Hi Junie now it's my time to feel I've Offended....reading my post back, the implication i was trying to make was that it was the guvnor. Ade= Aderiana....smell of onions = bbq ...it was a bit cryptic and could have been taken the wrong way, being the tortured soul that i am I'd be devastated if I thought I'd offended.....especially...June...regards. Ginger
Lol lol,
Was all,set up to drive down to clean your oven lol, but read you had already done it with BRILLO pads, didn't think they existed now lol.Hope you have done the bathroom after bathing the mutt, lol, cos I have now put my clean skinny jeans on lol. And the car
is in the garage. On call though if ever needed.
S xxxxxxx
Please, please come and clean my cooker I would be eternally grateful.!!!
Well done on continued abstinence and staying cheerful you have all picked my spirits up of late, and I surely needed it
Take care
Cheryl xxx
Well Mrs D, I tried...
Juuune i think youve missed the point of my post!!!! It wasnt actually about exercise.
Birds i give up! 🙂
Oh Juuune 🙂
Deal is on but my phone stays by my bedside, else i won't get up till 3pm lol.
You keep doing what ya doing girl, soon be Halloween 🙂
Strength and honour dear friend
No no no Mrs although i do agree its outrageous Suzanne wont get in her car & clean our filthy houses, mine is very dirty since stopping gambling cuz i spend all my time being sensitive & talking about me feelings. But i digress, ask one of the adults (a male one would be best) to decipher my posts in future to avoid confusing yourself.:)
Hey crazy lady 🙂
Didn't have a scooby doo about the clocks, phones, commutes and time scales ya put there lol but hey, as always filling the gaps with my own words 🙂 did get your drift about: eat, sleep,post - repeat lol..whola! Talking the same language here 😀
Don't worry about that man watching you taking that phone out 20 times in 10min lol cause you're busy bee with that wedding planning anyway, so maybe was just waiting for a planner over here to tell ya good news about the selection of bridesmaids dresses 😉
As i guessed i had to have my cuppa on the floor today and ya know what was the worst part? I've seen a dirty patch on the floor! First thought entering my head was textin our "team Suzanne" to put those skinny jeans on and rush over to save the collapsing world of mine! Lol..bless that girl, but good to know we have someone on the standby for 24/7 🙂
Ok..maybe enough for now, feeling better, no booze last night, phone been planted up the wall to stop me from demo games and getting fingers burned so all is good this end. Time to visit that skip..joy of joys! ...Suzzzzzzaaaannneeeee...where are ya my friend 😀
Later raver
Well Mrs D, what do you know after all these weeks of avoiding them, the urges crept up on me this morning as I sat yawning my way through a seminar about 10 minutes walk away from my 'real intro to gambling shop' (yes, unlike all of the other shops that used to exist here but don't anymore, that one is still around albeit in much larger premises a few door away from where it started)! Just to really stick it to me, I have money in my purse & just under an hour's wait for a train! Fear not my fellow soldiers I have not been forced to walk the streets, (neither am I in the dirty chicken shop) for just round the corner (I was heading to the Cemetary to keep me occupied) I found a lovely little cafe where I spent £1.95 on a wonderful hot chocolate & not a penny gambling! Am I disappointed? Yes! Am I surprised? No! A Brownie/Guide never forgets to 'be prepared' - I was & I always will be...Mr Gamble you can kiss my behind!
On an aside as I never came back yesterday...I never made it into the bath last night (as I had planned on the keeping busy thread)! Having refused to give up on finding somewhere to train, it appears I may have signed up for a Masters swimming club :-0 I have presented myself on poolside a few times since but turns out the last time I was a member of a proper swimming club was 1991! Back in the day I thought nothing of getting on my bike & cycling 8 miles to train! Why is it now that I am loath to join a gym because there's not a proper one in the village?!? I may have missed the point of Dan's thread & I may not quite 'be the change you wish to see in the World' but I am working on the change I need to see in myself - ODAAT
I think that will do more than nicely. I wont give you a complement because i know they make you uncomfortable. But you know your doing great! Urges smurges , i still get them after nearly 8 years. I get urges about loads of things :-0 doesnt mean i have to act upon them. Keep being nuts keep being you
Dan x
Umm...why are ya dissapointed? For getting a cup of hot chocolate to ruin your hard work at swimming last night? 🙂
Head held high girl, Mr gamble can go where sun doesn't shine and those urges are just nasty voices trying to convince ya into the deed. Agree with Dan, you don't have to act on them and you're doing more than well on this quest!
One piece of advice (gotta take it from this cabbage head lol)...don't carry more cash than you need for the day..unless journey to Primark is planned 🙂
If you not proud of yourself, i am proud of you for doing anything you can to beat the devil today (this hour) keep it up and don't f****n give up on us! (Not shouting and no pressure)
HP! 😉
Afternoon Junieeee,
You are very 200 days, now, and well done you for dismissing those thoughts, don't feel disappointed, feel really chuffed because you have WON,
When we dont have them for a while, it can make us feel negative, when they come. but you have your brownie/guides head on, so you were one step ahead. and staying that one step ahead will keep you onthe safe road.
Changes within you have been and are happening every day, becausein this recovery journey we are learning more about ourselves every day, and thst us why our own recovery is quite unique.
Small steps in recovery brings small steps in changes, Do with change as you do with recovery.
I have just looked back on my 198 day, and I was feeling negative that day, for different reasons, but this can be a vulnerable time, but I know you will keep your brownie/guide uniform on at all times, HD.(LOL)
PS you can always clean windows to keep strong and FIT,( Happy Days.) And yea it sure has turned out nice
Afternoon Junieeee,
You are very 200 days, now, and well done you for dismissing those thoughts, don't feel disappointed, feel really chuffed because you have WON,
When we dont have them for a while, it can make us feel negative, when they come. but you have your brownie/guides head on, so you were one step ahead. and staying that one step ahead will keep you onthe safe road.
Changes within you have been and are happening every day, becausein this recovery journey we are learning more about ourselves every day, and thst us why our own recovery is quite unique.
Small steps in recovery brings small steps in changes, Do with change as you do with recovery.
I have just looked back on my 198 day, and I was feeling negative that day, for different reasons, but this can be a vulnerable time, but I know you will keep your brownie/guide uniform on at all times, HD.(LOL)
PS you can always clean windows to keep strong and FIT,( Happy Days.) And yea it sure has turned out nice
HD means business here posting twice 🙂
Nahh..didn't leave the house yet lol..It's raining! And i just straightened my hair...(ya know, need to get ready for those handsome guys working at the skip lol).
Ok..of i go i guess..
Proud of ya once again and yep..who needs to take my advices lol....
...but just maybe a diving lesson 😉
Later popeye 🙂
HD HD Sandra, Told you I had a basic IPAD, oh how I miss my laptop I dont think)
Anyways girls here is another new one
ROFL that's a good one to keep FIT, might put it on Dans and NTs thread (second thoughts thry might shout at me) HD
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