My first diary!

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Hello Fine World,

Day 69 - I won't make any smart comment about the number although that would usually be my style. I don't want my post being edited by admin :).

Thanks for the messages Andy and Dusty I will be heading round the diaries over the weekend checking in to see how everyone is doing.

The weekend is here and break time is here no work for me now until next Friday. I am returning to work Friday which is a little crazy but it's for something quite specific and important hopefully leading to progression down the line so I won't complain.

My mood is good today not sure why as I am in the dog house this morning. I stayed up until 2.30 watching the golf and then I informed the OH I will be doing something similar for the next 2 nights. The phrase lead balloon springs to mind. However, the golf is interesting and the mood will pass lol!

No Gambling urges which is great especially as pretty much everyone at work yesterday was talking about a 'tip' on the horses. I couldn't really distance myself from it as it really was everyone going on about it. However, despite having all the info, at the time of said race I was in Morrisons doing the shopping.

The spooky thing is not many of the guys at work gamble on the horses, footy yes but not horses plus yesterday was the first time for quite some time I had access to my debit card as I was doing the shopping. All those things combined it does make you wonder sometimes but on the other hand it may just be total coincidence. Anyway, I ramble a bit the end result was I didn't gamble, I did the shopping and cooked the dinner.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day despite the weather.

Day 69 - In the dog house!

Posted : 16th June 2012 10:17 am
Posts: 0

Second Good Morning of the day.

Well good on ya. Like to think of recovery as ledges , sure I have bored you with that one lol

But you climbed up to the next one yesterday. Having you bank card, horsey tip , and the start of your holiday, and did not succumb . Bloody well done.

Enjoy your golf , hope she let's you out of the dog house soon and that your dinner has not been replaced with chum

Dusty xxxxx

Posted : 16th June 2012 10:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Just popping in 2 say u r doing brilliant 🙂

I hope u enjoy ur week off, u deserve it!

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 16th June 2012 11:28 am
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Day 70 - Not much to report today. I am a little fatigued up until stupid O clock watching the golf. Last day today so hopefully return to normal sleeping pattern tomo night unless it goes to a Monday playoff.

Had a bit of an urge yesterday to watch the racing think that was a bi-product of Friday's incident but I just worked through it literally actually because I did the housework.

Hope everyone has a good sunday, I know I need to visit a few diaries and I will catch up very soon! Until then 10 weeks No Bet!!

Day 70 - 10 Weeks ago I was very different!

Posted : 17th June 2012 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

70 is a great number.

Par 70 (or 1 or 2 under depending on the course)

70 not out is a brilliant cricket score

70 points in the football season with a month to go

And of course, 70 days for you!

Keep it up!


Posted : 17th June 2012 12:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur support on my diary 🙂

Ur posts always make me think and see the positives so thanks 🙂

U r doing brilliant, u should be sooo proud of urself!

The last bit of ur post on my diary made me laugh 🙂

Have a gr8 wk off, u deserve it!

Hope u r having a gr8 day!

Stay strong and keep going ..... lol 🙂

Posted : 17th June 2012 4:39 pm
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Hi Diary,

Day 71 - First day of my 4 days off from work. Been a busy one for various reasons but now just having an afternoon relaxing. Hoping to have at least one day where there is nothing to do.

No gambling thoughts or urges today nice to have that "routine" back after the weekend. Nothing more to report sometimes I think that's not a bad thing. Just keep ticking off the days one day at a time.

Day 71 - Relaxed (Almost)

Posted : 18th June 2012 2:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thank you for your post, Your holiday is finally here, how good does that feel, enjoy your time off.

Blondie day 56

Posted : 18th June 2012 2:45 pm
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Hello Diary,

Day 72 - feeling good today no work just ambling around doing things in my own time! Wouldn't it be great if life was always like this! Holiday home in the sun or retirement home in the sun that's the way to go I feel! The only way that would be remotely possible though is to remain gamble free! So, that's the life plan but just for today it will be no bet!

Day 72 - Ambling!

Posted : 19th June 2012 10:25 am
Posts: 0


Thank you for your post, and I am in total agreement with it all. So that's once again shows we are reading off the same page, as far as recovery is concernered, although mine has to be in large print lol

Good to hear your out of the dog house, golf finished ?

Or are you creeping around late at night , watching with the telly on mute.

Do you play golf yourself , have you managed to organise a game yourself this week? Be nice weather for it.

Anyways enough waffling from me,

Carry on Ambling ( sounds like a good name for a film )

Dusty xxxxx

Posted : 19th June 2012 10:56 am
Posts: 4422


Fella I am just dropping by to say I hope your few days of r&r keep being enjoyed my friend you certainly earnt it.

Wondering were ambling will lead to lol....

I thought meandering is an option.

Keep making that choice fella and keep enjoying.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 19th June 2012 3:50 pm
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Good Morning,

Day 73 - Wednesday already! How many times in life have we wished a day away? When we are young we want that chemistry lesson to finish, we want Friday or we want our next birthday! When we are older we want the weekend, we want a holiday, actually we always Want don't we!! Today I want! I want life to slow down a little! I'm still the right side of 30 and I want to know that there's still plenty of life left, time to do things, to achieve things, to be happy! I've wasted so much time these last few years, and I don't want to waste anymore but, I want it to be slower I want to discover, I have no idea what makes me happy and I'm finding there's isn't a great deal of time to make discoveries! Our day at a time existence as a CG works in recovery but as a life plan? Next year I want to gamble, I know I can't and one day at a time I get through next year I really believe that! Sometimes however, I want to think beyond today and currently life doesn't allow that! The middle ground is a B*****r to find!

Maybe life is gone, maybe it's still to come, maybe I spend too much time thinking about it, mayb I don't think enough! One thing is for certain just for today I won't gamble! Tomorrow maybe!!

Day 73 - Maybe!

Posted : 20th June 2012 12:07 pm
Posts: 0



As today can never be tomorrow , the day you bet next will never come.

( if I am stating the obvious , sosssss as my kids say , maybe this fairy is a bit slow on the up take some times)

Enjoy the rest of your hols.


Posted : 20th June 2012 1:00 pm
Posts: 0

HI Flagg,

I can relate to your post again, I beat myself up because i wish the days away all the time to friday when my boyfriend comes home, I know i do it and im trying to work on just enjoying the days for what they are, I found myself thinking yesterday about the next few months as i need to start making plans for my mum to move in, I take my gambling "Just for today" i dont think theres anything wrong with having plans and dreams and hopes for the future, its what keeps me going.

Dont dwell to deeply on it answers will come they always do. Enjoy the rest of your week off.

Blondie 🙂

Posted : 20th June 2012 2:01 pm
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Day 74 - Not sure where I was yesterday, all over the place is prob the most accurate description. Thanks Dusty and Blondie for the responses always appreciated!

Last day of my break today so just doing as little as possible. Back to work tomo not really refreshed. Should have gone away really. Hindsight what a wonderfully annoying thing you are.

Hope everyone has a pleasant bet free day!

Day 74 - Holiday End

Posted : 21st June 2012 12:21 pm
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