My first diary!

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Hello Diary,

Day 65 - Days like today I realise the forthcoming week off is much needed because I am lethargic today absolutely no get up and go whatsoever! Nothing wrong with my mood at all perfectly pleasant but beyond that I don't want to do a fat lot! I'm pinning all

My hopes on this week off which might not be the most sensible thing but really hoping the rest does me the world of good!

This week we have a promoting health week at work so tomorrow and Thursday I'll be walking to work and running home, I'm also hoping this kick starts my willingness to run!

So, that's my life currently, the positive is as I very often say there is no gambling and I have not had

Any urge recently!

Day 65 - Counting down!

Posted : 12th June 2012 10:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg mate,

Firstly well done on 65 days being bet free, you seem to be in a comfortable position and have no desire to bet, which is brilliant.

I know how you feel about not wanting to do a lot. I had last week off and yesterday and today, I have so far done nothing at all. I too feel sluggish, working from home doesn't help. Ride the week out and hopefully the rest next week, will do you good. Bummer work isn't it!!! lol

Take care bud.


Posted : 12th June 2012 11:27 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

I think this is where we have to fake it til we make it. Not sure if it's the weather or what but we have to somehow take control and responsibility for our motivation and not wait for the sun to shine, easier said than done but I for one need to get up and deal with stuff, good luck to you all,


Posted : 12th June 2012 11:35 am
Posts: 0

Hello Flagg my friend and supporter.

Thank you so much for your post, As i said i couldnt of done it without people like you who had the experience for new people like me when i first came on this site. I read read and read some more everyones diarys and i could see hope and i could see there was a way out of the nightmare that was my life, and the competative person in me said i want that, i can do that as well, and what ever it was/is that is driving me forward, i have no intention of stopping now.

I think the week off will do you the world of good, i know when i need sometime off as i just go into Robot mode, go through the motions with no emotion. re-charge that energy and feed the soul with whatever pops your cork so to speak lol.

Thanks once again flagg, I could never express how much i appreciate your support.

Blondie day 50 X

Posted : 12th June 2012 12:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

65 days , wow they are really mounting up for you now 🙂

Tired, hey we all need a rest and time off occasionally, we are not super human and this recovery journey can really take it out of us, mental strain does lead to physical tiredness, it's just our body saying 'Take a break' !

So if you get a chance, have a chill, do nothing , and just try to relax (easier said than done, i've been unable to sleep properly for months and only just starting to get more well needed rest)

So Flagg, be proud of what you are achieving, be proud for all the support you give to me and others cause it really helps in our recovery!

Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy 🙂

Hangover just about gone but oh it's friday soon

Posted : 12th June 2012 5:25 pm
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Good Day to you,

Day 66 - Weird! That probably sums me up at the moment! Yesterday morning I was perfectly fine but didn't want to lift a finger, last night I was miserable as sin but fairly energetic! There's no rhyme or reason to how I feel it's just purely random and can change very quickly!

This morning I managed the 3 mile walk to work as part of our health week! I will be running home at 5 today and tomo repeating the same to achieve my 10 mile pledge which will actually be 12 by the time I've collapsed into my house tomo evening!

In other news I am now just 3 days away from the week off!

Have a good day all,

Day 66 - Weird!

Posted : 13th June 2012 10:26 am
Posts: 0

HI Flagg,

Well done on the 3 miles and 12 mile run home, that should get the old endorphines racing round the body.

Sounds like your in desperate need of a break and you dont have long to wait, hope the next few days are kind to you and that you have something nice planned for your break.

Take care flagg.

Blondie day 51

Posted : 13th June 2012 1:43 pm
Posts: 0

Yes well done Flagg on getting this far, remember your first post when you said you were finding it really hard to give up gambling. Well look at you now, 60 odd days into it and still going strong. Couldn't you park up just round the corner from work and stroll in looking tired? That's what I'd do. Anyway take care and keep strong, Steve.

Posted : 13th June 2012 3:18 pm
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Hi Diary,

Day 67 - Yesterday was really positive, I walked to work and ran the 3 miles home! There was a time a couple of years ago where 3 miles was nothing id do that and more daily but I've had a real issue with doing anything lately let alone running!

Tonight is 9 weeks at GA like I've said before its prob not for everyone but I find it really helpful and I do look forward to my meetings! In other news the US open golf starts today so looking forward to the next 4 days! Oh and I might have mentioned I have a week off coming up 2 days to go!!

Day 67 - Thursday Happy!

Posted : 14th June 2012 9:17 am
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

By the time you read this,

It will only be ONE

Enjoy the golf, Enjoy your week off,

Dusty xxxx

Posted : 14th June 2012 9:25 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

I couldnt agree more with your post on my diary, your so right, i love this site and G.A for those "LIght bulb" moments you get normally from other people or something you can relate to. Its like your hearing it for the first time, I realise now the flat is ok its all part of the journey maybe and I also know that because ive put my mind and body through such tremedous highs and lows its my addication craving it and not knowing what to do when i get a flat bit.

Thanks for that Flagg, another "Light bulb moment to re-programme the brain.

Blondie day 52

Posted : 14th June 2012 11:52 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

Thanks for your words on my diary , it made sense about not gambling and being busy so then becoming tired etc

Hope tonight's meeting goes well and that the run home did not pull anything lol lol

Your keeping really strong Flagg and its so good to see

I will have to have a drink for you in celebration lol lol another excuse !

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 14th June 2012 7:50 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Morning,

Day 68 - It's here the last day of the week oh and I might have mentioned this week my last day for a whole week :)! Added to this really happy day is the fact yesterday wasnt too shabby either! All in all a bright end to the week and I'm hoping it marks the beginning of a much happier time! I'm a bit fed up of being down and not knowing what mood I'll be in from

Day to day!

I won't say much more today hoping to stay positive!

Day 68 - Holidays are Coming

Posted : 15th June 2012 10:23 am
Posts: 0

Way done on 68 days mate and have a good week off won't you. Where are you going?

I like you am in a different mood one day to the next, this week I have mainly been lazy and in one of those, can't be arsed to work moods lol, take me on holiday with you.... Please!!! 🙂



Posted : 15th June 2012 3:55 pm
Posts: 0


Yipeeeeeeee holiday time.

Get out you speedos, suntan lotion , sombrero ( plus anything else that begins with S) and head for the nearest beach. Just don't head down my way (Littlehampton ) cause the weather is cr** .

Failing that pick up the new Peter James book , snuggle up on the couch chocy biscuits at the ready and chillaxe.

Joking aside have a great week, watch out for that little voice that says , your on holiday , it's me time , you deserve a treat,you've worked soooooo hard , a £10 won't do any harm. Well swat that thought away with what ever is close at hand .

Take care, have a good one ,

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 16th June 2012 9:51 am
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