Hi Mo,
Thanks for your kind words.
Stay positive and keep winning,
Suzanne xx
......and so another week ends....59 days gamble free and getting nearer each day to a brand new year that will be a gamble free one. Still being strong, thankfully urges pushed to back of my mind though I am aware they can creep up and overtake me at any time so I must not be complacent. I think back to my roller coaster year of discovering online gambling and reel (pardon the pun) at the horror of it. Small steps, one day at a time will help me keep to a gamble free path.
On the health front, am amazed at myself being so strong in my healthy lifestyle, I'm more positive than I've been for a long time. Keep strong is my motto.
Hi Mo, thanks for your message, and 59 days is fantastic, keep going and stay strong.
Suzanne xx
.......and so another week goes in....now 71 days gamble free. How good it feels to have money for Xmas, not having to juggle, juggle, lie, lie to myself and cover up the money wasted on online slots. I don't know what's triggered this realisation that it was all such a waste......a waste of time and a complete and utter waste of money. I don't even want to think how much I lost in the periods I gambled over the last year.....no point dwelling as that's when you get urges to chase chase but I know it was a lot. Thank goodness I've come to my senses, not being complacent as got to this point earlier in the year then went down the wrong path again. This time I feel different, I don't want to gamble, throw money into online slots that aren't even real. How naive we are or how skilful the software developers are to draw us in ...well no more. Mr B's 2014 challenge has been a great inspiration too reading how so many others are fighting this addiction. We can do this, small step one day at a time. I have not gambled today and will not gamble tomorrow. Keep strong.
Hi. Mo
What a lovely positive and strong post to read, well done on 71 days of winning.
Suzanne xx
......and now 75 days gamble free........still healthy eating both of which are helping me cope on a daily basis. I've been in a very dark place over the last year due to health issues and I realise now I sought solace in online slots during the hours I could not sleep, getting drawn back in chasing, chasing but always in the end losing. Now due to positive changes on the healthy eating I have made life a bit easier to cope with. Last weekend was a huge test for me with issues from my OH that before would have resulted in me throwing money down the online slots.....no more.....I have not gambled today and will not gamble tomorrow. Be strong everyone.
Hi Mo,
Lovely post to read and you definitely sound in a good place. May long it continue, ups and downs in this journey can be challenging at a times, but you navigated safely through them for the past 75 days; that just shows that we are in control and can make healthy decisions going forward.
Well done and be proud.
Sandra x
Hi Diary
First post this year, new year resolution - have a full year gamble free. Steps taken to achieve this - joined 2015 challenge and reset days to 1 on 1st Jan as want to start afresh and not relapse. Also in a positive mindset. Continue healthy lifestyle change.
Am GF this year and aim to continue that each day, small steps one day at a time.
Hi Diary
Day 17 of this New Year, new beginnings, gamble free brings with it an air of positivity. Still healthy living so all in, albeit one day at a time a good start to the year and a gamble free one at that.
Well done Mo. You and me both GF for 2015. Staying strong:)
Hi Diary, one month down, 11 to go to be GF in 2015. Still being positive, healthy living is making a difference to me.
Hi Mo,
Nice positive post to read, well done on not having gambled this year, it's a good feeling to keep going forward with.
Have a good Sunday,
Suzanne xx
Hi Diary, jan GF, Feb first two weeks GF, positive mindset seems to have got thoughts of online slots from my head though know you can't be complacent as urges can creep up in a second BUT for now cruising along without much thought to gambling.....what a relief. Can't wait to 28th Feb then 2 months clear this year....aim clean in 2015 and never, ever, ever to be drawn into online slots again. Small steps one day at a time keep me strong.
Hi Mo,
Well done on staying gamble free, and pleased to read you are cruising at this time, soooo positive for you.
suzanne xx
Jan вњ”пёЏ
Feb вњ”пёЏ
Mar вњ”пёЏ
May ......one day at a time then that вњ”пёЏ will appear.
Positive lifestle, lost weight not £'s in slots YAASSS
Affected by gambling?
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