Ohhh..this is great to be put in that position. Firstly you're only nearing your 100 so that's not old at all
Secondly, ..i was actually struggling today, but slowly seing my way out of this.
You, Rach on email (not nothingottogive Rach), and few others on the texts been here during this "complicated" hour or 3 lol....
I'm afraid you got the main stick having to run all this distance but as i see you're still up for howling at that moon alongside your dog 🙂
Listen (you better do lol)..thank you for answering that call and sorry i made you sweat along the way but that's just shows how much dedicated you're for your recovery and troops you have met on the way.
I am very pleased you are tackling all this head on, but please hun, let me help you if you find yourself in the S***e with urges at any time ok..you have helped me now...i just want to return a favour :-)..if you strive along nicely and with no hurdles in sight, i shall be over the moon for you and defo buy you that cake (extra calories for the ones you have lost today) and nice drink before we head off to that rave to meet our good friends on GC...deal eh? Tickets still on sale and me not gambling might as well got a bunch of those tonight 😉
S x
So are u one of the admin' s team members then?
Yep...too right, all this will be just as a bad dream cause tom you'll wake up to my posts deleted lol...(please do the same on mine ;-)...d**n..i need to beg now ffs lol)
Ok dear sprinter, enjoy your hollyoaks or was it emerdale? Ha..better to watch "saw5" at this time( been on pause for the last hour..ghrrr not moaning lol)....but hey, cannot beat the age difference 🙂 (never offence).
Sleep well, thanx again. Truly cannot promise i will b back tomorrow but just so you and all the rest knows..i shall not gamble ok. This is priority and thank you from deep of my heart for helping me to make that decision a little easier tonight.
Take a good care of you!!!
Ps. My golf is blue too..just thought i will share this..nice colour and don't need to wash often lol..unless you're Suzzzzane and on the case each morning 🙂
Pps. Don't do "x" either lol..so 🙂 will do 😉
Happy valentines day Junie, oh june you do make me lol, in the chippy on the way home last night my treat because A, I've got cash on hip due to my good behaviour. and B, because Mrs Ginge is working flat out for all these lovers (she's a florist) i digress waiting for my skate to be cooked.....see how flush i am Junie not just cod for Ginge, i was flicking through as few postings on the forum only to see your one about paying in pennies to push the gambling debits up the list. oh june i empathise so much.....sorry june but that really is my word of the week.....now this is what i do junie i take a tenner pay it in at the in branch atm,,,take it out pay it in , take it out pay it in...you get where I'm going with this june.....what would Old Sigmund make of our actions......blimey I'm well pleased with how me typings coming along,this post only took about 45 mins...if only I knew where to put all those full stops and such.......have a great weekend ODAAT and thanks for being Junieeee....onwards and upwards Ginger x
Good afternoon,
Yep stayed on a lookout myself last night and tut tut for breaking unwritten deal! You should of been out after all that running yesterday 🙂
Hey listen, thanx for your support and kind words. Good to b back in a land of living and even if having cold it is better than bloody nightmares 🙂
Have a good day and stay safe...one day at a time
S x
Hi junie,
What's with these NM, mine not got an ounce of romance in him, least you got something lol.
He spent an hour and half cutting Doggies hair this morning ( needed doing though her hair gets very long ) and has made a good job of it, but now he's flying to jeez knows where on his comp( and its on auto) while he is playing games on Xbox and downloading some goody films for weekend, who said men are not multitasked eh.so I guess he's definitely having a me day lol.
but he sure deserves it with what he has put up with and that's me lol.
Am enjoying recovery at the mo because that horrible addiction hates my positivity with my recovery, (and I luv laughing at it) it won't have me again, because I luv saying NO.
S xxxx
Behave Junie I'm not that silly, it says..."lots of love and kisses your secret admirer Aderiana xxx" even i know that's a birds name, and it smells of her perfume....not to my taste if I'm honest.....smells a bit like onions.......
Ginger x
Your poor doggie, mines sulking next to me, she's had the shower too on top of the pain of having her hair cut, she is simply disgusted with us. And yes yawn yawn on that flying never been interested, too busy playing on line life changing bloody slots, and my Gawwd wernt they life changing lol.
I think I am going through the stage at totally laughing at that addiction in the face at this time, if I don't laugh I will cry.
It sure is more so than ever before, I will not waste another single penny on gambling,
I know you are wondering about Rach, she will come back if she wants to, so many folks have come and gone since I have been here, a fellow soldier Sean used to post and push me every day at the beginning, then after 2 months he just totally disappeared, even his diary was no where to be found, I kept looking for it, I just wanted to thank him, but he totally disappeared into thin air.
S xxxxx
Hi sprinter,
Thanx for the kind wishes (for resting in the box lol) and touching the base. Feel a lot better now actually, mr valentine rang lol (top boss...and god forbid if somehow he read all my thoughts about him yesterday lol)..so apparently they send all search team looking for me last night since honourable hr doesn't do they job and failed to pass my "cheery" message on lol...so all is good, nice wishes to get well soon been passed over and no pressure about the rest of the working days. Awwweeee..I think i love that man now!! Lol lol..such a transformation in 2yrs i happen to work for him lol!!...ummm..or am i being messed about again?...b******s lol
As of mr gggggggggg...slowly slowly standing back up. Did want to log on to play a little on demo (f****n urges just don't leave me alone)..but since absolutely amazing eve is planned to spend in front of the box i shall push those nasty thoughts away. Makes me think how little things can trigger this "cabbage head" sometimes and i see end of the world where in reality it's only a leaf from the tree is falling off lol (sozz. Didn't know how else to interpret myself better)..
So my dear athlete, thank you again for all your energy you put in to reach out to me and your unconditional support.
Tickets for the rave are bought and waiting for claiming 😀 ..listen..there is no worry: wellies on, ear defenders in hand, a little shopping at Coooneys or my favourite M&S (that's sarcastic and sorry..it's only cause we supply them lol)..and off you go ready to meet the crowd and all of us who signed up for the torture lol...no pressure of course.
Right, will never stop waffling at this rate...have a good eve, unwritten deal with abstinence for tonight is running again (tut tut about last night)..and just simply keep choosing NO! as simple as it sounds lol..No No No No No No...heh...simples!!!
Later alligator 😉
Well Mrs D, time for another chapter... Today's complaint being the inventor of chrome 🙁 I have just 'cleaned' my cooker, 30 seconds to wipe down the hob, 30 minutes to clean the twisty things @ the front (that I'm not allowed to spell on here) & that's not to mention the oven rack...I wouldn't have bothered (we were all set for a romantic sit down in the Arches after all) but I went shopping on an empty stomach (It's not like I don't know better, I do, it just always feels empty!) & bought too much food to fit in the fridge :-0 The best space per meal option was pizza (x2) & garlic bread with, mmmm more garlic, mushrooms but sadly the pizza got a little bit welded to the rack 🙁 Still, it saved me cutting it I suppose.
Today, more than ever, in the wake of a stressful Nite for one of my friends & a couple of blips elsewhere, I am glad to report I remain gamble free & on my guard - ODAAT
Ohhh dear..this is bad!! Pizza to get stuck on racking!? Yep, i had this misfortune before lol..but...still food eh? 🙂 just get yourself comfy on that floor, fork out and keep scraping it off 😀
Bless ya, better order a take away or something to fill those tummies
Get our "team Suzanne" to polish that floor tomorrow :-)..oh dear, i guess i will have the whole GC hot on my heels soon for upsetting ya all lol...
Trainers on...am like a mole with a head torch seeing the sea as my destination :-)..only 23 miles..nothing to worry about.
Right...since ya reminded me of food..these cats weirdly rolling on the floor lol..i guess it's a sign they needs feeding....joy of joys lol
Not keen on cats, but ain't they cuuuuuuuuute lol
Deal on???? ..never pressure :-))))))))))
Have a good zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (not if ya need it at your age 😀 )
I said i am not pressuring lol.
Nice post and thank you...triggered a thought and a tear (Sandra never cries lol)..Sort of belief is intact, maybe something to strive for 🙂
Did ya know that 40's are new 20' ? Enjoy my friend and keep living
And yep, sleep longer just in case 🙂 Sundays are lazy days to recoup after working week (me excluded since i became part timer lol)
S x
Morning Junnieee,
So your NM was watching rugby while mine was flying to Barbados, eh, and this is on Valentine's night lol, ohhh wellll, we all stayed gamble free and won, so that was a big something lol.
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