Good Morning Diary,
Day 99 - Another weekend passes not feeling downbeat about it tho as the next one will arrive before we can blink! Really starting to appreciate the weekends tend to have plenty to do and they fly by! Yesterday afternoon was nice got to watch a DVD and then cook at my leisure nowhere to go, nothing to do, it was really good! In the past I would always want nothing to do so I could gamble but yday that thought I can honestly say never once crossed my mind!
Managed to run yesterday too I setup my 12 week running plan and on day 1 I conquered! Like I said yday I'm pretty good when there's a plan In place I like structure even if It sometimes appears I live a ragged life!
On with my monday!
Day 99 - No red balloons (What a rubbish song that was)
Good morning,
You sound upbeat and dare I say content.
Sorry I missed our date yesterday but no fear tomorrow sounds like a better day anyways.
Your virtual treat is sorted , extra couple of pounds going into the Barcelona fund. Probs a little run to continue on your new found move your life forward plan. So it looks like you have picked up pace in your recovery.
Good for you, the old saying where there's a will there's a way, comes to mind.
Take care my friend,
Shiny xxxxxxxx
Hi Flagg, just joined your challenge thread and thought I'd also pop in to thank you for your support on my thread. I'm not a take that fan either but your post was certainly much appreciated. 😉
Huge congrats on 99 days - I actually have that track on record somewhere, Nena I think it was. Oh the shame lol!!
hiya Flagg...
had to delete as I was busy tapping away on your 90 day thread by accident...good idea too and lots of people joining in....
Thanks for chance of me getting a sugar daddy but did have a lovely lunch with one of my ex retailers old enough to be his daughter...
I have seen that film...,"Holiday" guys all say you don't watch chick flicks but then you do really ..from behind the newspaper or pretending to be asleep in the chair...
I love her little cottage in that dream house..
it's true I am on a good level field and in a stable place....and yes I now have re joined the ranks and can say publicly...I am in a couple.
Your doing great Flagg...and yes predictably im going to say keep flying the Flagg
take care
Rach and Doo xx
HI Flagg,
day 99 wooo hooooo... Its only fair that you get a telegrame tomorrow on your 100 days just like the steg did.. I shall get my thinking cap on tonight...
Excited about the 90 day thread well done on setting it up flagg, hopefully it will keep lots of people focused and gives us all something to aim for.
Your weekend sounds perfect and couldnt agree more blink and there here again.
Enjoy your evening flagg.
Blondie x
Welcome to the 100 club Flagg, I've been expecting you. Congratulations, many have tried, few have succeeded. Enjoy your success.
Steve, leading the merry way.
Hi Flagg
Whoo hooo...You've reached a 100! telegram from the queen but even better...all your GC cyber friends cheering you on to your leg....
Keep flying Flagg..........
Have a great day
Rach and Doo xx,,your fans from supporters side.
Good Morning Diary,
Day 100 - Thanks everyone for the messages! I personally didn't give the 100 days much thought but I must admit it looks good written down. I also suggest its a little reminder of how far I've come, on day 1 I'd have been more than happy to reach day 3 so I feel proud of my achievement to date!
Feel a bit rubbish in that I don't have a great deal to say today no huge 100 day speech, no great philosophy, just happy to be here and moving on to the next day, fast forward 83 days and I've hit half a year my next target and milestone! I hope to see you all there!
Day 100 - Looks good written down!
Well done mate. 100 days is great going. I can't wait to be in the treble figure club. Great achievement. Keep it up and keep leading the way for others.
Hi Flagg, thank u 4 all ur support on my diary 🙂
Well done on 100 days gamble free 🙂
U r doing brilliant, I never doubted that u would reach 100 days, ur determination and positivity shines thru 🙂
I hope u have a gr8 day 🙂
Stay strong and keep going x
Well done Flagg on the big 100! Your an inspiration for all of us here! Keep up the good work! C u on fri with ur other thread.
Whoop whoop Flag goes centurian!!!!!!
Dont know if you are at all chauvanisti.....but if even a tiny bit of you is you gotta check my last thread out about runnIng out of petrol....LMAO
Womble xx
Happy 100, once again Flagg, just been out and got you this cool card......
An ode to flagg.
Oh dearest flagg
You are a starr
100 days , Youve come so far
You have taken each day in your stride
Persevered, commited and didnt hide.
With courage and grace you have come so far
One day at a time, you took it slow
You learned, you changed, and your soul did grow
So my message to you is a simple one
Well done my friend.
Heres to 101.
Well done flagg on 100 NOT OUT.
Hears to the next.
Blondie xxx
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