My first diary!

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Hay you , what's this me telling you to look at the positives. Not sure about this role reversal thing

I am not queen of knowledge here , but as the fairy of the manor , I do have a flutter around everyone diary and have noticed a lot of people are feeling like you are. Now where it is the anti climax due the end of jubilee , I am not sure. Lol

I think that we all go through this, we focus sooooo hard on not gambling at first , it gives us something to sing and dance about, but eventually all the singing and dancing wears a bit thin ( bit like my jokes) and so you think what's next, I fought so hard to beat this, is this it. Eventually life evens out and you come out the other side feeling better and stronger for it. Maybe just maybe it is the body and minds way of having a rest, cause I know mine needed it all the stress I caused whilst gambling.

I wish you well my friend,

Take care

Dusty xxxxxxx

Posted : 7th June 2012 10:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

Thanks for your post on mine

Sorry your feeling out of sorts but I think it part of the journey , roller coaster comes to mind and I believe it can continue like it for a while

Most have issues which need to be addressed to move on to the next stage , we can never let our guard down as we will always be cg's but we can not have to think every minute of the day about gambling and start to enjoy life again

I hope the cloud passes quickly for you Flagg

Keep strong


Posted : 8th June 2012 12:58 am
Posts: 0
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Good Day Diary,

Day 61 - Well last night was great, really good GA meeting it was a slightly smaller group than is often the case and by the end a few people commented on how much they had got out of the meeting, the 2 hours really flew by! Much like many of my compadres on this site the general advice for myself was maintain your day at a time philosophy! I guess there will be really good days and pretty awful days that's life isn't it!

My concern really is some of the underlying things! Today for instance I'm not particularly sad or moody infact id say I'm in a perfectly pleasant mood today which Is always confirmed by the cleaner saying I look miserable lol! I don't envisage any problems today it's Friday and I can smile but, do I feel motivated? No!! Do I feel less lethargic, No! It's quite a strange concept to *****, I'm effectively saying my mood has no direct bearing on my productivity! Imagine a mathematician trying to calculate that one!

I guess really like many have said I just need to be patient and address things at my pace! Today I should be pleased that my mood is bright and I won't be gambling!

Day 61 - Baby Steps!

Posted : 8th June 2012 9:46 am
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Day 62 - Short and sweet today doing something I struggle with for most of day Socialising! Taking up most of my concentration and effort to succeed! Positive side no gambling and no opportunity to either!

I guess days like this I should revel in as it's just a pretty normal day didn't have too many of this as a gambler!

Happy Saturday all!

Day 62 - Not being anti social

Posted : 9th June 2012 12:51 pm
Posts: 0

Any day that we make the right choice and not gamble can be defined as a normal day.

There are plenty of normal days ahead for us and that can only be a very good thing.

Very sad to see a certain word asterisked out in your recent post, if you "psarg" my meaning.


Posted : 9th June 2012 12:53 pm
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Afternoon Diary,

Day 63 - NT pointed out a word in one of my recent posts had been asterisked out having re-read I can't remember the word but I'm pretty certain it wasn't offensive so I'm a bit disappointed by it! Oh well I'm sure more admin checks are better than few!

So, day 63 today by my reckoning that's 9 weeks today! I'm having a day whereby I fancy reminding myself of my progress as sometimes it's a bit difficult working in days, you always want to be a bit further on than you actually are! This site continues to be a real point of strength for me and being here has helped beyond recognition really! I continue to really take pleasure in reading the diaries of others and revel in the success of others as well as myself!

When I stopped gambling, well actually just prior to stopping I actually set up repayment plans with all my creditors in an attempt to get on top of all

My debts! I'm really pleased that I have managed to stick to these repayments thus far!

Now I am a few weeks in to my recovery I feel it's time to Begin looking at these debts and see what he'll

Is available! I'm currently in the process of setting up a payment plan where I make one payment and then all

My creditors get paid! Currently it looks as tho this will benefit me in the long term giving me a little extra cash each month but still means I'm paying all my debts which is quite important to me!

Really hoping this part works out for me! I guess I hadn't really got this as my next step in my recovery but then again I am seeing it as a positive that I am making at least A step which is more than I have done recently! My recent and current malaise is quite annoying to me but I can't find any way currently out of it so any progress I make is seen as an absolute positive no matter how big or small!

Today I have rambled but sometimes I have to remember its a diary and it doesn't matter if I do that as I'm just Saying whats on my mind! If others read it and comment that's just an added bonus! If you do read today I both thank you and applaud you for reaching the end! I'm not even going to proof read before posting today as I was just typing as I thought!

Day 63 - Thinking/Typing on the move

Posted : 10th June 2012 2:06 pm
Posts: 298

Hi Flagg,

It's good to hear that you are regaining control of your finances and I hope the plan works for you. I spent a few weeks, and still spending a little, doing my ostriche impression. I decided stopping gambling was the first port of call and I am now in the process of coming to terms with the debt I have and regaining some control over my money. I haven't answered the phone to some of them, but I have decided that the longer I can hold out the more likely they will offer some sort of compromise. It seems that the worse position you are in.. the more they are willing to compromise.

It felt good to not be in the red last month with my new bank account... and I have decided to pick off one debt at a time, releasing money for the others as I pay them off. Some may not be happy about this... but.. I am in control.... something I have never been really...

So.. once again.. congratulations on taking back control.


Posted : 10th June 2012 2:16 pm
Posts: 0

It wasn't an offensive word at all. Just look at my last post and spell my word in quotation marks backwards. This is just the name of another website who is full of people trying their hardest to make more people aware of what gambling will do to people.

It seems that the people on here does not want us to know about that particular website which I think is a real shame. Perhaps they have ulterior motives...?

Just thought that you would like to know as there was nothing wrong with the word that you typed in at all.


Posted : 10th June 2012 2:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

U r doing brilliant, u should be sooo proud of urself 🙂

It's good that u have a plan 4 ur debts, I hope it works out 4 u.

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 10th June 2012 6:11 pm
Posts: 0

strange as it sounds the way i have found to not gambling for two months with online gambling was to get rid of my debit card and get a basic bank card. so long as i have this in place i cannot add to the problem.

Posted : 10th June 2012 6:33 pm
Posts: 0


Great to see you doing well. Nine weeks is amazing and I hope you are experiencing all the benefits of a new and happy life.

Happy to see you are setting out a payment plan for your debts. Make sure you give yourself some freedom for the things we don't forsee. Forecasting payment plans is great but sometimes us CG's can make them too rigid.

I don't always respond but I love reading your updates. Great to see people doing well.


Posted : 10th June 2012 8:24 pm
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Morning Diary,

Day 64 - Many thanks to all those who posted over the weekend! Tomso, always good to hear from

You mate!

Good weekend all in all and this morning I've come into work and booked off next week! Time off is long long overdue and I'm Hoping it will be the break I need to just gather myself for a big push in life! I wrote to Castle last night about the importance of not doing too much too soon so I really need to heed my own advice!

This week then I will attempt to be positive as I now have something to look forward to! There's no need to be disheartened or down as I have a rest and recuperation session awaiting!

Day 64 - The Happy Monday

Posted : 11th June 2012 8:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi flagg

It seems that there is a wave of emotions that goes around, last week I was heavy and so were a few guys here, this week I am posistiveand it looks like it might e hoing round, hope it is and everyone has a strong week, new and old,



Posted : 11th June 2012 8:35 am
Posts: 0

HI Flagg,

It always keeps me going when i know that a holiday from work is on the horizon, I hope this week is kind to you, day 64 and still going strong.

Well done flagg your always a tower of strength on here to everyone.

Blondie day 49

Posted : 11th June 2012 9:40 am
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

You seem back yo your chuppy self . Thank goodness.

So agree that we can not solve our life problems all at once, and sometimes we need to stop to catch our breath.

Not do good at doing that myself, but I am happy enough this week , with the other half away, I have the house to myself and loving every minute it.

I will start your countdown, by the time you read this spect you will have finished for the day. And that you have the weekend off. 1/5

Dunc is blaming me being off for the weather, but you should be ok I am due back next week lol

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 11th June 2012 4:54 pm
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