b******s to that (by the way i did ring in sick but had million of calls later which i didn't answer...f**k them).
.....ummm..such a lovely post eh...
I don't know...how would you deal with all this? Moving house, work crazy hours, juggle parents 1000 miles away and keep on top of it all??...with one sis by your side who...bless her...just doesn't get me. Friends...of course, that's why I'm still here if i tell ya the true. Friends from this site holds my corners...escape is my oxygen and i lost it..nowhere to go..trapped in myself between 4 walls.
Ok..will prob delete this lol....but shall let ya read it first..since ya waiting....
.stay safe and cool yourself girl..keep fighting, i do see you have so much to fight for..never give up the belief
S xx
This is good, burning your calories out there..surely that wedding dress will fit well 🙂
I'm good my friend, just decided (all day fighting) that i shall stop bein selfish and kick this evil into touch for all of you my dear friends.
That means drowning my phone & tablet so....ummm...no network to connect to GC lol..best get phone numbers for a house phones of my friends 🙂 type it while you can!!! (Kidding here)
Never worry, Sandra is made of steel...(sigh)..will b fine as always
Hey, i am ok ..no need for the drama i have created lol....umm..drama queen for sure.
I am holding on for today ok.if ya wanted my details should of said so few weeks ago lol.
Honesty all is cool my friend.
Now get home and if ya have enough energy left from that running (good for ya tho), have some food and relax. Your time to put feet up and enjoy what it's left of Friday 13th..still 20 min 😉
As always, 8 hrs absence with a phone left in the kitchen. No kidding here, we have a unwritten deal 🙂
Stay safe and keep up the good work hun. Be proud, you're worth it.
S x
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